From Facebook today

Some old Russian jokes:

1 - A worker standing in a liquor line says, “I have had enough, save my place, I am going to shoot Gorbachev.” Two hours later he returns to claim his place in line. His friends ask, “Did you get him?” “No,” he replied. “The line there was even longer than the line here.”

2 - Q: What’s the difference between Gorbachev and Dubcek*?
A: Nothing, but Gorbachev doesn’t know it yet.

3 - Sentence from a schoolboy’s weekly composition class essay:
“My cat just had seven kittens. They are all communists.”
Sentence from the same boy’s composition the following week:
“My cat’s seven kittens are all capitalists.”
Teacher reminds the boy that the previous week he had said the kittens were communists.
“But now they’ve opened their eyes,” replies the child.

4 - A Chukchi (a tribe of Eskimo-like people on Russia’s northwest coast) is asked what he would do if the Soviet borders were opened.
“I’d climb the highest tree,” he replies.
Asked why, he responds:
“So I wouldn’t get trampled in the stampede out!”
Then he is asked what he would do if the U.S. border is opened.
“I’d climb the highest tree,” he says, “so I can see the first person crazy enough to come here.”

5 - A joke heard in Arkhangelsk has it that someone happened to call the KGB headquarters just after a major fire.
“We cannot do anything. The KGB has just burned down!” he was told.
Five minutes later, he called back and was told again the KGB had burned.
When he called a third time, the telephone operator recognized his voice and asked “why do you keep calling back?
I just told you the KGB has burned down.” “I know,” the man said. “I just like to hear it.”

6 - A train bearing Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev stops suddenly when the tracks run out.
Each leader applies his own, unique solution.
Lenin gathers workers and peasants from miles around and exhorts them to build more track.
Stalin shoots the train crew when the train still doesn’t move.
Khrushchev rehabilitates the dead crew and orders the tracks behind the train ripped up and relaid in front.
Brezhnev pulls down the curtains and rocks back and forth, pretending the train is moving.
And Gorbachev calls a rally in front of the locomotive, where he leads a chant: “No tracks! No tracks! No tracks!”

7 - Ivanov: Give me an example of perestroika*.
Sidorov: (Thinks) How about menopause?

8 - An old lady goes to the Gorispolkom* with a question, but by the time she gets to the official’s office she has forgotten the purpose of her visit.
“Was it about your pension?” the official asks.
“No, I get 20 Rubles a month, that’s fine,” she replies.
“About your apartment?” “No, I live with three people in one room of a communal apartment, I’m fine,” she replies.
She suddenly remembers: “Who invented Communism? –– the Communists or scientists?”
The official responds proudly, “Why the Communists of course!”
“That’s what I thought,” the babushka** says.
“If the scientists had invented it, they would have tested it first on dogs!”

9 - An American tells a Russian that the United States is so free he can stand in front of the White House and yell “To hell with Ronald Reagan.”
The Russian replies: “That’s nothing. I can stand in front of the Kremlin and yell, ‘to hell with Ronald Reagan’ too.”

10 - A man goes into a shop and asks “You don’t have any meat?”
“No,” replies the sales lady. “We don’t have any fish. It’s the store across the street that doesn’t have any meat.”

11 - A man is driving with his wife and small child.
A militiaman pulls them over and makes the man take a breathalyzer test.
“See,” the militiaman says, “you’re drunk.”
The man protests that the breathalyzer must be broken and invites the cop to test his wife.
She also registers as drunk.
Exasperated, the man invites the cop to test his child.
When the child registers drunk as well, the cop shrugs and says “Yes, perhaps it is broken,” and sends them on their way.
Out of earshot the man tells his wife, “See, I told you is wouldn’t hurt to give the kid five grams of vodka.”