Gas $2.50 / gallon in Mexico


Villified User
And much of it seems to be refined in the USA.

Maybe we should just require that all illegal immigrants carry all the gas they can with them ?
I think it is less than that.

And in NYC it actually goes up as the price goes up.

And there is also subsidy to think of. Just another form of hidden cost.

Anyway with subsidy and taxation the cost changes.
Does Mexico have nationalized oil ? And subdidies, how can mexico afford to do it and we cannot ? Are we not the greatest nation on earth ?
Does Mexico have nationalized oil ? And subdidies, how can mexico afford to do it and we cannot ? Are we not the greatest nation on earth ?
Do you have a link to your original source of information? It is likely they have some reasons listed. I'll see if I have time later to look into this... We're at crunch time at work.

As far as "Why can't we.."

We can, but really, compared to other places we are doing rather well.
And much of it seems to be refined in the USA.

Maybe we should just require that all illegal immigrants carry all the gas they can with them ?

You'd be surprised how many drivers from the reliably republican and conservative San Diego are crossing the border for government-subsidized gasoline.

Why aren't they letting the free markets rule?
Ohh that old well they are worse than us rationale, why would I expect anything else ?
Who, they as in Mexico?

Nah. I'm talking about places with much higher taxation, if they had the same level of dispersal as the US does the UK, for instance, would be in a world of hurt with gas prices.
You'd be surprised how many drivers from the reliably republican and conservative San Diego are crossing the border for government-subsidized gasoline.

Why aren't they letting the free markets rule?
So, it is government subsidized. I thought it was probably the case.

You pay one way or the other uscit.
Quite what i'm doing on here at a quarter to ten in the evening i have no idea (well, i do really - i'm bored but nevertheless)

The answer you're looking for is yes, Mexican gas is subsidised - to the tune of some 19 billion dollars if you please.

I think the State does indeed have a national monopoly as well.

Now if i ever visit the United States you two hard working gents can show your appreciation by chipping in for a couple of hookers or something.
Quite what i'm doing on here at a quarter to ten in the evening i have no idea (well, i do really - i'm bored but nevertheless)

The answer you're looking for is yes, Mexican gas is subsidised - to the tune of some 19 billion dollars if you please.

I think the State does indeed have a national monopoly as well.

Now if i ever visit the United States you two hard working gents can show your appreciation by chipping in for a couple of hookers or something.

Charver if you are as cool as you appear and have a british accent, no problem on the women. Just let me know if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I will be glad to fix you up.
1. Damo there's no reason that the Mexicans couldn't have been taxing their gas just like the US. But taxes in the US never go as high as 1.50 anyway, and it all goes to pay for the roads the gas was used to drive on, you whiner.

2. The fact that the companies are government owned probably brings a great deal of price steadiness to the area that the US lacks. It's ridiculous for you to assume that the subsidy makes up exactly all the difference whenever you know absolutely nothing about the size of their market.
yeah and I have no accent in KY either.

And not much here in western VA either. The problem is that in othe parts of the country people think I am from Texas. A horrible insult to me.

When I moved to Oregon years ago people would not have anything to do with me until they found out I was not from Texas.