Getting into shape...

Cool, you just go on appologizing for USC while he methodically trashes everything good about life from sports and fitness to pro-social behavior in general.

Thankfully, your preceeding four or five posts were excellent, and I'm impressed with your body of knowledge about fitness.

Don't take that personally, I was being facetious. Maybe I should have used smiley ;-)
Don't take that personally, I was being facetious. Maybe I should have used smiley ;-)

I used to work as a volunteer fitness instructor for local outdoors activity civic group that promotes an active life style. As I'm sure you've heard me say before I have a life science academic back ground so working out/exercising is just one big biology lab for me and I do enjoy teaching others.

It's kind of funny but to this day I still have friends who like me mainly because I helped there wives take the chunkage off.

I must say that it is much different coaching women then men. It's way harder to coach women and I'm not being sexist here. Our society for many generations taught women that it wasn't lady like to exercise so that sort of cultural socialization can be difficult to over come.

For example, since I was a volunteer instructor and wasn't getting paid there were lots of ladies, with good intentions, but who lacked respect for my time and efforts in their behalf (that's a nice way of saying they would waste my time). So one of the ways I stopped them from doing that was a little test. Since I teach a holistic approach I would tell the lady that wanted me to train her that she had to go home first and throw away her bath room scale.

You'd be amazed at how many women would say "Oh I couldn't do that!" amd the main reason why was that their motivation and focus was on losing weight and thus improve their self image (which, by the way ladies, doesn't always work.). Men tend to be more goal oriented. They want to be able to have a six pack or be able to climb that big hill they've never been able to do before.

This is all well and fine, losing weight and having goals is good if that motivates you but the real focus has to be on making life style commitments and that's easy to teach but hard to learn.
I doubt you ever seriously trained your body usc.
I don't need to take advantage of any, I've got a hot woman who's way too pretty and nice for me and the best I can do is know it.
Take a look at Anna Ivonavich and tell me that's not a fit bod
Not all of them, well does that mean some of then?

I just like to razz people about gyms.
Like hiring someone to mow your lawn and then paying to go to a gym.

Just seems non productive to me in a way.
Now green exercise equipment that would generate electricity thatr would be used keep the beer cool...

PS don't go off on that flag waving crap with me.


I do not deny being a grumpy old man :D
Kinda proud of it actually.

I don't know about green exercise equipment that would generate electricity to keep beer cool

But here's a link to a site of an invention that could quite possibly be the worlds greatest example of male genius. A jet powered beer cooler!
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This is may be the last time you hear me say this. I agree with you 100%. That's is just soooooooo critical to any successful fitness program. Being active and doing things that you find are fun. I put my bike on a stationary trainer in the winters and it boors me to tears inside of 15 minutes, but get me out on the road with some curves and hills and I'm having a blast and can go for hours. Mixing it up, keeping things fresh and having fun doing it. That sure is key!
If you are a liberal then you should be willing to give at least 1/2 of your good health to some lazy bastard who is unwilling to work at his. :pke:
Boredom duing a workout can be a problem or a benefit.

When I was hitting the gym, the time spent on the bike or stairclimber was time for me to think and get my head straight. Like meditation without the quiet.
Boredom duing a workout can be a problem or a benefit.

When I was hitting the gym, the time spent on the bike or stairclimber was time for me to think and get my head straight. Like meditation without the quiet.

I do best with circuit training because it is quick paced and doesn't let me get into boredom.
I've ignored my own thread for long enough - it's time to get serious about this, before it's too late. I think Watermark's suggestion is best - I need to cut calories and exercise. Exercise by itself isn't enough. I'll finish reading through the comments tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for your input. :)

Update: holy crap. I just spent the last 30 minutes lifting my Blowflex adjustable dumbbells, while listening to Metallica. It really got my blood pumping! I'm starting out with 30lbs on each side. It's been so long since I exercised, so my entire upper body is burning. :p

I'm going to make this a daily habit.
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1) stop eating shitty comfort food
2) stop eating big quantities at meals if you go out alot
3) workout 4 times a week.

OMG it really is that easy.
1) stop eating shitty comfort food
2) stop eating big quantities at meals if you go out alot
3) workout 4 times a week.

OMG it really is that easy.

I've found out that there is no way to keep the weight down when I go out to eat a lot. I came back from a trip to FL to visit my Dad a few weeks ago and he insisted on going out every night. I ordered as carefully as I could, broiled and lots of veggies, but I still gained a pound every day that I was there.

Back when I was young I could eat as much as I wanted whatever I wanted but after I hit 40 or so I had to change. First I had to cut out the soft drinks, then the two glasses of milk every day, now the restaurant food. A lot of people aren't as genetically lucky as I am about it and can never eat as much as the want no matter what their age.
I've found out that there is no way to keep the weight down when I go out to eat a lot. I came back from a trip to FL to visit my Dad a few weeks ago and he insisted on going out every night. I ordered as carefully as I could, broiled and lots of veggies, but I still gained a pound every day that I was there.

Back when I was young I could eat as much as I wanted whatever I wanted but after I hit 40 or so I had to change. First I had to cut out the soft drinks, then the two glasses of milk every day, now the restaurant food. A lot of people aren't as genetically lucky as I am about it and can never eat as much as the want no matter what their age.

My method is during work week i eat little fruit in morning, healthy lunch, and then a cooked dinner every night. I avoid snacks, soda, and eating after dinner. SOOO many of the men here go out for lunch everyday because they need "some air" ... They are all fat
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im uscitizen, and i would much rather watch sex and the city with my gal pals then do any of that icky sports stuff. YUK. All of you are just follwers. I'm a leader. Look at how leaderlike I am. Has anyone seen the new shoe collection? It's divine.
True if you are into vanity bodybuilding and such especially.

Not just one project, many projects.
Do something productive with your time money and energy.
You do not have to have washboard abs and such to be in a healthy lifestyle.
Not speaking from personal experience on the abs or healthy lifestyle though :D

Much of my generation was proud of doing work.
Now it seems to be a topic to be avoided and relegated to the "little people".

Many of my generatiion are to blame for not teaching their children the value of a job well done.
Heck you can go to jail now for trying to get some productive work out of a kid.

And yes children should not work in mines and such, however I think we have gone a bit too far in the other direction.

I'm getting back into shape by trying to keep up with a dog who can outrun a rabbit. He's obsessed -- we have to go out and run the agility course several times during an evening, and of course I get further exercise moving all the equipment around. In the summer I also swim.

I eat almost no processed food at all; everything is fresh and cooked at home. I did bake rather too much over the holidays (whole grain muffins, etc.) so have to overcome that little indulgence, but the running is doing wonders for my cardiovascular system and besides, it's a lot of fun and my dog loves it.