I've yet to see anyone suggest how to keep from getting bored out of your mind while keeping in shape. The only way I know how to do that is to participate in active sports. For me, its skiing my ass off during the winter. It's a sport I love and my work-outs during the remainder of the year are geared towards getting better at it. In the past year I've gained 10# and its all in my thighs and butt; as my wife says "the skiing muscles". I also substitute off-season workouts with other competitive sports that I like, even if I'm not as competitive, like ultimate, racquetball, biking and tennis. I've always sucked at distance running even though I have the physique for it so I do wind sprints instead for cardio workouts. When I can't do a sports activity for a workout I make sure I have my mp3 player at the very least.