APP - Geico guy... LOL

You've never heard of "Lance Baxter" before today Superfreak.

You would have no idea who that was, even if their name was on your caller ID, unless you were so thin skinned about a childish insult, that you would drop important work to go play detective.

childish and petty.
You've never heard of "Lance Baxter" before today Superfreak.

You would have no idea who that was, even if their name was on your caller ID, unless you were so thin skinned about a childish insult, that you would drop important work to go play detective.

childish and petty.

childish and petty... you mean like calling tea party members 'teabaggers'?

Like pretending the Tea Party is just a bunch of racists, homophobes, violent people?

I will agree, I had no idea who Lance Baxter is. Just as I stated. But you have no idea if THEY did or not. You pretend you know they went to a lot of effort to 'track him down'. But you don't know that do you dipshit?

You just continue to cast your childish and petty dispersions without ANY foundation of knowledge to back up your position. Which is your typical MO.

Which is exactly why you refuse to answer any of the material on climate gate from YOUR OWN BELOVED MASTERS.
PLAY the video on the original link.... you will know exactly which voice it is.

Amazing how you claim no one would recognize his voice when you STILL don't even know WHICH voice for Geiko his IS.

How fucking retarded are you Cypress?
this is the liberal problem-- they think everyone is as stupid as they are.
Yes words matter and and I dont recall this guy inciting any violence with this joke.

He was not on the clock and I am going to write Geico and tell them I am not happy.

The only reason he was let go is because the tea party complained.

Now its time for the left to put their two cents in.

They jcould ahve avoided this by lettig out a statement that it was not thier opinion and been done with it.

Now they are caught in the middle, their bad.


I love it. you're going to call gieco because they fired a trolling representive?
Did you get angry about Tiger getting dropped for having affairs?

You must hate blacks then, you fucking racist!!(LIBERAL LOGIC just like how all the tea partiers are racist because they didn't protest a white president, but protest a black one)
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Ok... so to you words only matter if they incite violence? Or if the person is 'on the clock?

You go ahead and rally the left on this Desh. People get fired for doing things that embarrass their company all the time.

You once again are trying to pretend that this guys words should have no consequences. That is the problem with people like you. You forget that freedom of speech works for everyone. Geico's executives just exercised theirs. They chose not to be associated with a nut.

The further point of the matter is it is his VOICE that Geico hired and I'd bet they had some sort of license on how he could use it. I'd double down that bet that there was also some sort of clause about using it in such a dergatory manner.
Cypress, all they did was post his message where people could hear it, it was his words that got him fired. Not theirs.

Conservatives are evil. That's simply the facts. IMHO, he should be fired for being too kind to scum like you and Freedomworks. Kindness is wasted on nonhuman conservatives.
Kudos to GEICO for doing the right thing! I hope we see more of this! Whenever one of these liberal asswipes starts in with the hate speech, they need to be confronted and severely reprimanded, as this guy was.

People who hate freedom like you should be tried for treason and executed in the cheapest way possible.
childish and petty... you mean like calling tea party members 'teabaggers'?

Like pretending the Tea Party is just a bunch of racists, homophobes, violent people?

I will agree, I had no idea who Lance Baxter is. Just as I stated. But you have no idea if THEY did or not. You pretend you know they went to a lot of effort to 'track him down'. But you don't know that do you dipshit?

You just continue to cast your childish and petty dispersions without ANY foundation of knowledge to back up your position. Which is your typical MO.

Which is exactly why you refuse to answer any of the material on climate gate from YOUR OWN BELOVED MASTERS.

This! :good4u:
The lame meter just snapped. You cousin marrying rednecks calling for bullets in communist heads and this pg13 resonse by a liberal dork is the best you got. Tin Elton John called, he thinks your gay.
LOL I just spurted milk through my nose reading this! LOL