Full Moons for Bush

Bush was too busy snorting coke, he didn't have time to fish lip the joint!

Lighten up and have a little fun, that seems to be the trouble with some conservatives, no sense of humor!
That post was packed with humor. It seems that somebody else is lacking...
Damo has a sense of humor............

Bush was too busy snorting coke, he didn't have time to fish lip the joint!

Lighten up and have a little fun, that seems to be the trouble with some conservatives, no sense of humor!

He... like me and all our ilk just get tired of all the fingure pointing...let's see your 'arse' froggie...is it cute or ugly...hows that for humor?...Kinda like y'alls...eh'?:eek:
He... like me and all our ilk just get tired of all the fingure pointing...let's see your 'arse' froggie...is it cute or ugly...hows that for humor?...Kinda like y'alls...eh'?:eek:

I thought it was funny...my arse is very ugly, Stephen King would even faint at the site! :tongout:
That post was packed with humor. It seems that somebody else is lacking...

Yes but, it was humor (and that's overstating it) directed at backing up your original point which was that the protestors were being immature, showing you to be a, sorry but...:fogey:
Yes but, it was humor (and that's overstating it) directed at backing up your original point which was that the protestors were being immature, showing you to be a, sorry but...:fogey:

Yeah, Dam, don't get old before your time! Be a Peter Pan liberal, I won't grow up! If you grow up, you turn into Cheney!

My hubby says this arse is for his eyes only! 32 years now!

Your hubby is right...I willnow exit stage right...but darla is single so what say darla?

side note: Listening to 'Your Man'...Josh Turner This should be a popcorn moment!:corn:
Your hubby is right...I willnow exit stage right...but darla is single so what say darla?

side note: Listening to 'Your Man'...Josh Turner This should be a popcorn moment!:corn:

Darla says you're not seeing her ass. Butt, don't take offense since I only show it to women, how many times do I have to repeat myself? Shoo.
Yeah, Dam, don't get old before your time! Be a Peter Pan liberal, I won't grow up! If you grow up, you turn into Cheney!
I don't need to be Peter Pan to live life fully.

The reason I know the conversation is because I heard it... When a group were going over to moon the principal.


It is meaningless to show a butt. I do like the Australians and their "We're from Canada" with the dude dressed like Osama bin Laden. That was original and funny, but what point were they making?
I know..............

Darla says you're not seeing her ass. Butt, don't take offense since I only show it to women, how many times do I have to repeat myself? Shoo.

but hell ya can't fault a 'Normal' guy for asking...sorry I am just being me...:eek: