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Slight amendment: There are two sexes/genders.
They are synonymous terms, so there is no separate thing called "gender" that is different from "sex".
Yeah that is the case. I got sloppy.
Slight amendment: There are two sexes/genders.
They are synonymous terms, so there is no separate thing called "gender" that is different from "sex".
This is correct. I specified humans because the human species seems to be the focus of this thread.Sex definitely does not refer specifically to humans.
They are different in spelling; synonymous in meaning.There is lack of agreement on gender, so the two words are indeed different.
They are different in spelling; synonymous in meaning.
Slight amendment: There are two sexes/genders.
They are synonymous terms, so there is no separate thing called "gender" that is different from "sex".
Slight amendment: There are two sexes/genders.
They are synonymous terms, so there is no separate thing called "gender" that is different from "sex".
Yes. Clothing is designed differently for men than it is for women... anatomical differences, you see.Are you really saying that gender appropriate clothing is sex appropriate clothing?
Yes. Clothing is designed differently for men than it is for women... anatomical differences, you see.
I could spend a week unpacking this, but suffice to say that ThatOwlCoward is being stupid again as though that is all she knows. At least now I understand why she only regurgitates things that she has been ordered to believe and preach, i.e. she believes that only opinions that are handed to someone from the internet are allowed to be expressed.So? You also post opinion as though it is fact, but don't bother to back it up with credible sources.
The reason you don't use credible sources is because you know what you're posting is bullshit.
The word "gender" is needed because the word "sex" typically means something else, i.e. the horizontal mambo.Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept?
No, we should just leave gender to mean always what "sex" only means some of the time. If you believe a different word is needed, get a different word. Don't hijack the word "gender" to force your political agenda onto everyone else.Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning?
That would be hijacking the word.What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?
First, that's not a definition. That's word usage. No dictionary defines any words. Dictionaries provide example usage of words, both correct and otherwise."gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.).
First, that's not a definition.
That's word usage. No dictionary defines any words.
Dictionaries provide example usage of words, both correct and otherwise.
So, let's leave the word "gender" alone and find a different term that works for everyone. How about "social role"? I can't think of any better label for a social role than "social role."
Why do you need the word 'sex' when the word 'intercourse' already exists?Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept?
What's wrong with the word 'gender' being the word "we" use to describe the biological differences between individual members of sexual species?Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning? What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?
In fact, according to etymology, the word "gender" stems from the French word 'gendre' (referring to one's kind/species) and the Latin word 'genus' (referring, once again, to one's kind/species). IOW, biology.In fact, according to the OED, "gender" is already distinct from "sex" in at least one definition:
"gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.). The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, " (SOURCE)
Why do you need the word 'sex' when the word 'intercourse' already exists?
What's wrong with the word 'gender' being the word "we" use to describe the biological differences between individual members of sexual species?
In fact, according to etymology, the word "gender" stems from the French word 'gendre' (referring to one's kind/species) and the Latin word 'genus' (referring, once again, to one's kind/species). IOW, biology.
You just wish to hijack the word to promote lies (and mental illness) over truth (and mental health).
So you don't like health or truth. Got it.So you don't like dictionaries or the English language. Got it.
So you don't like health or truth. Got it.
Nothing I have said is untrue. In fact I supported it with a definition from the premiere dictionary of the English language, the OED. Ergo QED.
"Variation" equals birth defect--this is a semantic issue.
It's not somebody's fault for having a birth defect,
and nobody should be treated unfairly for having one.
Let's not get crazy with the woke shit, though, because it's all a contrived construct.