
History is full of dictator-minded people, who seek to impose their deep-rooted beliefs on the rest of humanity. It's like they're scared sh*tless, if someone comes along and redefines their perceived "good", "bad", "right", "wrong".

I think these people can-not and will not be convinced and so, they should be left to their own tunnel-visioned existence until "god" takes them out of their close minded misery.

In the meantime, for others to shape the collective mindset into realizing "to each his/her/their own", people must take a deep breath, since it won't go without a hitch, a kind of smooth sailing. This would be expected of a non-bigoted world.

Now, I will admit - it does sound weird and unnatural to my ears (changing pronouns, etc.), but I will concede it taps into my upbringing / it being a fairly novel idea in the Westernized world. It all comes down to two things:

1. Do I accept such people as part of society? - a definite "yes" from me. I don't think there's any ONE person to make such a decision, it's not theirs to decide for others.

2. Would I be friends with such people, playing along with the changing of pronouns, etc. I genuinely don't know. I can try, but I just plain and simple don't know.

To mutilate yourself will remove yourself from normal society. You can never get it back.
Being male or female is more than just plumbing, dude.

Bret and Heather say that if your change your plumbing through surgery that you are still pretending, because it is the gametes that matter. I am willing to say that they are more right than I am here.
For me, if Steve wants to be called Monte, I’ll call him Monte. If he prefers Ruth, Ruth it is. IF they are sincere about it. If it’s a game, “Gizmo” fits everybody.

I don't get it, why would anyone be insincere about it?
Its amazing how simple minded some people are. This isn't about "dictator minded people" or imposing anything on anyone, unless you're talking about imposing their feelings on my choice of words, this is about common sense. If gender is a psychological and sociocultural trait as another poster on this thread has submitted then how does surgery reassign something that is psychological and sociocultural?

Well, let me school you by saying this: When this heated-discussion and contentious topic is brought up, it isn't referred to only within the scope of a hard dictionary definition. It has a lot more to do with people's acceptance of such definition, be it dictionary-correct, or incorrect.

So, who's the simple minded here?

This post wouldn't have been created in the first place, merely for the sake of stating what a dictionary definition of word is. This is not a "proper English" forum, nor is it nuanced-based / philosophical one.

There, you're a little more enlightened now.
Well, let me school you by saying this: When this heated-discussion and contentious topic is brought up, it isn't referred to only within the scope of a hard dictionary definition. It has a lot more to do with people's acceptance of such definition, be it dictionary-correct, or incorrect.

So, who's the simple minded here?

This post wouldn't have been created in the first place, merely for the sake of stating what a dictionary definition of word is. This is not a "proper English" forum, nor is it nuanced-based / philosophical one.

There, you're a little more enlightened now.

Paradox. Irrational.
Let's do what you just suggested and look up the word dictionary -

Now let's look up the word I used -
Perhaps you can explain why dictionaries have wrong definitions

Sure looks like dictionaries give definitions of words unless you want to argue that dictionaries are informal.
Perhaps you can explain why dictionaries give the wrong definitions/meanings/usage to gfm since you two seem to share a brain.
So you opened up a dictionary and found a word and found a "definition" for that word. How did that "definition" get there?
Well, let me school you by saying this: When this heated-discussion and contentious topic is brought up, it isn't referred to only within the scope of a hard dictionary definition. It has a lot more to do with people's acceptance of such definition, be it dictionary-correct, or incorrect.

So, who's the simple minded here?

This post wouldn't have been created in the first place, merely for the sake of stating what a dictionary definition of word is. This is not a "proper English" forum, nor is it nuanced-based / philosophical one.

There, you're a little more enlightened now.

You talk a lot but still say nothing useful. Thats likely very impressive to the idiots you associate with.

What always strikes me in this conversations how the definition of only some words matters. If someone believes "he" is a "they", and I use the word he suddenly definition matters. STFU
You talk a lot but still say nothing useful. Thats likely very impressive to the idiots you associate with.

What always strikes me in this conversations how the definition of only some words matters. If someone believes "he" is a "they", and I use the word he suddenly definition matters. STFU

My advice to you: Don't hang around flaky people....including people like you, Yak.
Hello Phantasmal,

This is for the morons who don’t understand gender.

[FONT="]Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. [COLOR=#040C28]Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people[/COLOR].[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]May 8, 2023

L1wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › ...

[h=3]What is gender? What is sex? - CIHR[/h]

Thanks for posting this. Amazing how many people want to tell others how to live as they cry out danger to freedom.

Culture wars does not equal freedom, people!

I really like your avatar. Spot on!
You talk a lot but still say nothing useful. Thats likely very impressive to the idiots you associate with.

What always strikes me in this conversations how the definition of only some words matters. If someone believes "he" is a "they", and I use the word he suddenly definition matters. STFU

Why does the use of whatever word a person wants to be called, whether it be noun or pronoun, cause you righties to shit your pants?

If Sue wants to be called Bill, so be it. It’s really not that difficult or painful.
No. Because unlike you I can reason for myself.

Three people with a nearly unheard of bizarre redefinition of a word is a HUGE tell. I wish you understood probabilities better. But I bet the folks in Nevada would LOVE for you to visit Las Vegas.

I've lost track of all the people who I have asked (some iteration of) this simple question but have refused to answer it. For all I know, you're already one of them, but I'll ask anyway:

How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?
Lovely straw man you are building.
Your argument has nothing to do with what I said.

A definition is provided by the dictionary. Even you admit that as you try to argue I said something I never said.
Great... Now my turn:

What "provided a definition" to The Dictionary? (as if there's only one dictionary)
Or are you telling me that The Dictionary writes/edits/revises/reissues itself?

What is the One True Dictionary??

Word definitions didn't exist before The Dictionary?
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Mutilation is not 'cosmetic surgery'. You won't feel better about yourself.
Bingo. It's no surprise why suicide rates are sky high within the gender-confused community.

One of my favorite parroted lines from people who wish to normalize gender confusion is some iteration of: "you should accept them for who they are" (or, a variation of the same thing, the gender-confused people themselves saying: "you should accept me for who I am").

What's funny is that going through such mutilation surgeries is the very definition of 'not accepting themselves for who they are', as they're unsuccessfully attempting to change their gender.
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