Get the hostages out; then kill everyone in Gaza

If there is a God in Heaven then we have a conversation programmed.

I did nothing to deserve this shit.......I demand answers!
Yes- and Zionism is responsible for much of it.
as I have told you the more reasonable story is that the Brits and the Zionist Bastards are Imperial Empire attack dogs, operating under the instruction of the Empire, the purpose being so that the Empire has plausible deniability for the Evil it conducts.
Of course. Each rejection of Zionist occupation brings them closer to ejecting them permanently.
Maybe you thought they were going to give up ?

Haw, haw.........................................haw.

Hamas is living on borrowed time even a braindeadatcist moron like you must realise that ffs.

Get the hostages out; then kill everyone in Gaza​

You act like we're supposed to give them a choice. I guarantee you it wouldn't be difficult at all, and they would be very happy to go if it were done in the way they deserve. Just go through some 1,300 years of Muslim history and you will find them to be masters at getting large populations to move and move quickly. Their fellow Arabs are more than wealthy enough to support them and make them comfy. If one actually believed faux 'Palestinian' history, they up and moved by that many when they thought their Arab brpthers were going to murder every Jew in Palestine, didn't they?

And bullshit on the claim Gaza never and any Jews. Al Jareeza and Arab mythology aren't facts or history.
Iran is not an Arabic country. Syria is hardly wealthy. Moving 2.2 million people makes generations of enemies, for a tiny grab of land.
Iran is not an Arabic country. Syria is hardly wealthy. Moving 2.2 million people makes generations of enemies, for a tiny grab of land.

Iran finances Arab terrorists, so that is a silly deflection. Syrian was what they considered themselves before inventing the 'Palestinian people' myth. And all you have to be to 'make generations of enemies' is to be non-Muslim, is all, so that argument is even more silly.
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The USA finances Jewish terrorists. The USA and the UK have been financing terrorist Jewz since Iran was called Persia.
You have no moral standpoint- so stfu.

Says a psycho piece of dogshit. lol keep advocating rapes and murders as 'legitimate political tactics', dogshit. We can then laugh at the results.


lol hilarious, and true justice for your vermin.
Says a psycho piece of dogshit. lol keep advocating rapes and murders as 'legitimate political tactics', dogshit. We can then laugh at the results.


lol hilarious, and true justice for your vermin.
What goes around comes around, Nazi. Lest you forget.
