
Gender is a distribution. A bimodal distribution with most people falling into one of two modes. The existence of other variations of these two modes is much less in the population but it is still quite real for those people who cannot align themselves with the cultural expectations or modal behaviors of one of those two modes.

The real problem for the Culture Warriors on the Right is that they fear that the Left is forcing them to accept that the distribution is a "uniform distribution" which is most assuredly is not.

The key here is that the people who have non-binary gender designation here are real people too and need to be respected so that those who live in fear of being public about their struggle are allowed to feel safe and secure.

Why is this such a hard topic????
What you are basically noting is that society should separate restrooms and locker rooms by sex rather than gender should they want to create a safe space for females.

Sex = Dichromatic based on biology and is expressed as male or female.
Gender = An artistic expression of what a person feels like today and can be expressed in infinite variety to which anyone can become offended if you didn't automatically and magically use their pronouns they made up seven minutes ago, didn't tell anyone about, and which will change tomorrow.

Just an FYI, there is nothing wrong with a female who still identifies as a woman with more masculine interests and they should be able to exist without being forced to describe themselves on the rainbow spectrum or constantly suggest to them they would be more "comfortable" as a "man".

Anyway, believing that someone can simply put on womanface and go fairly compete in sports with someone who is biologically female is a clearly absurd belief based on wishes and simply does not consider actual fairness to the female athletes. Title IX will die if we continue to play this game.

I don't care what gender someone identifies with, and I will use their pronouns if I know them and support them in many ways. I just also feel that fairness and safety should matter. We have yet to come up with an elegant solution, and may not be able to, but I know that having a man go out after putting on womanface and pummel a female athlete in a UFC octagon is just flat wrong.
Slight amendment: There are two sexes/genders.

They are synonymous terms, so there is no separate thing called "gender" that is different from "sex".

Your opinion.

You can't offer this as a consensus opinion.
People very obviously disagree on it,
and you have not shown how one side's credentials
are more credible than the other's.

My opinion is that the discussion has lasted sufficiently long
for me to realize that
I don't give too big of a fuck about it, one way or the other.
Yes. Clothing is designed differently for men than it is for women... anatomical differences, you see.

Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept? Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning? What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?

In fact, according to the OED, "gender" is already distinct from "sex" in at least one definition:

"gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.). The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, " (SOURCE)
So? You also post opinion as though it is fact, but don't bother to back it up with credible sources.
I could spend a week unpacking this, but suffice to say that ThatOwlCoward is being stupid again as though that is all she knows. At least now I understand why she only regurgitates things that she has been ordered to believe and preach, i.e. she believes that only opinions that are handed to someone from the internet are allowed to be expressed.

Yes, she is stupid in that regard. I feel sorry for her. It must suck donkey dicks to be her, but it explains her persistent cowardice if she is cornered and is pressured to answer for herself. Imagine, living a life whereby you need to rush to your "sources" to find out how you must respond, lest you be saying "bullshit." It would make you paranoid to the point of viewing independent thinkers as "disinformation agents."

The reason you don't use credible sources is because you know what you're posting is bullshit.


Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept?
The word "gender" is needed because the word "sex" typically means something else, i.e. the horizontal mambo.

Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning?
No, we should just leave gender to mean always what "sex" only means some of the time. If you believe a different word is needed, get a different word. Don't hijack the word "gender" to force your political agenda onto everyone else.

No one is preventing anyone from finding another word for this purpose. Leftists, however, being the shithead dumbfucks that they are, always insist on hijacking the words that would most damage everybody's ability to hold an intelligent conversation on the matter. So, if you want to find another word to help you with whatever plight you might be experiencing, I will applaud your efforts and I will help you in any way I can. If you are going to insist on hijacking words, I'll just tell you to sit on this and spin the fuck around.

What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?
That would be hijacking the word.

"gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.).
First, that's not a definition. That's word usage. No dictionary defines any words. Dictionaries provide example usage of words, both correct and otherwise.

Second, it references a specific context (psychology) and not the entire domain required of the English language. If I wish to intelligently and independently discuss the topic of gender, I can't be hamstrung by words that force me to presume any particular context or political agenda.

So, let's leave the word "gender" alone and find a different term that works for everyone. How about "social role"? I can't think of any better label for a social role than "social role."

First, that's not a definition.

It is a definition from the foremost repository of english words: the OED.

That's word usage. No dictionary defines any words.

You shouldn't get high this early in the day.

Dictionaries provide example usage of words, both correct and otherwise.

And definitions. Definitions are the primary things for dictionaries to provide.

So, let's leave the word "gender" alone and find a different term that works for everyone. How about "social role"? I can't think of any better label for a social role than "social role."

Tomato tomahto.
Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept?
Why do you need the word 'sex' when the word 'intercourse' already exists?

Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning? What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?
What's wrong with the word 'gender' being the word "we" use to describe the biological differences between individual members of sexual species?

In fact, according to the OED, "gender" is already distinct from "sex" in at least one definition:

"gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.). The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, " (SOURCE)
In fact, according to etymology, the word "gender" stems from the French word 'gendre' (referring to one's kind/species) and the Latin word 'genus' (referring, once again, to one's kind/species). IOW, biology.

You just wish to hijack the word to promote lies (and mental illness) over truth (and mental health).
Why do you need the word 'sex' when the word 'intercourse' already exists?

What's wrong with the word 'gender' being the word "we" use to describe the biological differences between individual members of sexual species?

In fact, according to etymology, the word "gender" stems from the French word 'gendre' (referring to one's kind/species) and the Latin word 'genus' (referring, once again, to one's kind/species). IOW, biology.

You just wish to hijack the word to promote lies (and mental illness) over truth (and mental health).

So you don't like dictionaries or the English language. Got it.
"Variation" equals birth defect--this is a semantic issue.

It's not somebody's fault for having a birth defect,
and nobody should be treated unfairly for having one.

Let's not get crazy with the woke shit, though, because it's all a contrived construct.

Try not to get caught up in the bastardization of the ‘woke’ word. It has nothing to do with gender.