Gender Part 2

Some people seem to REALLY care about being "misgendered" don't they? Whats the point of pretending it doesn't matter when in fact these people lose their shit about it? So let's try again how does someone know their gender is "two spirit"?
WTF even IS "two-spirit"? These people are nutters... :palm:
People don't like to be misgendered. If you are a man would you like it if everyone just constantly referred to you as "she"? Probably not. So why not just accept that someone else may have a different experience of life than you do and just go with it? It literally costs you NOTHING.
Oh yeah, totally... why not just normalize mental illness?? That's a very healthy thing to do, eh?
Who cares? Seriously.
Obviously YOU do, since you keep responding to posts about it.

If you are cis-gendered heterosexual
There is no such thing as "cis-gendered".

If Jane wants me to call her "Bill", I will call her Bill! If she wants me to call her "Jingle Jangle Junkplop" I will call her Jingle Jangle Junkplop. Why wouldn't I? It's not like it costs me anything. AND IT MAKES THE OTHER PERSON HAPPY!
Calling a woman by the name she wishes to be called (or her 'legal name') is different than a woman demanding that others falsely recognize her as a man because of her gender dysphoria (a mental illness). Why wouldn't you promote treating/healing the mental illness over promoting normalization of the mental illness?
WTF even IS "two-spirit"? These people are nutters... :palm:

Nobody knows but it's an recognized gender which the article in the OP should only be used by "indigenous" people. So apparently they can tell some people they can't be two spirit because they aren't an "indigenous" person. Is it any wonder they they are nuts?
Obviously YOU do, since you keep responding to posts about it.

There is no such thing as "cis-gendered".

Calling a woman by the name she wishes to be called (or her 'legal name') is different than a woman demanding that others falsely recognize her as a man because of her gender dysphoria (a mental illness). Why wouldn't you promote treating/healing the mental illness over promoting normalization of the mental illness?

Because fucked up people are easier to manipulate.

I mentioned to APL yesterday that this gender shit is just magical thinking. I pointed out that generally by age 10 magical thinking has faded in children. The idiot APL mocked me for thinking I was a psychiatrist. It's not like anyone could have looked that up for themselves but unless an "expert" tells them something they wont believe it. They are easily manipulated.
Because fucked up people are easier to manipulate.

I mentioned to APL yesterday that this gender shit is just magical thinking. I pointed out that generally by age 10 magical thinking has faded in children. The idiot APL mocked me for thinking I was a psychiatrist. It's not like anyone could have looked that up for themselves but unless an "expert" tells them something they wont believe it. They are easily manipulated.

I can read, fucktard.
Yes. I can read scientific papers. Can you?

Sure but I dont need to read a scientific paper to know that magical thinking has faded but the time a child reaches 10 year olds. If you still have magical thinking 10, 20 years later that means you're fucked up.
Sure but I dont need to read a scientific paper to know that magical thinking has faded but the time a child reaches 10 year olds. If you still have magical thinking 10, 20 years later that means you're fucked up.

Where did you get that information?
Nothing about trangenderism in it. Besides it's pop psychology.

First it has everything to do with trannyfreakism. "We may believe that if we think hard enough about a tree falling down, the tree will fall down. Or, we may believe that if we think hard enough about a tree staying up, even the power of an axe won’t tear it down. The power of thought does not have a direct influence on the tree. The tree, despite what we believe, is subject to gravity and the natural order of the world. Believing that we can change this order is magical thinking."

Second if you think Jean Piaget is "pop" psychology then you're an idiot.
First it has everything to do with trannyfreakism. "We may believe that if we think hard enough about a tree falling down, the tree will fall down. Or, we may believe that if we think hard enough about a tree staying up, even the power of an axe won’t tear it down. The power of thought does not have a direct influence on the tree. The tree, despite what we believe, is subject to gravity and the natural order of the world. Believing that we can change this order is magical thinking."

Second if you think Jean Piaget is "pop" psychology then you're an idiot.

Whoever wrote the blog is pop psychology, dumbass.

Transgender children still know their biological sexes, idiot.