
What? You mean I can't substitute one synonym for another? Doing so is somehow sneaky and slight of hand?

Thanks for letting us know that one can't substitute sex for gender without being sneaky or using slight of hand.

Nutjobs are, by definition, irrational. A rational person trying to rationalize with an irrational person is engaging in an excise of futility or, worse, being irrational themselves.
Is it my fault you can't clearly state your position?
Yes, it is your fault that you keep trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and otherwise divert away from the intellectual KOs that I've dealt you at each and every turn.

** How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'sex' and 'gender' are synonyms in this context when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms in this context (even explaining how those words have been used synonymously for at least a handful of centuries, until the Church of Perversion decided to hijack the word)?

** How many genders are there?
Yes, it is your fault that you keep trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and otherwise divert away from the intellectual KOs that I've dealt you at each and every turn.

** How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'sex' and 'gender' are synonyms in this context when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms in this context (even explaining how those words have been used synonymously for at least a handful of centuries, until the Church of Perversion decided to hijack the word)?

** How many genders are there?
Mantra 41 Idiocracy
Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Are you agreeing that all synonyms can't be used interchangeably?
I used multiple words that are synonyms with gigantic in my post. Are they all interchangeable or not?

'Sex' and 'gender' are synonyms and can be used interchangeably within the context of identifying biological differences between individuals of a sexual species. 'Huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms and can be used interchangeably within the context of subjectively and generally describing how large something is. Those are the terms that I have used... Let's stay focused here.
People's self worth is often tied to how the look physically.

People do things all the time to make them feel better about themselves. Why is having one type of surgery out of bounds but other types aren't?
If a woman gets breast implants to affirm her feelings, is that wrong? If a man who feels he shouldn't look bald gets a hair transplant, is that wrong?

There are not only two options for surgery to change your sex just as there are not only two options for surgery to look less bald. Your medical knowledge seems to be limited.

Where is your evidence of suicide being higher after gender affirming surgery than before? Do you know anyone that has actually had the surgery?
According to the literature, gender affirming surgery actually results in a lower suicide rate.

The intrinsic message in all those surgeries is you aren't good enough the way you are. If you don't see a problem with that then that's in you. Beyond that what possible difference could it make to someone who is "gender fluid" what their genitalia is.

BTW that analogy of surgery for baldness is nonsensical
Do you agree with gfm that substituting synonyms for each other is sneaky and slight of hand?

Does that mean you think it is slight of hand to substitute the word sex for gender since they are synonyms?

I already addressed this. You can't read which I think is the problem here.

What I would say is calling something gender reassignment surgery to lop off bodies parts to reassign "gender" is illogical. According to your link gender isnt physical yet surgery only deals in the realm of the physical. There is no logical reason to lop off body parts if the issue is psychological and sociocultural.
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When did the first sex change occur?
Sex change has yet to occur.

Genital mutilation and hormone injections are not equivalent to changing one's sex. Men with mutilated genitals and estrogen injections are still men (but have now made themselves undesirable as suitable mates). One's sex goes beyond genitals and hormones.

You seem to think this use of the word gender happened in the last 2 years.

It happened decades ago.
Correct. The Church of Perversion has been trying to hijack the word 'gender' for several decades now.

Your refusal to accept the definition seems to have nothing to do with the word but more to do with your prejudices.
Yes, it is your fault that you keep trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and otherwise divert away from the intellectual KOs that I've dealt you at each and every turn.

** How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'sex' and 'gender' are synonyms in this context when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms in this context (even explaining how those words have been used synonymously for at least a handful of centuries, until the Church of Perversion decided to hijack the word)?

** How many genders are there?

Why does it matter how dictionary definitions come to be? Are you arguing that dictionaries don't provide valid or common definitions?
If synonyms are always identical to each other then why did you claim my use of the synonyms vast and gigantic was slight of hand?
I never said they weren't synonyms. I said they can't be used interchangeably in the context you are attempting to do so. (Did you have gender last night? <--- synonyms don't work 100% of the time.)
The number of genders is irrelevant unless you are arguing that sex and gender are not synonyms since there are only 2 sexes and Yakuda has claimed there are 80+ genders.
You heard me.

You mean I can't substitute one synonym for another? Doing so is somehow sneaky and slight of hand?
Yes. It means that you wish to be dishonest in your discourse.

Thanks for letting us know that one can't substitute sex for gender without being sneaky or using slight of hand.
The only one substituting words here is you. I've only ever used 'sex' and 'gender' (and 'huge' and 'gigantic')... I haven't added in a third term to either of those. You did. You added in 'vast'. This is YOUR issue. You can't blame me for YOUR problems that YOU created, dude.

'Sex' and 'gender' are synonyms and can be used interchangeably within the context of identifying biological differences between individuals of a sexual species. 'Huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms and can be used interchangeably within the context of subjectively and generally describing how large something is. Those are the terms that I have used... Let's stay focused here.

It isn't relevant in using synonyms to determine whether they can be used interchangeably in the context they are being used?
The definition of gender was given in the OP. That definition is not synonymous with sex.

Let's see...
I admit that gender has more than one definition.
You claim gender is always synonymous with sex.

You are the only one denying definitions exist.
My position is when it comes to gender and sex and humans that have gender dysphoria then gender is not synonymous with sex.
The intrinsic message in all those surgeries is you aren't good enough the way you are. If you don't see a problem with that then that's in you. Beyond that what possible difference could it make to someone who is "gender fluid" what their genitalia is.

BTW that analogy of surgery for baldness is nonsensical

Of course people don't think they are good enough the way they are. That has been the human condition for all of recorded history.
Have you ever met anyone that is gender fluid? Being gender fluid is not the same thing as having gender dysphoria and being trapped in the wrong sex.

There are different surgical procedures used for baldness. There are different surgical procedures used to deal with sexual dysphoria. You have locked yourself into a narrow view and can't seem to see past that.
I already addressed this. You can't read which I think is the problem here.

What I would say is calling something gender reassignment surgery to lop off bodies parts to reassign "gender" is illogical. According to your link gender isnt physical yet surgery only deals in the realm of the physical. There is no logical reason to lop off body parts if the issue is psychological and sociocultural.

Who says gender reassignment surgery reassigns gender?
Gender affirmation surgery refers to procedures that help people transition to their self-identified gender. Gender-affirming options may include facial surgery, top surgery or bottom surgery. Most people who choose gender affirmation surgeries report improved mental health and quality of life.

Their gender isn't being reassigned. Their physical characteristics are what is being altered, not their gender. This seems to be a problem with you understanding how words work, not how the surgery works.
Sex change has yet to occur.

Genital mutilation and hormone injections are not equivalent to changing one's sex. Men with mutilated genitals and estrogen injections are still men (but have now made themselves undesirable as suitable mates). One's sex goes beyond genitals and hormones.


Correct. The Church of Perversion has been trying to hijack the word 'gender' for several decades now.


Mantra 16a
Of course people don't think they are good enough the way they are. That has been the human condition for all of recorded history.
Have you ever met anyone that is gender fluid? Being gender fluid is not the same thing as having gender dysphoria and being trapped in the wrong sex.

There are different surgical procedures used for baldness. There are different surgical procedures used to deal with sexual dysphoria. You have locked yourself into a narrow view and can't seem to see past that.

Then they have a mental health problem. So if I'm a doctor and an adult woman weighing 75lbs says shes fat and wants to have gastric bypass surgery I should do it because she doesnt think she is good enough and she wants to feel better about herself.

Changing words again I see. Now you prefer sexual dysphoria to gender dysphoria. No wonder people have been fucked up by this bullshit.
You heard me.

Yes. It means that you wish to be dishonest in your discourse.

The only one substituting words here is you. I've only ever used 'sex' and 'gender' (and 'huge' and 'gigantic')... I haven't added in a third term to either of those. You did. You added in 'vast'. This is YOUR issue. You can't blame me for YOUR problems that YOU created, dude.

Is the problem that you have never had gender even once in your life?