The whole debate over "Gender vs Biological Sex" reminds me of the debate around "Planet" and the demotion of Pluto. A lot of people got bent when Pluto was demoted but they never stop to think that prior to 2005 there was no "technical definition" for what a planet was. It was a "common parlance word" that, as our ability to see with more detail out there, meant more and more things would be considered planets so they CODIFIED THE DEFINITION.
Same with "Gender". It has historically been a synonym for biological sex but only in an informal way. As we learn more about how different people experience the world we need to come up with a more "technical" definition. So, like using the word "planet", we take a pre-existing common parlance word and utilize it to be the social construct of what it means to be a man or woman or whatever.
In other words: it is NOT MEANINGFUL to obsess over the use of the word. It doesn't change the CONCEPT AT ALL.