
How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?

Why don't you like it when I ask you that question?

Because it is stupid. It has nothing to do with the conversation. You and your socks are trying to make it sound like you have no clue that a single word can have MULTIPLE definitions. And definitions arise from use of the language which is then recorded by the groups responsible for additions to the dictionary.

It is NOT THE SAME THING AS CREATING THE WORD AND THEN DICTATING WHAT IT MEANS. It is a recording of its proper use as of the time of writing of the dictionary.

Seriously, dude, learn something about dictionaries and the English language. This whole "Dictionaries don't define words" gambit is just STUPID. It's facile sophistry and it's silly.
Then you're an idiot. There is no compassion in playing pretend with a full grown adult human who thinks their gender is two spirit or some other nonsense. Save us that compassion bullshit you twats peddle.
You're correct that it's not compassionate to play make-believe via normalizing mental illness.

You can always tell when you leftists have reached the edge of your intellectual capabilities, you resort to emotion. It's hilarious
A common tactic, for sure. He's also attempting to be 'morally superior' to you.

So you say. Unfortunately I see no reason to believe you.

Understood. I hope you are treated with the same level of compassion in your hour of need. And you WILL one day have need of compassion. Everyone does.

I'd say your screeching here is pretty emotional.
It's always laughable whenever someone like you "switches gears" and attempts to play the 'moral superiority card'. What's funny about it is that anyone can go back just a few posts and see how you were talking before you started pretending to be "compassionate"... Let me quote just one example of how you responded to me right after I asked you a simple question regarding how "dictionary definitions" come to be: (your post #766 in this thread for anyone who wishes to verify for his/her self)

Oscillator: "How do you fucking think they come to be? Are you a fuckin' idiot? Give this whole thing a rest. This is easily the most STUPID point I've read in a while and the fact that you and your socks all share it is too big of a tell.

Just give it a rest. You aren't clever, you aren't insightful. You're just being stupid."

How "compassionate" of you... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
It's always laughable whenever someone like you "switches gears" and attempts to play the 'moral superiority card'. What's funny about it is that anyone can go back just a few posts and see how you were talking before you started pretending to be "compassionate" and morally superior to Yakuda and others... Let me quote just one example of how you responded to me right after I asked you a simple question regarding how "dictionary definitions" come to be: (your post #766 in this thread)

"How do you fucking think they come to be? Are you a fuckin' idiot? Give this whole thing a rest. This is easily the most STUPID point I've read in a while and the fact that you and your socks all share it is too big of a tell.

Just give it a rest. You aren't clever, you aren't insightful. You're just being stupid."

How "compassionate" of you... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Fair enough. Doesn't make your point about dictionaries any less insipid.
Because it is stupid.
Now THERE'S more of that Oscillator "compassion", eh?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It has nothing to do with the conversation.
It has everything to do with the conversation.

People are trying to claim that 'sex' and 'gender' are two completely different things (rather than the synonyms that they are within this context). That claim is about word definitions, of which you are attempting to claim that dictionaries define words. Then I ask you how "dictionary definitions" come to be and you commence throwing a "compassionate" hissy fit over it instead of simply answering the question. :laugh:

You and your socks are trying to make it sound like you have no clue that a single word can have MULTIPLE definitions.
Nah. You're just trying to assign bogus positions to the posters who are correcting your mistakes.

And definitions arise from use of the language which is then recorded by the groups responsible for additions to the dictionary.
What is "the dictionary"? Aren't there all sorts of dictionaries in existence?

It is NOT THE SAME THING AS CREATING THE WORD AND THEN DICTATING WHAT IT MEANS. It is a recording of its proper use as of the time of writing of the dictionary.
So the words are not being defined by any dictionary (or any "group responsible for additions"), eh?

It sounds to me as if words are instead defined by the creator of said words... (and isn't there a special word for the study of such a thing?? Hint: It starts with the letter 'E' and ends with 'mology').

Seriously, dude, learn something about dictionaries and the English language. This whole "Dictionaries don't define words" gambit is just STUPID. It's facile sophistry and it's silly.
How "compassionate" of you... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

To recap: You've now admitted that it's not actually the dictionaries that define words, yet you conclude with your continued claim that dictionaries define words. :palm: :seenoevil::hearnoevil:
Attempting and failing
Indeed. He made it way too easy for me to 'flip the script' on that one.

I think he has now realized what went wrong with his attempt to do that, but if not, then I will gladly continue mocking him for it.
Fallacy fallacy. He made no false equivocation.

Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy... He did make a false equivocation. LOL. This is not argument, BTW. Just screaming out stuff from the list of logical fallacies is nonsense, does nothing to continue a conversation and doesn't even make you look smart. It just makes it look like you are incapable of supporting an opinion of your own.

If you want to point out a fallacy, do so, I love a decent logic puzzle. But also include some tidbit of information pertaining to the conversation otherwise you are just squawking loudly without purpose. Also remember that a conversation is not the same thing as a logical proof, and this is conversational, not a debate stage. Appeal to emotion, for instance, has a validity in politics in a way that no logical fallacy should during a debate, but in reality, where we live and hold these conversations, it works. Pretending that negative commercials aren't mostly logical fallacies, for instance, is just pretense.

Knowing that they work is part of politics, and appeal to emotion will work here too, even if you squawk out that it is appeal to emotion.
If you have truly realized why your 'moral superiority' attempt failed, then I'll let bygones by bygones on that one.

Your opinion that my point is insipid doesn't make my point any less correct.

If you can't handle someone calling out your bs then I suggest you don't peddle it. :)
Someone from the DNC creates an entry in Wikipedia for dictionaries to copy.

... because it's mean-spiwited, vewy cwool, and tantamount to tow-chah. You such a buwwy ... so vewy cwool.

You and your socks aren't as clever as you fantasize you are. Just a pro-tip for ya. Free of charge.
You and your socks aren't as clever as you fantasize you are. Just a pro-tip for ya. Free of charge.
Pro Tip #1: You aren't the genius you have been led to believe.
Pro Tip #2: You aren't anyone's first choice for commentary on what's clever.
Pro Tip #3: You aren't a mind reader; you have no idea what my fantasies are.
Pro Tip #4: I'm waiting for you to grow a pair and debate your Climate Change religion with me. But take your time; I realize that you are thoroughly ashamed of your faith at present.

Bring it on, Mr. PhD. It will be a lot of fun.
Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy... He did make a false equivocation.
Mockery. Discard of logic. Discard of history. Fallacy fallacy. No false equivocation took place.
LOL. This is not argument, BTW. Just screaming out stuff from the list of logical fallacies is nonsense, does nothing to continue a conversation and doesn't even make you look smart. It just makes it look like you are incapable of supporting an opinion of your own.
I do support my own opinions. Any fallacies that I call are not by me, but by the person making the fallacy.
If you want to point out a fallacy, do so, I love a decent logic puzzle. But also include some tidbit of information pertaining to the conversation otherwise you are just squawking loudly without purpose.
Fallacies are not logic puzzles. They are errors in logic, similar to a math error. If someone, for example, tries to argue that 2+2=7, that's a math error. I do not have to explain it.
Also remember that a conversation is not the same thing as a logical proof,
That is correct. Logic still must be followed, however, or the argument made in the conversation is invalid.
and this is conversational, not a debate stage.
Irrelevant. Logic applies to both conversations and debates. Oh...and I have frequently pointed out that these are not debates, only conversations.
Appeal to emotion, for instance, has a validity in politics in a way that no logical fallacy should during a debate,
An appeal to emotion can be legit, but only in very narrow circumstances. Outside those circumstances, for example, in attempting a proof of any kind, it is a fallacy.
but in reality, where we live and hold these conversations, it works.
It might, it might not. Like I said, it is NOT a fallacy for some limited circumstances.
Pretending that negative commercials aren't mostly logical fallacies, for instance, is just pretense.
Most commercials have numerous fallacies in them.
Knowing that they work is part of politics, and appeal to emotion will work here too, even if you squawk out that it is appeal to emotion.
If a fallacy occurs, someone may still buy the product, but that doesn't eliminate the fallacy. I think you will find that people buy products not because of a commercial so much, but because the product is sitting there on the store shelf. Frankly, people don't really care whether a particular brand has ingredient 'xyzzy' in it.

It really doesn't take any extra work to avoid committing fallacies, except to take the time to realize why you are making the argument you are making.

I do not call all fallacies. For example, many people here spend their time trying to derail threads and throw insults (that's generally all they do). I don't bother to call the insult fallacy because it's obvious. Such insults do not make any argument. Their only purpose is to derail the thread and to give the poster some meaning in their otherwise meaningless life.

I am not here to 'appear smart'. I let the lefties do that. Many of them deny science, mathematics, logic, philosophy, etc. They do it to push their religion. To them, their religion means all. When they try false authorities to 'prove' their argument, I call them on it. When they try to project their problems on someone else, I call them on it.

Per your request, however, I will try to include an explanation and context more often. It does get tiring with the repetitive chanting of the left, though.
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