Game of Thrones (Spoilers)

You may have to wait. It seems they will not be leaking episodes. If they're resurrecting the Mountain they damn well better do the Hound too.
They dare not leave Jon Snow dead either.
Guess that's why they need another Melisandra, lots of voodoo to get done.
Haven't seen it. To cheap to get HBO.

you can get "HBONow" which is a streaming service for only 14 bucks a month instead of the full channel subscription which is like 50ish

also if you were a smart millennial you would know of various inlets of water where buccaneers hang out
It cracks me up when people who claim to respect property rights suggest stealing entertainment on torrent sites.
digital copying is a new frontier. it's hard for someone to be able to claim they own a specific way I am allowed to arrange the 1's and 0's on my own harddrive. Additionally usually when you steal something, someone loses something, which is not the case with digital media. It'll be even more complicated once we can 3d print actual functional objects.

However that said I pay for cable, spotify, netflix. I also support the bands I like by going to their live shows. These days the stuff I usually pirate is that which has shitty availability or things I want immediately and am impatient for.
Additionally usually when you steal something, someone loses something, which is not the case with digital media.

It's not? Do the copyright owners lose income when you pirate their intellectual property?

These days the stuff I usually pirate is that which has shitty availability or things I want immediately and am impatient for.

So theft is OK if you're impatient or can't find it easily enough to suit you?
It's not? Do the copyright owners lose income when you pirate their intellectual property?

Not necessarily. Take for example photoshop. 60% of all users of photoshop actually have a pirated copy. You could argue that adobe lost a shit ton of profit, but given the vast majority of pirates probably downloaded photoshop to edit a funny cat picture on a one-off instance, it's unlikely they would have ever paid 600 dollars for it. There is not a 1:1 correlation between what is downloaded and lost revenue. Many people simply never would have bought a product in the first place.

So theft is OK if you're impatient or can't find it easily enough to suit you?

it's not theft. Theft is a criminal issue - no one is criminally charged for downloading media from the internet.

this issue was also appealed to the supreme court 30 years ago:

In his opinion for the majority Justice John Paul Stevens built twin foundations on which today’s consumer rights now rest. First, personal home recording and storage of an entire copyrighted work can be a lawful “fair use” of the work.
Not necessarily. Take for example photoshop. 60% of all users of photoshop actually have a pirated copy. You could argue that adobe lost a shit ton of profit, but given the vast majority of pirates probably downloaded photoshop to edit a funny cat picture on a one-off instance, it's unlikely they would have ever paid 600 dollars for it. There is not a 1:1 correlation between what is downloaded and lost revenue. Many people simply never would have bought a product in the first place.

So stealing a Rolls-Royce would be OK since you wouldn't have purchased one legally?

it's not theft. Theft is a criminal issue - no one is criminally charged for downloading media from the internet.

Are you sure about that?

If you're so confident that it's OK, how come you don't spell out Pirate Bay on Damos' forum?

this issue was also appealed to the supreme court 30 years ago:

Personal home recording and storage of an entire copyrighted work can be a lawful “fair use” of the work. Not illegally circumventing copyright law by downloading from BitTorrent or the other sites that parasite frequent.
So stealing a Rolls-Royce would be OK since you wouldn't have purchased one legally?

No that's not ok because that is a physical, tangible object. Not the re-arranging of 1's and 0's on your own harddrive.

If you're so confident that it's OK, how come you don't spell out Pirate Bay on Damos' forum?

I was being coy. I wasn't afraid to talk about the pirate bay, stupid.

take your dumbass trolling somewhere else. I am objectively correct.
No that's not ok because that is a physical, tangible object. Not the re-arranging of 1's and 0's on your own harddrive.

I was being coy. I wasn't afraid to talk about the pirate bay, stupid.

take your dumbass trolling somewhere else. I am objectively correct.

If you feed the trolls they do not go away.
No that's not ok because that is a physical, tangible object. Not the re-arranging of 1's and 0's on your own harddrive. I was being coy. I wasn't afraid to talk about the pirate bay, stupid. take your dumbass trolling somewhere else. I am objectively correct.

LOL, that must be why Pirate Bay keeps getting shut down.

Don't ever pretend you care about property rights, or I''l remind you that you don't.
I certainly do. But the jury is still out on these matters. We are in a very different world. Copying isn't the same thing as stealing. This is an objective fact. That's why copying digital media is not a crime. It's a civil issue. The supreme court itself has said copying for personal use is fair use. It was fully common and accepted for people to use their vcr's to record media. It was widely and generally accepted. That's the reality. The way 1's and 0's are arranged on my harddrive is my issue. People can't tell me how I am allowed to move 1's and 0's around on my own private property.
If you feed the trolls they do not go away.

im untrollable. I just throw out a few facts for the audience and then swat legion away. I am invincible. Legion can't break me, but I have broken him many times and sent him away crying from JPP :)
I certainly do. But the jury is still out on these matters. We are in a very different world. Copying isn't the same thing as stealing. This is an objective fact. That's why copying digital media is not a crime. It's a civil issue. The supreme court itself has said copying for personal use is fair use. It was fully common and accepted for people to use their vcr's to record media. It was widely and generally accepted. That's the reality. The way 1's and 0's are arranged on my harddrive is my issue. People can't tell me how I am allowed to move 1's and 0's around on my own private property.

Is that why the forum rules cite this?