Ga ends long lines for voting

You can get an ID from your state without documentation? Hell, that means I can go to your state and claim I am you and then go down and vote as if I was you. I guess the ID doesn't prove anything other than you are an idiot.
you either misread or are being willfully obtuse.
I suspect the later

"they are not so easy to get without (some forms of ) documentation" -better?
I've been saying this for years!

Whatever date the IRS selects to be Tax Deadline day should be the new ELECTION DAY! In other words, move it from April 15th to November 4th.

And voters should select their presidential and Federal Congressional selections on THEIR TAX RETURN.

That way, if you want to vote, you pay your taxes, and you pay them on time, and every taxpayer gets to vote!


Everybody has the choice to vote early- Everybody gets to mail in their ballot- No more standing in line- Every mailbox is a drop off point- AND EVERY TAXPAYER GETS TO VOTE!

This just makes TOO much sense!

There are logical, fair-to-all Democratic, and intelligent ways to do everything! You just have to want to resolve things- instead of looking for some privileged way to suppress the vote.

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SO, you have to have ID in order to get ID. Wow.. that must be so easy for people without ID. An obvious Catch22.
you really need to do some research instead of mouthing off and trying to be cute.

Florida for example needs a social security card and 2 proofs of residence to get a state ID
No, the law specifically says NO person can provide food and water. It allows for a mechanical device to provide water but not for poll workers to do so. Unless the poll workers you are referring to are mechanical they can not provide water and even if they are mechanical they can't provide food.
The law say poll worker can set up self serve water stations. Do you think people are too stupid to serve themselves water that has been provided for them by poll workers. :laugh:
SO, you have to have ID in order to get ID. Wow.. that must be so easy for people without ID. An obvious Catch22.
why should it be easy for people without ID to register......isn't the whole idea to make sure only those who should be voting can vote?......but hey, if 1% of the people have trouble, volunteer to help them instead of pretending its not important that it be done......
you really need to do some research instead of mouthing off and trying to be cute.

Florida for example needs a social security card and 2 proofs of residence to get a state ID

So you need ID to get ID. Thanks for proving it again and again and again. Now you need 3 forms of ID to get ID?
Oh how does everyone get an ID then :laugh: Are you suggesting minorities are too stupid to get an ID. I don't believe it.

I am suggesting that the barriers can be higher for some people to get IDs than other people. When that is the case as it clearly is then you are making it harder for some people to vote.

Can you get your birth certificate for free? (I guarantee you can't get a certified birth certificate from just about any state without paying a fee.) If not, then it costs money to get an ID since that is one of the items needed to get ID. Then we have to assume that the place you were born still has the birth records. Then there are also restrictions on who can get a birth certificate.

In most cases, a request for a birth certificate requires that the form be notarized. Notaries often charge for their services. Then the notary is also required by law to confirm the identity of the person signing the form which usually requires that the present an ID. Unless you are lucky enough to personally know a notary that will notarize for free and since they know you they don't require an ID to prove who you are. But wait. Texas requires you to provide a photocopy of a valid ID before they will provide you with your birth certificate.

I am simply pointing out you are too stupid to know how the process works to get an ID if you don't already have one. If you are adopted in Texas, you will probably have to jump through even more hoops to get your birth certificate unless you are lucky enough to already know who your birth parents are.
I am suggesting that the barriers can be higher for some people to get IDs than other people. When that is the case as it clearly is then you are making it harder for some people to vote.

Can you get your birth certificate for free? (I guarantee you can't get a certified birth certificate from just about any state without paying a fee.) If not, then it costs money to get an ID since that is one of the items needed to get ID. Then we have to assume that the place you were born still has the birth records. Then there are also restrictions on who can get a birth certificate.

In most cases, a request for a birth certificate requires that the form be notarized. Notaries often charge for their services. Then the notary is also required by law to confirm the identity of the person signing the form which usually requires that the present an ID. Unless you are lucky enough to personally know a notary that will notarize for free and since they know you they don't require an ID to prove who you are. But wait. Texas requires you to provide a photocopy of a valid ID before they will provide you with your birth certificate.

I am simply pointing out you are too stupid to know how the process works to get an ID if you don't already have one. If you are adopted in Texas, you will probably have to jump through even more hoops to get your birth certificate unless you are lucky enough to already know who your birth parents are.
black people are too stupid to keep their birth cert or SSA card in a safe place?
such condescending crap.
black people are too stupid to keep their birth cert or SSA card in a safe place?
such condescending crap.

Thanks for playing "Annata is an entitled boor." You win.

It's obvious you have never been poor in your life. Being poor means you move more often. Moving more means things get lost or misplaced more. But don't let your white privilege get you down. Clearly black people must be stupid unlike your privileged assholery.
SO, you have to have ID in order to get ID. Wow.. that must be so easy for people without ID. An obvious Catch22.

Nope. No different than a passport.
You have to show some other form of ID such as a birth certificate. You have to do that for a drivers license in most States as well. Even a bank might ask for this in addition to a driver's license or State issued ID.

Registering to vote is already establishing ID as a legal voter. Requiring voter photo ID is not out of line to require at the polls.