GI gets 100 years for raping, killing 14 yr old girl.

How are the protesting activities going these days?

Good. We're having an International Woman's day event in March, called "How Women Can Wage Peace" We have some great speakers lined up for it. And last month, I got us on Channel 12 news...I do the media and PR work for our group. I was very excited about it, because it was the first time our particular chapter had gotten on television.
LOL...well, the thrill is definitely gone whatever the cause.
Oh, I do hope it's a temporary condition.

Make no mistake, I respect and admire the serious side of your activism. You're a damned good writer and I'm glad that talent is directed toward something more than just worthwhile. You're living the life that I always thought I should, and you probably can't imagine just how much I respect that. And also how self-conscious I am about the fact that I'm not doing it anymore. Hell, never did it as much as I should have.

On the other hand, you're also one of the funniest, most lighthearted people I've ever met. And I've never actually met you in real life. :cool: That side of life is, in the long run, just as important. Less pressing, but just as important.

My friends, you don't know just what you're missing. This woman could probably give Brent or Grind a good belly laugh if she felt like it. She could do it while embarrassing them down to the tips of their twisted little toes, and make them enjoy it, too.
Same with mine of Bush giving the bird. My digestion has imporved since I got rid of it.
I need a new one, I think. I stole the one I'm using and ought to upgrade.

I sort of hinted to Darla a couple of weeks ago that she ought to use this one, but I guess she didn't think it was funny. It's not her but the evident attitude is right. I'd 'shop it to give it red hair if that would make her feel better about it. :clink:

I started to make myself sick looking at it, so I finally just got rid of it.
I like thinking of a thread as a conversation, often in RL conversations will start one place and evolve to a totally unrelated topic through progression.

With a thread you can always return to the topic as nobody says, "I don't know.." when asked, "How did we get here, and what were we talking about originally?"
Oh, I do hope it's a temporary condition.

Make no mistake, I respect and admire the serious side of your activism. You're a damned good writer and I'm glad that talent is directed toward something more than just worthwhile. You're living the life that I always thought I should, and you probably can't imagine just how much I respect that. And also how self-conscious I am about the fact that I'm not doing it anymore. Hell, never did it as much as I should have.

On the other hand, you're also one of the funniest, most lighthearted people I've ever met. And I've never actually met you in real life. :cool: That side of life is, in the long run, just as important. Less pressing, but just as important.

My friends, you don't know just what you're missing. This woman could probably give Brent or Grind a good belly laugh if she felt like it. She could do it while embarrassing them down to the tips of their twisted little toes, and make them enjoy it, too.

Wow, thanks Ornot.

You know that's interesting that you're not doing anti-war protests and the like. Neither does Prak. But before I knew either of you, I didn't either.

Totally honestly, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today if I hadn't stumbled across that bush board years ago and met both of you. I met you first, and I remember how fascinated I was by the things you wrote, and how I read books that you mentioned. And then of course Prak, who opened me up to a whole world of thought and writings. I was an almost middle of the road liberal when I got there. Certainly, Bush has radicalized me, there is no doubt. But that was helped along by the things I learned from you guys and by the thinkers I was led to by both of you.

So I guess we all play our part, and we all have our place in it.
Well nothing ever seems to change, so you are always left feeling as if you should be doing more I think.
Amen, sister!

The curse of the Right is that they're constantly fighting a losing, rearguard action. The curse on the Left is that we're never doing as much as we think we should. Even a victory can't be savored for more than a minute or two, and we never seem to have more than partial victories anyway.