George Floyd - Cop did not kill him. ???

Nobody sat on anybody's neck. I've watched all the available video footage for myself. Stop lying.

Floyd died of a drug overdose.

Either you can't read or are insipidly stubborn. Both autopsies rule "homicide". I provided articles that quote foresnic experts to that effect. And stop splitting hairs.....yes it was Chauvin's knee and not his butt that was on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes. Happy now?
Either you can't read or are insipidly stubborn. Both autopsies rule "homicide". I provided articles that quote foresnic experts to that effect. And stop splitting hairs.....yes it was Chauvin's knee and not his butt that was on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes. Happy now?
No, because you are still making schiff up.
Ummm, not quite. The chronology of the posts shows you making definitive, declarative statements regarding Partial facts and your personal supposition and conjecture. Now that your faced with the FACT that your opinion is not based on solid ground, you blow smoke. Since you don't have the cojones to just concede a simple point, I leave you to bray as long as you want. The objective reader sees your folly.

I love the musings from self-important alt-lefties who spend three days with a thesaurus in their lap just to create a word salad to justify their $5 cup of Starbucks while wearing their Birkenstocks.
Stick around for the trial Perry Mason.
1. Floyd says he is claustrophobic in the police car and bashes his head inside the cruiser, yet after he passes a fake bill he goes out and is sitting inside a closed door, windows up Mercedes with 2 others, long enough for the police to be called in and arrive and is reluctant to leave the car when commanded by police.

2. Floyd is a walking chemistry lab and admits to having narcotics in his rectum, whee!

3. His 3 main coronary arteries are 75- 90% blocked from the Wash Post article and THE CORONER'S REPORT SAID HE DIED OF A HEART ATTACK with lungs 3X normal weight with fluid. First I've heard of this potentially exculpatory evidence which apparently was withheld from defense counsel??

4. Knee on the neck, 3 cops to hold him down, approved procedure, with no contusions or bruises on neck supporting theory of excessive pressure.

Cops are not angry, hostile, or abusive to this intoxicated arrestee in any way that I can see. They've seen and dealt with many George Floyd's in the past.

Not even going to mention Floyds rap sheet as a violent multiple convicted felon that may be introduced into evidence since he's dead and not on trial.

You be the jury.

Based on a few seconds from the entire police video, we have a public rush to judgment, driven by the usual media suspects generating the farce known as BLM resulting in mayhem and deaths across the country with more to follow if the officers are rightfully exonerated.

Not to be judgemental, but now the idiots on the Minneapolis council have given the Floyd family $27 million for nothing, without waiting for a jury determination of guilt or innocence, resulting in 2 jurors disqualifying themselves due to the prejudicial effects of the well-publicized award. Wonder about the effects on the other jurors.
All to expiate the council's guilt. By the way, seem to remember they voted to defund the police, the first line of defense from predators in minority communities.

And the real tragedy in my view? No question that the progressive left and their compliant media have used this death to propel their continuing dogma of systemic racism, divisiveness among the races, evil prejudiced America, and police brutality toward minorities. etc.

For the 4 officers charged with murder and facing prison, a bad place for cops, this,in my view, is the real tragedy.
He wasn't sitting on his windpipe.

He was. He deliberately did that. He was known for that move. He was told that he was choking him and he could not breathe. Floyd said it. Bystanders said it and the cop did not care. The cop strangled him and thought nothing of it. We also knew rightys would lie about it . He must have forced Chauvin to sit on his neck. Other cops told him to get off too.Your view is 100 percent predictable. Rightys create their own reality. Floyd presented zero fight. He was not looking for trouble.
He was. He deliberately did that. He was known for that move. He was told that he was choking him and he could not breathe. Floyd said it. Bystanders said it and the cop did not care. The cop strangled him and thought nothing of it. We also knew rightys would lie about it . He must have forced Chauvin to sit on his neck. Other cops told him to get off too.Your view is 100 percent predictable. Rightys create their own reality. Floyd presented zero fight. He was not looking for trouble.

You seem to be grossly uninformed so I challenge and any others to watch this video. The first fifteen minutes is exactly what happened via body cam and other videos. At 13:00 you get an actual breakdown of each of the actions the police took.
You seem to be grossly uninformed so I challenge and any others to watch this video. The first fifteen minutes is exactly what happened via body cam and other videos. At 13:00 you get an actual breakdown of each of the actions the police took.

Most far rightys I know say " I dare you to watch this". You are close. Chauvin sat on his neck for almost 9 minutes. Unless you are wearing scuba gear, you will die.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Either you can't read or are insipidly stubborn. Both autopsies rule "homicide". I provided articles that quote foresnic experts to that effect. And stop splitting hairs.....yes it was Chauvin's knee and not his butt that was on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes. Happy now?

No, because you are still making schiff up.

Prove it with facts and the logic derived from said facts, Tweety? So far you're like a little bird...a lot of noise and full of it!
Prove it with facts and the logic derived from said facts, Tweety? So far you're like a little bird...a lot of noise and full of it!

The autopsy has already been provided in this thread. You can look at it for yourself. Floyd had no neck injuries. He died of a drug overdose.

Video footage of the event (and not just the portions of it that the MoSM purposely manipulates to suit a particular agenda) is still available on the internet for your perusal (you might have to watch it on BitChute if YouTube has censored it).
No, he wasn't.

He deliberately did that.
He can't deliberately do something that he wasn't even doing to begin with.

He was known for that move.
??? the fuck?

He was told that he was choking him and he could not breathe.
Floyd was complaining about being "unable to breathe" (which requires breathing, btw) WELL before any knee was ever on him. Watch the available video footage, dude.

Floyd said it.
... well before any cop had any knee on him.

Bystanders said it and the cop did not care.
The cop was restraining him (and was aware that Floyd was showing signs of excited delirium). It was Floyd who requested to be on the ground rather than sit in the back of the police car (with the AC turned on).

The cop strangled him and thought nothing of it.
Floyd was never strangled. His neck had no injures (per the autopsy). The cops were kind towards him the whole time (per the video footage).

We also knew rightys would lie about it .
No, YOU are the one lying about it.

He must have forced Chauvin to sit on his neck.
Who is "he"? Chauvin did not sit on Floyd's neck. Floyd's neck had no injuries (per the autopsy).

Other cops told him to get off too. Your view is 100 percent predictable. Rightys create their own reality. Floyd presented zero fight. He was not looking for trouble.
Floyd was high as fuck, with lethal doses of drugs in his system. His neck had no injuries, and his heart and lungs had issues (per the autopsy). He died of a drug overdose.
Hey you leftie Dems ... your refusal to read the truth is deafening.

Your struggles with reality and the truth is not deafening to us DEMS at all!

In fact, it is an eye-opener and is helping the DEMOCRAT PARTY recruit even more support and VOTERS!

All I can say is thanks for all of your help in making the DEMOCRATS LOOK EVEN BETTER!

you are one of the reasons that republicans have the awful reputation that you do. the way you demand that everyone automatically do what the government says and you won't get murdered by're not the party of the constitution for damned sure.

Wrong; but then looking like an anarchist lying dunce is something you do well when debating me. :palm: