APP - Geico guy... LOL

Too bad we cant get fired the guys who called for bricks through windows and it worked because hes on social security.

This guy was fired for having a political opinion after work.

Great win for the right huh?

The guys VOICE represents the company. In people's minds, they will associate his voice on youtube, to his voice on Geico commercials.

Had he come out and stated that he was opposed to the tea party movement, it probably wouldn't have caused much fuss. But when he asks if they are retarded etc... well... odds are some tea party members are ALSO GEICO customers. Not very well thought out on his part.

Tiger had endorsement deals pulled due to his personal life. It happens. Companies do not want the negativity associated with their product.

This guy has a right to say what he wants. He does not have the right to say what he wants with no consequences.

Weren't you one of the ones just harping on 'how WORDS MATTER'?????
The guys VOICE represents the company. In people's minds, they will associate his voice on youtube, to his voice on Geico commercials.

Had he come out and stated that he was opposed to the tea party movement, it probably wouldn't have caused much fuss. But when he asks if they are retarded etc... well... odds are some tea party members are ALSO GEICO customers. Not very well thought out on his part.

Tiger had endorsement deals pulled due to his personal life. It happens. Companies do not want the negativity associated with their product.

This guy has a right to say what he wants. He does not have the right to say what he wants with no consequences.

Weren't you one of the ones just harping on 'how WORDS MATTER'?????

I seriously doubt this dude called in with his faux Australian Gecko accent. It sounds like he was calling privately on his own time. I don’t find your assertion to be plausible that some teabaggers recognized his voice from the phone. From what I read, they got his cell phone number from the caller ID and then did a bunch of detective work to find out who it was.

What he said was childish, but it wasn’t ominous or threatening. The whole tracking obscure people down at their jobs and complaining to their boss seems to be mostly a rightwing pastime. Why is that?

Tiger Woods is a billionaire who can easily live a life of luxury if he never works another day in his life. And I don’t recall any liberals cheering for Tiger Woods to lose money. That just seems petty.

This Geico dude is an obscure, voice-over actor no one has ever heard of, and probably lives like the rest of us. On a moderate income. I would never try to get some obscure rightwinger fired if they left a childish insult. I would never feel good about getting a normal, working person fired for a petty, yet harmless, insult. I doubt Rachel Maddow or Keith Olberman has ever tried to get a modest-income teabagger fired for a childish insult. Most of us liberals spent 8 years of the Bush Regime being called traitors, communists, and terrorist-sympathizers. Shit that was a lot worse than the childish comment Mr. Gecko made. And I doubt it crossed any of our minds to track down those Bush voters and complain to their bosses. That’s some whiny, pussy-fied shit right there.

All I gotta say is that teabaggers need to get a thicker skin. I’ve seen one or two dudes on this board threaten armed violence if the teabagging “insults” didn’t stop. What is up with that? Killing people, or trying to get them fired over some childish comments? What’s wrong with those fringe rightwingers?
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I seriously doubt this dude called in with his faux Australian Gecko accent. It sounds like he was calling privately on his own time. I don’t find your assertion to be plausible that some teabaggers recognized his voice from the phone. From what I read, they got his cell phone number from the caller ID and then did a bunch of detective work to find out who it was.

What he said was childish, but it wasn’t ominous or threatening. The whole tracking obscure people down at their jobs and complaining to their boss seems to be mostly a rightwing pastime. Why is that?

Tiger Woods is a billionaire who can easily live a life of luxury if he never works another day in his life. And I don’t recall any liberals cheering for Tiger Woods to lose money. That just seems petty.

This Geico dude is an obscure, voice-over actor no one has ever heard of, and probably lives like the rest of us. On a moderate income. I would never try to get some obscure rightwinger fired if they left a childish insult. I would never feel good about getting a normal, working person fired for a petty, yet harmless, insult. I doubt Rachel Maddow or Keith Olberman has ever tried to get a modest-income teabagger fired for a childish insult. Most of us liberals spent 8 years of the Bush Regime being called traitors, communists, and terrorist-sympathizers. Shit that was a lot worse than the childish comment Mr. Gecko made. And I doubt it crossed any of our minds to track down those Bush voters and complain to their bosses. That’s some whiny, pussy-fied shit right there.

All I gotta say is that teabaggers need to get a thicker skin. I’ve seen one or two dudes on this board threaten armed violence if the teabagging “insults” didn’t stop. What is up with that? Killing people, or trying to get them fired over some childish comments? What’s wrong with those fringe rightwingers?

Once again, Cypress proves what a complete moron he is.

TRY LOOKING AT THE ARTICLE DIPSHIT. LISTEN TO THE CLIP posted in the story. If you don't even know who this guy is, then you should probably shut the fuck up about it. Listen to the clip... you will recognize the voice... which is not some faux Austrailian gecko.

Yet you go on and on about how 'from what you read'.... blah blah blah blah... you didn't even bother to check it out. As usual you made a dumbass assumption.
Once again, Cypress proves what a complete moron he is.

TRY LOOKING AT THE ARTICLE DIPSHIT. LISTEN TO THE CLIP posted in the story. If you don't even know who this guy is, then you should probably shut the fuck up about it. Listen to the clip... you will recognize the voice... which is not some faux Austrailian gecko.

Yet you go on and on about how 'from what you read'.... blah blah blah blah... you didn't even bother to check it out. As usual you made a dumbass assumption.

I listened to the voice mail. Neither you nor I would have had any idea who that guy was from the voice mail, unless you did some detective work to track him down.
I seriously doubt this dude called in with his faux Australian Gecko accent. It sounds like he was calling privately on his own time. I don’t find your assertion to be plausible that some teabaggers recognized his voice from the phone. From what I read, they got his cell phone number from the caller ID and then did a bunch of detective work to find out who it was.

What he said was childish, but it wasn’t ominous or threatening. The whole tracking obscure people down at their jobs and complaining to their boss seems to be mostly a rightwing pastime. Why is that?

Tiger Woods is a billionaire who can easily live a life of luxury if he never works another day in his life. And I don’t recall any liberals cheering for Tiger Woods to lose money. That just seems petty.

This Geico dude is an obscure, voice-over actor no one has ever heard of, and probably lives like the rest of us. On a moderate income. I would never try to get some obscure rightwinger fired if they left a childish insult. I would never feel good about getting a normal, working person fired for a petty, yet harmless, insult. I doubt Rachel Maddow or Keith Olberman has ever tried to get a modest-income teabagger fired for a childish insult. Most of us liberals spent 8 years of the Bush Regime being called traitors, communists, and terrorist-sympathizers. Shit that was a lot worse than the childish comment Mr. Gecko made. And I doubt it crossed any of our minds to track down those Bush voters and complain to their bosses. That’s some whiny, pussy-fied shit right there.

All I gotta say is that teabaggers need to get a thicker skin. I’ve seen one or two dudes on this board threaten armed violence if the teabagging “insults” didn’t stop. What is up with that? Killing people, or trying to get them fired over some childish comments? What’s wrong with those fringe rightwingers?

OH... and for your 'bunch of detective work'... they called him back... he LEFT his number on the message.

Again... he has every right to be the complete retard that he was. But Geico also has the right to fire him. His VOICE is associated with THEIR PRODUCT. Given the idiot left a retarded VOICE message that has been uploaded onto Youtube, they chose to disassociate with him.

Also... post his income numbers here when you have a chance. Obviously you are intimately familiar with them since you claim they are 'modest'.

It doesn't matter how much money either he or Tiger has. It is irrelevant. Actions have consequences.
I listened to the voice mail. Neither you nor I would have had any idea who that guy was from the voice mail, unless you did some detective work to track him down.
Hey, Cypress, it wasn't the Gecko dude, it was the "voice" in the Radio and TV commercials that talks with no character... It wasn't hard to hear who it was, he didn't hide his voice.
I listened to the voice mail. Neither you nor I would have had any idea who that guy was from the voice mail, unless you did some detective work to track him down.

You keep saying detective work. He left his number on the message. If he didn't have his cell blocked, they likely had his name from caller ID. If not, it is a quick search to pull it up... unless again it is blocked.

You are simply pulling shit from your ass.

I agree, just listening to the message, it is not likely most people would have known who it was. But when someone makes a call like that, they have to accept responsibility for their actions. Freedomworks chose to post in on youtube along with his identity. Also, while they may not have known his name. They may have associated the voice.

Given all the 'teabaggers are violent, threatening, mean, blah blah blah' type comments, I would have posted it to youtube as well. If you are going to stoop to childish insults, then I am going to post your childish behaviors for the world to see.

When his employer found out, they had a choice. Stick with a 'voice over' employee. Or dump him. They made the correct business decision, which is to not associate with negativity.
Hey, Cypress, it wasn't the Gecko dude, it was the "voice" in the Radio and TV commercials that talks with no character... It wasn't hard to hear who it was, he didn't hide his voice.

Really? What, the old dude who talks to the gecko? The only commercials I have heard are the gecko and his boss. I must not have seen the others.

Regardless, you must have some amazingly sensitive hearing. The voice I heard on that voicemail sounds like 250 million other americans I've heard.

So, your fine with the rightwing cheering for some voice actor to lose his job? Fair enough.
Really? What, the old dude who talks to the gecko? The only commercials I have heard are the gecko and his boss. I must not have seen the others.

Regardless, you must have some amazingly sensitive hearing. The voice I heard on that voicemail sounds like 250 million other americans I've heard.

So, your fine with the rightwing cheering for some voice actor to lose his job? Fair enough.
No, no character.

He's just a voice with no character. You obviously didn't listen to the clip at the bottom of the story (not the voice mail, the advertising for his voice over work.) You'd know who it was at the first second. When I heard the voice mail (had to search youtube for that one) I knew at once who it was.

And I'm not "cheering" for him losing his job. It's just stupid to use your famous "voice" that way when it is the "voice" people associate directly to a company.

I have yet to see any link to anything where any TEA Party member even called for him to be fired. He just was, for being stupid with the "front" voice for an employer.
Really? What, the old dude who talks to the gecko? The only commercials I have heard are the gecko and his boss. I must not have seen the others.

Regardless, you must have some amazingly sensitive hearing. The voice I heard on that voicemail sounds like 250 million other americans I've heard.

So, your fine with the rightwing cheering for some voice actor to lose his job? Fair enough.

PLAY the video on the original link.... you will know exactly which voice it is.

Amazing how you claim no one would recognize his voice when you STILL don't even know WHICH voice for Geiko his IS.

How fucking retarded are you Cypress?
No, no character.

He's just a voice with no character. You obviously didn't listen to the clip at the bottom of the story (not the voice mail, the advertising for his voice over work.) You'd know who it was at the first second. When I heard the voice mail (had to search youtube for that one) I knew at once who it was.

And I'm not "cheering" for him losing his job. It's just stupid to use your famous "voice" that way when it is the "voice" people associate directly to a company.

I have yet to see any link to anything where any TEA Party member even called for him to be fired. He just was, for being stupid with the "front" voice for an employer.

When you heard the voice mail you knew it was the voice actor from Geico? That's remarkable. So you heard the voice mail before this article?

I think its pretty shitty to cheer for some obscure voice actor to lose his job. I can see cheering for George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, or Al Franken to lose their jobs. But, not some average working schmuck.
When you heard the voice mail you knew it was the voice actor from Geico? That's remarkable. So you heard the voice mail before this article?

I think its pretty shitty to cheer for some obscure voice actor to lose his job. I can see cheering for George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, or Al Franken to lose their jobs. But, not some average working schmuck.
Again, nobody is "cheering." (That's your own projection). They are laughing at an idiot who got himself fired. If I was the "voice" of a company, I wouldn't be leaving my voice on tape saying stupid politically controversial things like that.
The guys VOICE represents the company. In people's minds, they will associate his voice on youtube, to his voice on Geico commercials.

Had he come out and stated that he was opposed to the tea party movement, it probably wouldn't have caused much fuss. But when he asks if they are retarded etc... well... odds are some tea party members are ALSO GEICO customers. Not very well thought out on his part.

Tiger had endorsement deals pulled due to his personal life. It happens. Companies do not want the negativity associated with their product.

This guy has a right to say what he wants. He does not have the right to say what he wants with no consequences.

Weren't you one of the ones just harping on 'how WORDS MATTER'?????

Yes words matter and and I dont recall this guy inciting any violence with this joke.

He was not on the clock and I am going to write Geico and tell them I am not happy.

The only reason he was let go is because the tea party complained.

Now its time for the left to put their two cents in.

They jcould ahve avoided this by lettig out a statement that it was not thier opinion and been done with it.

Now they are caught in the middle, their bad.
Yes words matter and and I dont recall this guy inciting any violence with this joke.

He was not on the clock and I am going to write Geico and tell them I am not happy.

The only reason he was let go is because the tea party complained.

Now its time for the left to put their two cents in.

They jcould ahve avoided this by lettig out a statement that it was not thier opinion and been done with it.

Now they are caught in the middle, their bad.

Ok... so to you words only matter if they incite violence? Or if the person is 'on the clock?

You go ahead and rally the left on this Desh. People get fired for doing things that embarrass their company all the time.

You once again are trying to pretend that this guys words should have no consequences. That is the problem with people like you. You forget that freedom of speech works for everyone. Geico's executives just exercised theirs. They chose not to be associated with a nut.
PLAY the video on the original link.... you will know exactly which voice it is.

Amazing how you claim no one would recognize his voice when you STILL don't even know WHICH voice for Geiko his IS.

How fucking retarded are you Cypress?

The only reason you think it's "obvious" that his voice is immediately recognizable, is that you read an article beforehand telling you who it was, and you listened to to audio clips identifying who it was.

If you hadn't been clued in by a newspaper article, I'd bet a weeks paycheck if you randomly heard that voice mail with no background newstory telling you who it was, you would have no clue who the caller was. There's nothing extraordinarily unique about his voice, and Geico commercials aren't some national cultural icon.

The bottom line is that these teabaggers were so thin skinned about a childish, yet harmless insult, that they did detective work. On some normal working dude, who's name no one's ever heard of. If you can't admit that's petty, and that the cheering for his firing on this thread is lame, then that's fine.

I disagree.
Cypress, all they did was post his message where people could hear it, it was his words that got him fired. Not theirs.
The only reason you think it's "obvious" that his voice is immediately recognizable, is that you read an article beforehand telling you who it was, and you listened to to audio clips identifying who it was.

If you hadn't been clued in by a newspaper article, I'd bet a weeks paycheck if you randomly heard that voice mail with no background newstory telling you who it was, you would have no clue who the caller was. There's nothing extraordinarily unique about his voice, and Geico commercials aren't some cultural icon.

The bottom line is that these teabaggers were so thin skinned about a childish, yet harmless insult, that they did detective work. On some normal working dude, who's name no one's ever heard of. If you can't admit that's petty, and that the cheering for his firing on this thread is lame, then that's fine.

I disagree.

No moron... I did not say it was 'obvious'... I said people COULD potentially recognize the voice. It IS obvious once it is pointed out.

I like how you keep harping on how meaningless this is and how thin skinned the 'teabaggers' are. You also continue to pretend you know what this guys financial situation is. I doubt you do.

Hell, you were too fucking retarded to actually even know WHO the article was talking about before proclaiming you couldn't tell who it was. You also proclaim that his voice was like that of 250 million other Americans. As if we all speak and sound alike.

Bottom line... once again you have proven what a complete moron you are.
The only reason you think it's "obvious" that his voice is immediately recognizable, is that you read an article beforehand telling you who it was, and you listened to to audio clips identifying who it was.

If you hadn't been clued in by a newspaper article, I'd bet a weeks paycheck if you randomly heard that voice mail with no background newstory telling you who it was, you would have no clue who the caller was. There's nothing extraordinarily unique about his voice, and Geico commercials aren't some national cultural icon.

The bottom line is that these teabaggers were so thin skinned about a childish, yet harmless insult, that they did detective work. On some normal working dude, who's name no one's ever heard of. If you can't admit that's petty, and that the cheering for his firing on this thread is lame, then that's fine.

I disagree.

WHAT detective work moron? HE LEFT HIS FUCKING NUMBER ON THE MACHINE. It doesn't take 'DETECTIVE WORK' to 'track him down'. Again, just in case you didn't know... unless you block cell phones these days, your NAME comes up on caller ID. (at least it does here in CO)