The Liberal language is not the English language, Sock.
It seems you don't know how etymology works when it comes to words.
The Liberal language is not the English language, Sock.
If you have to reduce this to definitions then the concepts are meaningless to you and this trans bullshit is nothing but virtue signaling on your part. I wouldn't discuss it either if I was you. But this is leftism in a nutshell. What you are matters more than who you are. Use the right word at the right time just so people think you're virtuous. Fuck if you are or not right?
If you keep making up definitions then we have no way of communicating since you live in your delusions and refuse to live in the real world.
Really? You did?
Doesn't look to me like you were using the definition the correct way. There are more than 2 options for gender affirming surgery since there are many surgeries that can be done having different results.
I see you can't read or understand English.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency. No argument given.Perhaps you can explain why dictionaries have wrong definitions and wrong etymologies since you think we shouldn't rely on them as a source for either. I somehow don't think you have personally researched word usage through history and yet here you are claiming you know more than dictionaries that have done the research.
If you have a dick you are male and if you have a cunt you are female.....this aint complicated folks.
Though Bret and Heather would argue that it is all about the gametes.
Mantra 5. YALSAThey are entirely synonymous for the purposes of this discussion, Sock.
YALSA. Mantra 5.He does, Sock. YOU can't read or understand English. All you know is Liberal.
It seems you don't know how etymology works when it comes to words.
Bulverism. Bigotry.Eytomology is not a verb, Sock. You misspelled the word as well.
You don't know any English, Sock. The Liberal language is not English.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,
Eytomology is not a verb, Sock. You misspelled the word as well.
You don't know any English, Sock. The Liberal language is not English.
I guess you don't know how words work either. ("Words" in that sentence is not a verb.)
Doctors do not assign gender at all. They simply record it, male of female. Gender was assigned during conception.
The Liberal language has no meanings in its words. He only speaks Liberal. He does not know English. Words have meaning in English and they generally do not change.
Blatant lie. Fallacy fallacy.Lovely straw man you are building.
Your argument has nothing to do with what I said.
Dictionaries do not define any word. That is not their purpose. False authority fallacy.A definition is provided by the dictionary. Even you admit that as you try to argue I said something I never said.
Fallacy fallacy
The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims another poster is using a fallacy and fails to show how the fallacy exists. Into the Night resorts to the fallacy fallacy quite often most likely because he thinks it makes him look smarter than he actually is. Into the Night does this to avoid discussing the topic since he has no valid arguments.
Readers will be able to note how often Into the Night resorts to this fallacy as 8 of his posts in the last 3 hours on this thread have used this tactic. It makes it fairly obvious how unable he is to have an intelligent discussion about any topic.
Surgery doesn't change gender. No matter how much you mutilate yourself, your gender does not change.
You keep pivoting.
No dictionary defines any word. You take umbrage with this statement. Start focusing on the word "define" and support your argument that dictionaries somehow do define words. If you absolutely must abandon the word "define" so as to discuss other words, I will presume that you have conceded my point.
Thanks again.
Your objection was never about anything you wrote. Your objection is about what I wrote. Start supporting your argument that what I wrote is incorrect. Start with the dictionary word usages for the word "dictionary" that show the word "dictionary" to be something that defines words. Then you can explain why I can somehow redefine any words I wish through an online dictionary that I create.
That will be a good start.
I used the word "definition."
You use the word "define" and then argue based on your word instead of the one I used.
You are building a straw man based on a word I didn't use. I don't believe I have ever said that dictionaries "define" words. If you can find where I said that, then please post a link. Without evidence of my saying what you are arguing, the only conclusion we can make is you are simply resorting to a fallacy to make your argument.
Why should I focus on something I never argued? Your strawman is filled with shit at this point so feel free to beat it up and cover yourself with shit.