From Freedom To Fascism


Worst gambler ever
This is Arron Russo's film about the state of economic affairs and the marriage between big money, the federal reserve, the IRS, and the NWO.

I'm no Asshat, I'm a reasonable man, and this film freaked me out.

Has anyone else here seen it?

I would like to hear from anyone who has seen it. It is truly alarming and disturbing.

You can view it here:

http://www.peter-north. com.

Whoops, actually, here is the real link:
This is Arron Russo's film about the state of economic affairs and the marriage between big money, the federal reserve, the IRS, and the NWO.

I'm no Asshat, I'm a reasonable man, and this film freaked me out.

Has anyone else here seen it?

I would like to hear from anyone who has seen it. It is truly alarming and disturbing.

You can view it here:

http://www.peter-north. com.

Whoops, actually, here is the real link:

No, I hadn't even heard of it. I'll try and watch it this week though. Things get really bad when you start thinking that asshat might be right, I know, I've been there.
This is Arron Russo's film about the state of economic affairs and the marriage between big money, the federal reserve, the IRS, and the NWO.

I'm no Asshat, I'm a reasonable man, and this film freaked me out.

Has anyone else here seen it?

I would like to hear from anyone who has seen it. It is truly alarming and disturbing.

You can view it here:

http://www.peter-north. com.

Whoops, actually, here is the real link:

I'm reasonable. It's these fucking totalitarian facists that are unreasonable. Did you see that guy sitting there lying and then saying "there is no escape" in yiddish. if you won't believe it right from their own damn mouths then when will you?
Fiat currency systems always lead to totalitarianism, because the only thing keeping up the currency is a military which enforces it as the "currency of the land", the only legal tender.
AHZ I see that some form of globalism is inevitable unless the world goes back to a bunch of isolationalist countries.
You would miss all your electronics and such if we did AHZ.
AHZ I see that some form of globalism is inevitable unless the world goes back to a bunch of isolationalist countries.
You would miss all your electronics and such if we did AHZ.

Some form. Im not against trading between nations, I'm against fiat currency, as a form of statist control, the maniuplation of fiat currency value against other fiat currency value as a tool of social engineering, and I'm against trade with nations which are totalitarian and have no western style freedoms of expression and conduct. We shouldn't force americans to compete with slaves, or anyone to compete with slaves. This trend will guarantee the rollback and eventual elimination of freedom on earth.

Considering these fundamental flaws in the sytem. The globalist system as is needs to be completely redone.

Globalism as implement now is really just the concept that people have no right to say no to shitty sell out deals motivated by the self interest of their leadership.
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Some form. Im not against trading between nations, I'm against fiat currency, as a form of statist control, the maniuplation of fiat currency value against other fiat currency value as a tool of social engineering, and I'm against trade with nations which are totalitarian and have no western style freedoms of expression and conduct. We shouldn't force americans to compete with slaves, or anyone to compete with slaves. This trend will guarantee the rollback and eventual elimination of freedom on earth.

Considering these fundamental flaws in the sytem. The globalist system as is needs to be completely redone.

Globalism is really just the concept that people have no right to say no to shitty sell out deals motivated by the self interest of their leadership.

That is where the republicans (primarially) have led us .
and many of us were eager to be led to fullfill our greed.

I forget did you vote for Bush AHZ ?
Or were you old enough to vote ?
That is where the republicans (primarially) have led us .
and many of us were eager to be led to fullfill our greed.

I forget did you vote for Bush AHZ ?
Or were you old enough to vote ?

So since the republicans got us here, you want to stay so you can keep blaming them, or would you rather undo all this horsecrap? I mean, if you had your 'druthers.
Keep blaming them ? I place blame where blame is due. they were the ringleaders in this debacle. I also thingk the dems that bowed to the chicken little manipulation suck as well. Just not quite as badly as the ringleaders.

did you vote for Bush ? If so you enabled much of the NWO gloabalization mess you are so hot about.
I'm reasonable. It's these fucking totalitarian facists that are unreasonable. Did you see that guy sitting there lying and then saying "there is no escape" in yiddish. if you won't believe it right from their own damn mouths then when will you?

Yes. That was alarming. All this shit is right there on tape. I'm genuinely freaked out.
Yes. That was alarming. All this shit is right there on tape. I'm genuinely freaked out.

Dude, don't freak out. Spread the knowledge. They rely on people being ignorant, or calling them names like "populist" or "protectionist" or "socialist", or "antisemitic". All we're calling for are reasonable policy changes. they are the radicals.
Dude, don't freak out. Spread the knowledge. They rely on people being ignorant, or calling them names like "populist" or "protectionist" or "socialist", or "antisemitic". All we're calling for are reasonable policy changes. they are the radicals.

Well, I'm not freaking out, I am freaked out. I'm not running around in my underwear screaming the end is near, I am alarmed. This film is truly ground breaking in my opinion. It lays it out clearly.

Everyone in this country should watch this film. There IS serious shit to be very alarmed about, that I was completely unaware of until I saw the film.
Well, I'm not freaking out, I am freaked out. I'm not running around in my underwear screaming the end is near, I am alarmed. This film is truly ground breaking in my opinion. It lays it out clearly.

Everyone in this country should watch this film. There IS serious shit to be very alarmed about, that I was completely unaware of until I saw the film.

Yep. We have serious work ahead of us. So pull it together and get on the good foot.