First of all, you're lying.....
No, that would be you.
the cops where kneeling on his back -
Make up your damn mind... Was the cop kneeling on his back or on his neck?
The fact that you keep switching back and forth between these two claims tells me that you don't have a damn clue what you're talking about.
practically sitting on him-
Make up your damn mind... Was the cop kneeling on him or sitting on him?
Sitting involves the buttocks; kneeling involves the knees. Again, the fact that you can't make up your mind tells me that you don't have a damn clue what you're talking about.
as Chauvin began to apply the knee.
If Chauvin was applying his knee, then he was not sitting. Kneeling involves a knee or knees; sitting involves the buttocks. Make up your damn mind.
Also, it seems that you initially left out some details in your claim about the autopsy. When I pointed it out, you just changed the subject.
What did I "leave out"? I've addressed everything that you've brought up. The autopsy has been linked in this thread for your perusal. The video footage of the event is still available for your perusal.
Grow up and just concede the point, tweety.
Grow up and just concede the point, fuckwit.
Secondly, are you really this ignorant regarding people saying they can't breath before passing out?
The word breathe has an 'e' at the end of it. Learn English.
If one can keep speaking and saying that they can't breathe, then they obviously can still breathe. Talking requires being able to breathe.
Jeez, you need to get out more. Ask any experienced EMT worker, fire fighter, ER nurse, etc. etc.
Sounds like YOU should be asking others to teach you about this...
Like your icon, you're a little bird....a lot of noise and full of shyte.
Not all little birds are noisy, nor are they all full of shyte.
The species of bird that is in my avatar is a catbird. They are very commonly heard/sighted in Wisconsin (and in much of North America, east of the Rocky Mountains). I use a catbird as my avatar for a few reasons:
[1] Catbirds are my favorite species of bird, with barn swallows being a very close second.
[2] Catbirds are rather remarkable mimics, able to expertly mimic the vocalizations of many other birds (and can even mimic the vocalizations of other animals). I was even lucky enough to capture one such mimicry on video during one of my hiking/photography outings. Anyway, my avatar (in part) represents my keen ability to mimic the vocalizations of libtards, and the joy that I get in doing so.
[3] Catbirds are very good at thwarting the schemes of brood parasites (such as cowbirds), rejecting parasite eggs rather than raising cowbird offspring FOR the cowbird. In this manner, I view parasitical cowbirds as representative of socialist libtards, and I view the catbird's attitude of "NOT in MY nest, you fucking parasite" as representative of capitalist conservatives.
Repeating your erroneous claim won't magically make it come true...the defense team is finding that out today.
You should take your own advice. I see no reason for why Chauvin shouldn't be cleared of all charges against him.