
Sex and gender have been differentiated since 1955, it’s not a new concept.

Trumpers see them as being the same. Kinda like they see all white people as white people but everyone else are the same inferior savages "race". They literally see the world in Black & White.
Too funny. Don't worry about it. I read some of your other posts; they confirm that you are another undereducated leftist who became indoctrinated and now you have been enslaved by thought-masters who do your thinking for you. You clearly know very little and all your opinions have been handed to you by others, so I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.

Tell me all about this Climate Change science that you insist you know. While you're at it, to the best of your understanding of thermodynamics, tell me how you believe electric cars are more fuel efficient than combustion engine vehicles. This kind of humor never gets old.

Oh, please call me an idiot again. I want to eventually be able to ask you "If I'm an idiot, where does this place you?" Anyway, bring it on ... unless you have become rightfully ashamed of your Climate Change faith.

Don't worry, on the other thread I laid it out for you. I suspect you'll have a lot of questions because it has some science in it.
When will you two puppet masters kiss and make up?

This is for the morons who don’t understand gender.

[FONT="]Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. [COLOR=#040C28]Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people[/COLOR].[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]May 8, 2023

L1wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › ...

[h=3]What is gender? What is sex? - CIHR[/h]

There is no other sex than male or female.
Here, let me educate you.
[FONT="]Projecting is [COLOR=#040C28]when someone unconsciously attributes their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to another person[/COLOR].[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]May 22, 2023

Which is what you are doing. Do not blame others for YOUR problem.
Don't worry, on the other thread I laid it out for you. I suspect you'll have a lot of questions because it has some science in it.
I've already responded. I suspect you'll have a lot of dread because it has some science in it.

It doesn't define all words, but it is largely considered the premiere english dictionary. You probably don't know this because you don't seem to be all that hip to linguistics. You should look into it. It's been around for >130 years now.

No dictionary defines any word. That is not the purpose of dictionaries.

No dictionary owns any word.
So what's up with you and your buddy, Cypress? I haven't seen you slavishly respond to all his posts to confirm his posts for him today.
That was just your delusions, Perry....if not your fetishes. Why do you always inject homoeroticism into the conversation be it pictures, artists or allegations?

Cypress likes to explore physics and global philosophies; I like to go troll and sock hunting. Philosophies are fun, as is psychology, but it doesn't take me too long to be bored with astrophysical equations.
That was just your delusions, Perry....if not your fetishes. You always inject homoeroticism into the conversation be it pictures, artists or allegations.

Lies, lies lies, yeah. Source: The Thompson Twins.

Cypress likes to explore physics and global philosophies; I like to go troll and sock hunting. Philosophies are fun, as is psychology, but it doesn't take me too long to be bored with astrophysical equations.

LOL. Quoting other people one doesn't understand is NOT "exploring".

And you aren't "sock hunting" any more effectively than you are "diagnosing" or "guessing ages".

I hope you don't feel TOO bad being an utter failure.
Two things:

1) I don’t give a fuck how many genders there are. People can identify however they wish. Regardless of their gender, they should be treated equally and fairly.
2) It ain’t woke. Woke has nothing to do with gender.

'Identifying' does not change your gender. There is only male and female. They cannot be treated equally. There are important physical differences that you seem to be unaware of.