General Kelly confirmed Trump disparaged US troops


we want to save America from globalist stupidity and the destruction it causes.

you think America should be destroyed
Stop trying to think of what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm thinking.

I don't think Biden did well last night, however his comments at least were fact-based, unlike trump's. And what really pissed me off was how much trump trashed America and Americans. This is the country where he made his millions (or so he says,) gamed the system and got away with years and years of grifting, sexual harassment and too much ugly behaviour to be counted. I never thought I'd see where a convicted felon had so many excuses made for him that he's still feels secure in running for president.

In spite of last night's debate, Biden has something that trump never had and never will have... character and class. All trump's money and he's still a sow's ear.
all jobs sent away.

borders not enforced.

stupid wars.

taxpayers being burdened with all the stupidities created by the above.
Plenty of jobs for sane, honest people who don't have felony convictions.

Trump cancelled the border bill.

All wars are stupid. Putin started the stupid war in Ukraine and Iran/Hamas started the one in Israel. What is even more stupid is to let these stupid war mongers attack other countries without opposition.

Sane, intelligent and educated people know that Congress often falls down on the job but sometimes they actually follow their oaths and support the Constitutional requirements of their positions:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Stop trying to think of what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm thinking.

I don't think Biden did well last night, however his comments at least were fact-based, unlike trump's. And what really pissed me off was how much trump trashed America and Americans. This is the country where he made his millions (or so he says,) gamed the system and got away with years and years of grifting, sexual harassment and too much ugly behaviour to be counted. I never thought I'd see where a convicted felon had so many excuses made for him that he's still feels secure in running for president.

In spite of last night's debate, Biden has something that trump never had and never will have... character and class. All trump's money and he's still a sow's ear.
He has built several real buildings and had several hit shows.

it's possible for a rich person to also see the destructiveness of globalist idiocy.

you cannot see it because you're a brainwashed globalist imbecile.
Plenty of jobs for sane, honest people who don't have felony convictions.

Trump cancelled the border bill.

All wars are stupid. Putin started the stupid war in Ukraine and Iran/Hamas started the one in Israel. What is even more stupid is to let these stupid war mongers attack other countries without opposition.

Sane, intelligent and educated people know that Congress often falls down on the job but sometimes they actually follow their oaths and support the Constitutional requirements of their positions:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
the border bill was just geared to facilitate more intake of illegals.

you're a dumbass.
He has built several real buildings and had several hit shows.

it's possible for a rich person to also see the destructiveness of globalist idiocy.

you cannot see it because you're a brainwashed globalist imbecile.
Not addressing the point, I see. Do you think America sucks, yes or no?

You support a corrupt narcissist grifter who never uttered a single good word about America last night. Not one positive word. You magats should be calling him out for this but instead you remain silent, glassy-eyed and adoring of his bully persona.
And deflecting from the point, as usual.
It's in the MAGAt rules; if the lies don't work then change the subject.

MAGAt rule #1 A bold-faced lie is your best defense
MAGAt rule #2 Never take responsibility
MAGAt rule #3 Always blame the other guy

MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.