From the bastion of the left....

Not sure what has happened to SF. Republican desperation I suppose.
And somehow the war is my fault becuause I don't have a plan to end their mess :rolleyes:


1) unlike you, I have never been a Republican... typical of people like yourself... somehow if I disagree with you on the war, I must be a Bush supporter or a Rep. Couldn't be that I simply think you are wrong on your position.

2) I will assume someone else said that the war was your fault, because I obviously did not do so.
We have a fundamental difference of opinion. I see war as a last resort, and something that is necessary only when the security of the United States is threatened.

You acknowledge your support of using our military as a sort of global police force, to be used as an enforcement tool for the UN, against rogue dictators and other brutal world leaders & for a variety of humanitarian causes, often when American security is not even an issue.
We have a fundamental difference of opinion. I see war as a last resort, and something that is necessary only when the security of the United States is threatened.

You acknowledge your support of using our military as a sort of global police force, to be used as an enforcement tool for the UN, against rogue dictators and other brutal world leaders & for a variety of humanitarian causes, often when American security is not even an issue.

I agree that is your position and for the most part mine. I do beleive there are times when diplomacy does not work and intervention is needed.... even when it does not threaten our security directly or indirectly. The one part I would alter a bit, is that I do not believe that we are to be used only when requested by the UN. Because the UN has become a bureaucratic nightmare that is more interested in political grandstanding than in taking action to resolve the problems before them. I know I have said it before, but the Sudan is a perfect example. How long do we stand by and do nothing... simply because it doesn't effect us?
I think there's a box I check on the DL form, where I formally state that I'm a citizen. I don't recall ever having to show a passport or birth certificate.

Medicare and SS are for people over the age of 65. Republicans apparently ammended the law in 2005 to require proof of citizenship, I think you're right about that. I seriously doubt there's any evidence that Mexican seniors are streaming across the border to try to get a SS retirement check.

As for children - I think every child in this country should get health care. Regardless of nationality or status. No child should be denied, for any reason.

That's just me.

Why don't we have to show citizenship papers for 99% of all other taxpayer funded public services? Wouldn't you like to see the fire department ask for proof of citizenship, before helping you?

I would ask that every single conservate on this board answer this question once and for all:


Yes, I am aware but choose to ignore it, it's more convienent.
No, I was not aware, I get my news from only Matt Drudge and he said they were commies.

Thank you.

Wow I have been kicking SF's ass for this long, can you imagine?
Great! Pretty soon things will be only a little worse than we initially invaded. Great post Super. This changes everything.

"we were surprised by the gains we saw and the potential to produce not necessarily “victory” but a sustainable stability that both we and the Iraqis could live with. "

LOL she was so awesome. The best.
I just answered it, you apologist motherfucker. As long as it takes.

Nothing is worse than all of the misery I just listed. And you DO realize that it was reported last week that Al Qaida is just as strong now as in '01, right?

Ohhh a rare motherfucker from Onceler!

I swear, SF always could try the patience of a saint.
Of course every problem does not have a solution. You might have a disease that is not curable, but it is containable. It can kill you, but doesn't have to. There is no way to "solve" a disease like that, if your only idea of a solution is a cure. But you can stop it from hurting you or anyone else.

I will say, that men do tend (not all of them) to believe that every problem does have a solution though. Thus causing many problems between the genders, as written about so memorably in the classic "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

Which, I will bet, you never bothered to read.

LOL Still all true!