From Bud Light to Nike, Brands Are Facing Conservative Backlash for Featuring Trans

Only conservatives think corporations, who cater to the public, only recently started paying attention to their target market, current and future, and did not try to pander them.

It is astoundingly stupid to think this is new or novel.

i once did a very quick breakdown to a guy complaining about all Hollywood movies being 'woke' and why he was 'refusing to go to movies' any more. he was, of course, a white male.

~99% of Hollywood movies throughout the history of Hollywood have been 'woke' but that wokeness was directly mainly at white males as the main buyers. You can see that in any scan of historical movies, no matter how you choose to sift them. Start with the quantity of roles going to white men, including them playing POC. Add to that, how even if dumpy, they mostly had a hot, eye cady wife. that is to play to the ego of white males.

Then go on to the White Saviours roles. they are dropped into the uncivilized (Damon in China, Costner, Natives, Daniel Day Lewis, Natives, etc), to 'save the savages'. And on and on and on.

White males do not recognize they were being pandered to as it is hard to see it when that is your norm. But as soon as another group gets that same benefit, even marginally, they scream 'woke' and get offended.

The person i was talking to said 'ya but it is all woke now' and I made an Av and Sig bet with him over it and won when we pulled up a list of every single movie released that year and looked at all the Lead and Co lead actors and it was STILL 90% white males.

So the 'woke' that offended him was the 10% women and POC. that change from the prior 1% is something he could not deal with. BUt Hollywood always looks out at their audience and panders. More POC buying. They will get more. More Chinese buying. They will get more.

Sorry to the white males who are offended by that, as they think 'ONLY I SHOULD BE PANDERED TO', but the corporations will always follow the money trends, short and long term.

Go woke, go broke. It's already happening.
I think that last sentence illustrates just what is going on, and why it will fail. People are sick to death of the division, bigotry, hate that the RW promotes.
In particular young ppl are far more accepting and open-minded, and are turned off by that rhetoric. They understand that accepting that LGBTQ ppl pose no threat to themselves or to children, and they know that merely being who you are is not shoving some agenda down someone's throat.

We should set up a poll here. I bet you very few, if any, of these Jethros hopping up and down and screeching about trans ppl even know one in real life. (I'd also bet that if there are any trans ppl in their family or circle, they are aware of the bigotry and keep quiet.) But to hear the Reichwingers on this forum and other social media venues talk, they're as common and in-your-face as the Hare Krishnas used to be at airports.

Hate, division, bigotry. You just described yourself.
I wonder if whoever was responsible for this was fired? I'd have "canned" his ass.

Responsible for what?

What amazes me is how many pussified Bud Light drinkers are on JPP. Real men don't drink "light" beer yet almost every JPP Trumper admits they do. Same for Kid Rock.

Responsible for what?

What amazes me is how many pussified Bud Light drinkers are on JPP. Real men don't drink "light" beer yet almost every JPP Trumper admits they do. Same for Kid Rock.


The last beer I drank was Molson Golden. That was 16 years ago.
The last beer I drank was Molson Golden. That was 16 years ago.

Then why does Bud Light marketing bother you so much? The only reason I know about this is because of the pussified Bud Light drinkers on JPP.

Who the fuck goes around checking the marketing of products they never use?
Then why does Bud Light marketing bother you so much? The only reason I know about this is because of the pussified Bud Light drinkers on JPP.

Who the fuck goes around checking the marketing of products they never use?

The stupidity of it all. Putting a tranny on the face of any beer can (or any product) would cause backlash. Cope.
The stupidity of it all. Putting a tranny on the face of any beer can (or any product) would cause backlash. Cope.
Cope? Arbie, you're the one shitting yourself over marketing of a product you claim you don't use.

Be honest; you're really a Bud Light drinker and are embarrassed to be holding a can with a tranny on it. Amirite, son?
