Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Darwin's theory of evolution and Genesis creationism are entirely compatible. Genesis serves to explain how life came to be. Evolution serves to explain how life changed once it came to be.

The only conflict that exists is between Darwin's theory of evolution and young-earthism. Any theory that places the earth's age at less than a few dozen millions of years has an uphill battle to explain and endless plenitude of physical empirical evidence to the contrary. Nontheless, no explanation is required for one to believe whatever one wants to believe.
As far as I know obviously the flat earth is only 6000 years old. In fact scientific evidence shows that the culture the Flintstones lived in was a flat earth!😃

At no time did I say it is. I clearly stated that Creation is a FACT and that true science has unwittingly (without intending to) confirmed it to be true.
That is false. Science cannot disprove Gid therefore creation cannot be proven by science. You are hopelessly ignorant.
Just another Christian troll.
Problem is they are now trying to sell their cult to public school students. And who knows now what this court will do. Just another reason to vote up and down the ballot. We need to expunge these idiots from power positions.
Problem is they are now trying to sell their cult to public school students. And who knows now what this court will do. Just another reason to vote up and down the ballot. We need to expunge these idiots from power positions.
Agree. Christians are trying to sell their mythology as based in science.
No, the way this started is that I said Darwin did not have a theory or mechanism for abiogenesis. At most he had some wild ass guesses, ideas, and speculations.

And you kindly did the work and Google research just proving I was right: Darwin was just speculating and guessing.

Nobody has a theory or mechanism for abiogenesis. The most we are working with at this point are hypotheses or educated guesses

Darwin's theory of abiogenesis was stated in letters to his friends and acquaintances. You are simply giving me wash, rinse, and repeat.