Gas $2.50 / gallon in Mexico

Charver if you are as cool as you appear and have a british accent, no problem on the women. Just let me know if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I will be glad to fix you up.

No worries on the cool front, US. Not for nothing do they call me the fifth Beatle. OK it's because i bear an uncanny resemblance to Ringo Starr but let's not split hairs here.
No worries on the cool front, US. Not for nothing do they call me the fifth Beatle. OK it's because i bear an uncanny resemblance to Ringo Starr but let's not split hairs here.

I hope not, I have fewer hairs to split all the time.
yeah and I have no accent in KY either.

And not much here in western VA either. The problem is that in othe parts of the country people think I am from Texas. A horrible insult to me.

When I moved to Oregon years ago people would not have anything to do with me until they found out I was not from Texas.

LOL I have refrained on several occassions from asking someone if they were from Texas in case they got offended. :)
LOL. Not funny. :(
Well, I'm not originally from Texas, if that counts.

That is to say, if they are clearly southern, but not from Texas, they will get annoyed at you. And if they are, but you generically label them southern, or especially from the wrong state and they are Texan, then they too will get annoyed.
THE ANTI oil retards are really going to get a kick out of the News coming out of Mexico real soon. They are one of our biggest suppliers and one of their largest fields is declining faster than Dharla's boobs. That should aid about a $1, oh wait not if the anti
Alsaska people are right we could have no oil and the price wouldn't go up. LOFL
Is it subsidized or nationalized ? or both ? I really do not know.


Mexico's oil is nationalized. The state oil company Pemex isn't required to run a profit. From what I can remember, Pemex's revenues are used to subsidize gasoline for mexicans, and pay for public infrastructure.

Of course, I'm sure there's a ton of corruption too.

Mexico's oil is nationalized. The state oil company Pemex isn't required to run a profit. From what I can remember, Pemex's revenues are used to subsidize gasoline for mexicans, and pay for public infrastructure.

Of course, I'm sure there's a ton of corruption too.

Well I am sure there is a ton of corruption in our capitalistic oil system as well.
Corruption is not limited to nationalized industries.
Well I am sure there is a ton of corruption in our capitalistic oil system as well.
Corruption is not limited to nationalized industries.

True. It all depends.

Statoil of Norway and Petrobras of Brazil are two excellent, well run and respected State-majority controlled oil companies. The norwegians and brazilian employees and management I met were top notch, and those companies are well run, on balance.

And of course, Norway's generous welfare state is fueled by state-controlled companies like stattoil. When those Norwegians I worked with told me about their mandatory 40 hour work weeks, 6 weeks paid vacation, and 12 month paid maternity leave I wanted to punch a hole through the wall.
Yeah front runners are the first to hit the wall.

Its always entertaining when wingnuts (who've never been outside the borders of their own flyover state) equate Norway and Denmark with "communism".

I wish these rubes would get out and see the world someday. My norwegian buddies would laugh their asses off at a Bush-loving rube who called them commuists.
the right wing cannot tell the difference between socialism and communism at all.
Then there is the difference between single leader socialism and democratic socialism.
Its always entertaining when wingnuts (who've never been outside the borders of their own flyover state) equate Norway and Denmark with "communism".

I wish these rubes would get out and see the world someday. My norwegian buddies would laugh their asses off at a Bush-loving rube who called them commuists.

If we had a massive nest egg of oil revenues we could have some of those programs too.

But we don't, so the Democrat solution of "Healthcare for all!" has limited workability in a country where we are facing the largest deficit in our nation's history.
yeah and I have no accent in KY either.

And not much here in western VA either. The problem is that in othe parts of the country people think I am from Texas. A horrible insult to me.

When I moved to Oregon years ago people would not have anything to do with me until they found out I was not from Texas.

USC, it can be fun when people make assumptions based on our southern accent. When I used to visit my in-laws in Vermont, the assumption was everyone with a southern accent has a room temperature IQ. Thats an assumption thats always fun to play with.
If we had a massive nest egg of oil revenues we could have some of those programs too.

But we don't, so the Democrat solution of "Healthcare for all!" has limited workability in a country where we are facing the largest deficit in our nation's history.

And why are we in the largest defecit in our nations history ? Bush spending like a drunken sailor ? The war ? Sub prime bailouts ?

And yes the dems deserve blame as well but we expect them to do that way.
Republicans claim to be above all that. But as we have seen they tend to lie.
USC, it can be fun when people make assumptions based on our southern accent. When I used to visit my in-laws in Vermont, the assumption was everyone with a southern accent has a room temperature IQ. Thats an assumption thats always fun to play with.

Ohh yeah play dumb and then hang them up.

It also worked out well in NYC, those dudes found out I was from KY and would not mess with me at all. They think hillbillies all have guns knives, etc and love to fight.

It was also intertesting in the Army, got razzed in boot, but after deployment everyone loved to have country boys around.
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