Verified User
So? You said MRI is evidence of gender. Show me the MRI of a two spirit.
So? You said MRI is evidence of gender. Show me the MRI of a two spirit.
I never said there is a MRI of a two spirit.
BTW, intersex is covered in the article you linked to.
AGAIN you said MRI was evidence of gender. Two spirit is a gender.
Yes. It's the only one with a physiological component. Point to any of the "genders" having such a component.
You are hung on Indigenous people's term. Why?
There are MRI scans that suggest that transgender people's brains do identify as the opposite gender.
No I'm using a term the woke morons claim is a gender. You're suggesting only indigenous people can be two spirit gender? I haven't seen that condition anywhere.
Not what you said. I want to know the evidence for someone claiming two spirit as a gender.
Again, it is Indigenous term. They're very rare.
You can go and ask any Native American.
Irrelevant. It's listed as a gender. Show me the MRI.
I do like how the article decides who can use the gender two spirit and who can't. There's nothing so tolerant as telling people what they can and can't identify as. The whole thing is steaming pile of dog shit
I never claimed there's a MRI of two spirit. You're focused on an outlier. Why? I have never heard of anyone who claimed to be one. Have you?
For what is the 4th fucking time now you said MRIs are evidence of gender. Two spirit is a recognized gender, unless you're suggesting its bullshit. Don't like that one? Ok show me the MRI of an omnigender.
Fucking no. Two spirit is a fucking Indigenous term that means both genders or third gender. You would be hard pressed to find one. The MRI scans were done on TRANSGENDER people.
What third gender? Two spirit? So MRIs aren't evidence of gender even though you claim they are and there are 80+ genders and the article said there is no finite number of genders.
Yes it is evidence.
Perhaps you should learn to follow along. Your response should have been directed at AProudLefty. You just supported Yakuda's response to AProudLefty.People don't like to be misgendered. If you are a man would you like it if everyone just constantly referred to you as "she"? Probably not. So why not just accept that someone else may have a different experience of life than you do and just go with it? It literally costs you NOTHING.
Nope. You can't have evidence of something that doesn't exist.Yes it is evidence.
Most deaf people know this stuff. Why don't you? Were you asleep in your deaf studies program?
You apparently cared enough to read the thread title, read the OP of the thread, and type out a response to it.Are we really supposed to care?