Gas $2.50 / gallon in Mexico

If we had a massive nest egg of oil revenues we could have some of those programs too.

But we don't, so the Democrat solution of "Healthcare for all!" has limited workability in a country where we are facing the largest deficit in our nation's history.

Sweden and Finland don't have a massive nest egg of oil resources. Why do they have tax payer financed health care?
And why are we in the largest defecit in our nations history ? Bush spending like a drunken sailor ? The war ? Sub prime bailouts ?

Actually no we had a record deficit before any of that.

Irresponsible domestic spending to satiate idiotic liberal voters, and egregious military spending to satiate moronic conservative voters is primarily the reason.

The American Republic will survive until the day that Congress realizes it can bribe the People with the People's money.

-Alex de Tocqueville