Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
So SF is coming back out of the Bush apologist closet ?
remember this US????
So SF is coming back out of the Bush apologist closet ?
Had the UN done it's job, Bush never would have had to invade! Poor Bush!
Had the UN done it's job, Bush never would have had to invade! Poor Bush!
Gimme a break, SF - you missed the point of the whole post. I'm not saying the UN is perfect, and never did. BUT...if Saddam did not have WMD's, was not a threat, and was contained...
Um...why did we invade again? Where is the 'inevitability'?
There's only one apologist on this thread. Starts with a "Su," ends with an "eak"...
Oh so you want to support my opinion that you are a Bush apologist ?
I thought this thread already proved that
Quit apologizing for the UN's failures. Put the kool-aid down.
LMAO, the 'poor Bush' cracks me up everytime.
Funny, I never said poor Bush.... but lorax the apologist has to make shit up... I simply told him that if his precious UN had done their job, that Bush never would have had the opportunity to fubar this war. Bush chose his course of action to be sure. He made critical mistakes in how this war was handled. But the UN has no one to blame but itself. They could have prevented the monster that is Bush from ever warmongering in Iraq.... if only they had bothered to do their job. But lorax the apologist won't hear of it... will you apologist supreme de la UN?
Funny, I never said poor Bush.... but lorax the apologist has to make shit up... I simply told him that if his precious UN had done their job, that Bush never would have had the opportunity to fubar this war. Bush chose his course of action to be sure. He made critical mistakes in how this war was handled. But the UN has no one to blame but itself. They could have prevented the monster that is Bush from ever warmongering in Iraq.... if only they had bothered to do their job. But lorax the apologist won't hear of it... will you apologist supreme de la UN?
This is a far cry from, "They'll never turn this around and there is no way that the military can do anything more there!" as I had heard for the past year or so.Ummmmm, because the negatives far outweigh the positives. And what you consider positives are merely getting Iraq back on track to when Saddam was in power which further highlights the futility of the war. And when you talk about gaining grounds on Al Queda, that merely pisses us off more because again we're reminded that there was no fcking Al Queda in Iraq before we got there.
Its like going into a china shop, smashing a expensive piece and glueing one or two pieces back together an marveling at your progress. Its ridiculous.
Well said, Darla.
If I had a buck for every time O'Reilly has come out w/..."okay, this is the last chance. Iraq is a disaster, but we owe it to the effort to give it this ONE LAST CHANCE"...
This is a far cry from, "They'll never turn this around and there is no way that the military can do anything more there!" as I had heard for the past year or so.
That there is some sign of a turnaround and a solution that may result in a stability that allows us to leave is a good thing, regardless of why we got there, it is far better than just leaving a morass by moving out immediately.
Well said, Darla.
If I had a buck for every time O'Reilly has come out w/..."okay, this is the last chance. Iraq is a disaster, but we owe it to the effort to give it this ONE LAST CHANCE"...
This is a far cry from, "They'll never turn this around and there is no way that the military can do anything more there!" as I had heard for the past year or so.
That there is some sign of a turnaround and a solution that may result in a stability that allows us to leave is a good thing, regardless of why we got there, it is far better than just leaving a morass by moving out immediately.
I doubt we'll be there that long.Actually, rational people are still saying that.
But let's wait three more years, and, heck, I'll give it 3,000 more white lives, and say, 150,000 more brown ones? And then we'll see where we are.
Again, one positive editorial. Do you really want me to spam the board with the negative news that has come out just this month?
kind of like I wish I had a buck for everytime a UN apologist said they would give it more time and then declared the next day that it was already a failure. another buck for every time some good news came out of Iraq and an apologist immediately dismisses it would also be nice. I could have been retired by now.
Actually, rational people are still saying that.
But let's wait three more years, and, heck, I'll give it 3,000 more white lives, and say, 150,000 more brown ones? And then we'll see where we are.