I don’t know where you are getting your info on the youth vote, but it’s wrong. The youth vote may be the determine vote in battleground states.

My info is not wrong. Your info is ignorant of basic mathematics. Your info is focused on comparing RAW 2020 numbers against RAW 2016 numbers. That is EXTREMELY misleading, and especially so this year due to the vastly increased vote by mail numbers due to the covid scam... If you compare the two years against the percentage of the total electorate that the youth group makes up, then you will find that the youth vote is actually significantly UNDERperforming this year compared to 2016...
The same with the black vote, they stayed home in 2016, but not this time.

This article makes the same math error as the prior article of yours did... Again, if you do the math correctly, the black vote is actually down this time around (but not as much as the youth vote is down)... Of course things could change since I last calculated it, but it's not looking good for Dems...
Another day has gone by, and yet I am still 100% confident in my prediction of a Trump victory with over 300 EC votes (and that's on the very conservative side, as I think that 326 EC votes is much closer to the result that will actually play out).

Only about a week out until liberals completely and utterly lose their shit...
I wonder if the JPP Trump supporters will disappear on the election day?

I, for one, will not disappear... I will be here on Wednesday morning, as I always am, whether I am celebrating my prediction being correct or whether I am eating crow about my prediction being completely and utterly wrong. I have laid it all out on the table, and I will not run away post-election day.
I, for one, will not disappear... I will be here on Wednesday morning, as I always am, whether I am celebrating my prediction being correct or whether I am eating crow about my prediction being completely and utterly wrong. I have laid it all out on the table, and I will not run away post-election day.

That's good. I am not so sure about others. At least you are not as desperate as them.
My info is not wrong. Your info is ignorant of basic mathematics. Your info is focused on comparing RAW 2020 numbers against RAW 2016 numbers. That is EXTREMELY misleading, and especially so this year due to the vastly increased vote by mail numbers due to the covid scam... If you compare the two years against the percentage of the total electorate that the youth group makes up, then you will find that the youth vote is actually significantly UNDERperforming this year compared to 2016...

Here we go with the Math again

Guess you missed it last time, three men walked into a hotel looking for a room. The clerk at the front desk said he had only one room left but he would give it to them for thirty dollars, ten dollars apiece, to which the three men agreed. A bit later the clerk felt he charged them too much, so he gave the bellhop five dollar to return to the three men. The bellhop couldn't figure out how to divide five by three equally so he made it easy and gave them a dollar apiece and kept two dollars for himself. So ultimately the three men wound up paying nine dollars apiece for the room

If the men each paid nine dollars, three times nine makes twenty seven dollars, and the bellhop kept two, making it twenty nine dollars, what happened to the other dollar?

Get the point this time?
Here we go with the Math again

Guess you missed it last time, three men walked into a hotel looking for a room. The clerk at the front desk said he had only one room left but he would give it to them for thirty dollars, ten dollars apiece, to which the three men agreed. A bit later the clerk felt he charged them too much, so he gave the bellhop five dollar to return to the three men. The bellhop couldn't figure out how to divide five by three equally so he made it easy and gave them a dollar apiece and kept two dollars for himself. So ultimately the three men wound up paying nine dollars apiece for the room

If the men each paid nine dollars, three times nine makes twenty seven dollars, and the bellhop kept two, making it twenty nine dollars, what happened to the other dollar?

Get the point this time?
No, as none of your hypothetical is in any way relevant to my point about the ignoring of the comparative percentage of the total electorate that the youth vote is comprising in both cases...

All that has happened in your scenario is that the moron bellhop who failed grade school mathematics has thieved $2 from the hotel company. Additionally, in real life, one of the three people would just end up paying a penny more than the other two paid... ($8.33 + $8.33 + $8.34 = $25.00)

But to directly answer your "what happened to the other dollar" question: Nothing happened to it (the question is phrased in a misleading way).

$30 (original charge) - $3 (actually refunded to the tenants) = $27 (actually paid by the tenants since the bellhop is a thief) - $2 (thieved by the bellhop) = $25 (supposed-to-be new charge to the tenants).

In real life, this hotel company obviously has VERY VERY bad internal controls over their petty cash...

Now, back to what I am actually talking about... When one compares 205K youth votes against 25K youth votes, that (on it's face, anyway) looks like youths are turning out in record droves... However, if the youth vote (for 18-29yr olds) is only making up <8% of the electorate, down from 10% (for 18-24yr olds), then that means that the youth vote is actually DOWN, not up... Astute observers will also notice that 18-24 does not equal 18-29, so adjusting for that difference to make it an equal age group comparison makes it even WORSE for Dems... In other words, the 18-29 age group in NC this cycle is turning out LESS than the 18-24 age group did last cycle...

Dems love to play such games with math, since their target audience (such as yourself, and numerous other Dems on this forum) is mathematically illiterate and will just take their word for it instead of analyzing the data for themselves...

This is why you are too stupid to realize that Dems are actually fairing very poorly according to early voting data...
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You know what guys... I might be wrong in my predictions in my OP... Trump might very well OVERPERFORM them ;) ;)

But then again, I did purposely make conservative estimates so as to not make a complete fool of myself as liberals shamelessly do...
I'm still feeling confident about my predictions... I can't wait to celebrate Trump's landslide victory when I come back here on Wed morning!!! :)
UPDATE: I am still feeling confident about my prediction... In fact, numbers across the country are looking SO good that Trump might OVERPERFORM my "326 EC votes" guess in the OP...

UPDATE: I am still feeling confident about my prediction... In fact, numbers across the country are looking SO good that Trump might OVERPERFORM my "326 EC votes" guess in the OP...


This didn't age well. I think Trump may very well win, but it won't be with 326 EC votes.
This didn't age well. I think Trump may very well win, but it won't be with 326 EC votes.
Indeed... several areas of several States have not gone as I thought they would... this has been one weird election, and I don't foresee this ending well no matter who ends up winning...