
It's the definition that was given in the OP.
All you are doing is arguing that you don't like the definition if you don't accept it.

So the OP is the definitive word.

So are you. As I said before this is being changed for purely political and ideological reasons. Nothing else. What's the medical evidence for "gender fluid"?
Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night accuses others of using a fallacy but never explains how or why the fallacy exists. Into the Night does this to avoid the topic and to try to make himself seem smarter than he actually is. This entire thread is a great example of how often Into the Night resorts to this tactic as it is easy for anyone to see how often he resorts to his use of the fallacy fallacy.

Redefinition fallacy. Inversion fallacy.

The gigantic asteroid is located in the vast space.

Is the asteroid the same size as space? Does it fill the entirety of space? If the words are exactly the same then shouldn't they also indicate that both items are the same size?

'Gigantic' and 'huge' are not sizes. You could just as easily say the vast asteroid is in the vastness of space and it means the same thing.
Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night accuses others of using a fallacy but never explains how or why the fallacy exists. Into the Night does this to avoid the topic and to try to make himself seem smarter than he actually is. This entire thread is a great example of how often Into the Night resorts to this tactic as it is easy for anyone to see how often he resorts to his use of the fallacy fallacy.

You’re trying to hold a conversation with a person, actually 3 persons, that is not all there. It’s fruitless. They (see how I used that pronoun?) are a few watts shy of incandescence.
You’re trying to hold a conversation with a person, actually 3 persons, that is not all there. It’s fruitless. They (see how I used that pronoun?) are a few watts shy of incandescence.

They is plural so referring to 3 people as they is logical. Referring to one person as they is illogical. So new English, "They/Them is standing there by they/them self."

Btw I agree that poster is a few turnips short of a bushel.
No. I'm saying you're trying to game this by changing words.

My problem is you're use of the word gender. I'm far less interested in synonyms.

Your argument is about the definition of the word gender. I already pointed that out days ago. You simply refuse to accept a definition you don't like.
So the OP is the definitive word.

So are you. As I said before this is being changed for purely political and ideological reasons. Nothing else. What's the medical evidence for "gender fluid"?

When did the first sex change occur? You seem to think this use of the word gender happened in the last 2 years. It happened decades ago. Your refusal to accept the definition seems to have nothing to do with the word but more to do with your prejudices.
When did the first sex change occur? You seem to think this use of the word gender happened in the last 2 years. It happened decades ago. Your refusal to accept the definition seems to have nothing to do with the word but more to do with your prejudices.

Progress. Yes sex change not gender change. What's the medical basis for "gender fluid"? Can someone get gender reassignment/affirming surgery to become "gender fluid"?
Progress. Yes sex change not gender change. What's the medical basis for "gender fluid"? Can someone get gender reassignment/affirming surgery to become "gender fluid"?

You are misusing the word gender yet again.
Gender fluid doesn't mean sex fluid.

Sex change surgery. Gender affirming surgery. Notice how the words are used. One doesn't get sex affirming surgery or gender surgery. Gender is not the physical aspects in those words. Sex is the physical aspect.
Going on 600 posts.

This is apparently a genuinely important subject.

I find that very disturbing, bordering on terrifying.

In nearly 77 years of life,

I can probably count the transsexuals that I've personally encountered on one hand

and the number that have impacted my life

on no hands at all.
You are misusing the word gender yet again.
Gender fluid doesn't mean sex fluid.

Sex change surgery. Gender affirming surgery. Notice how the words are used. One doesn't get sex affirming surgery or gender surgery. Gender is not the physical aspects in those words. Sex is the physical aspect.

Even more progress. So according to your link gender is a psychological and social cultural trait. If thats true why would someone need to get any surgery since gender is not tied to the physical but surgery is. It's you people that created the terms gender reassignment surgery and gender affirming surgery. There are only two options for surgery manor woman. They lop off healthy body parts to attach fake unworking parts. No wonder suicide remains high in people years after getting that asinine surgery.
Even more progress. So according to your link gender is a psychological and social cultural trait. If thats true why would someone need to get any surgery since gender is not tied to the physical but surgery is. It's you people that created the terms gender reassignment surgery and gender affirming surgery. There are only two options for surgery manor woman. They lop off healthy body parts to attach fake unworking parts. No wonder suicide remains high in people years after getting that asinine surgery.
Not all need surgery but in extreme cases, the gender of some do not match their physical anatomy.

This is not a new phenomenon, but it remains a rare one. I fail to see why you are shitting your Depends over it. My only objection is giving minors life-altering drugs or surgery when they might change their minds as they mature.
Even more progress. So according to your link gender is a psychological and social cultural trait. If thats true why would someone need to get any surgery since gender is not tied to the physical but surgery is. It's you people that created the terms gender reassignment surgery and gender affirming surgery. There are only two options for surgery manor woman. They lop off healthy body parts to attach fake unworking parts. No wonder suicide remains high in people years after getting that asinine surgery.
People's self worth is often tied to how the look physically.

People do things all the time to make them feel better about themselves. Why is having one type of surgery out of bounds but other types aren't?
If a woman gets breast implants to affirm her feelings, is that wrong? If a man who feels he shouldn't look bald gets a hair transplant, is that wrong?

There are not only two options for surgery to change your sex just as there are not only two options for surgery to look less bald. Your medical knowledge seems to be limited.

Where is your evidence of suicide being higher after gender affirming surgery than before? Do you know anyone that has actually had the surgery?
According to the literature, gender affirming surgery actually results in a lower suicide rate.
Of the 23 studies that met the inclusion criteria, the majority indicated a reduction in suicidality following gender-affirming treatment; however, the literature to date suffers from a lack of methodological rigor that increases the risk of type I error.
Ahhhhh, so you noticed Sneaky Richard Saunders's slight of hand there, eh?? ;)
What? You mean I can't substitute one synonym for another? Doing so is somehow sneaky and slight of hand?

Thanks for letting us know that one can't substitute sex for gender without being sneaky or using slight of hand.