Girl Ruining Lives Continued, Cleaning up the Mess, Dealing with my Friend



bwa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

qedveritas = me (in case you are that dumb)

friend: We are not discussin this or [girl] or you and [secret] anymore until something else happens if that happens.
friend: Until then, I will assume everything you said is true and everything she said is false.
friend: I am signing off now.
qedveritas: waait
qedveritas: don't be so dramatic O_O

congrats, you have managed to lie about someone and yourself to your friend.

You have increased the deception surrounding this entire incident and distanced your self from your friend by lying to him.

Lets keep somethings in perspective.

She broke your trust.

Her motivations were decent but she still acted against your wishes which was wrong.

You Lied to your friend

You lied about her

What were your motivations to do so?

Well it seems they were revenge and fear of having to let someone truely know you.

Gee really sounds like a win win for you huh?
Hes just a mixed up Kid is all.

Hes got time to get it straight but he sure needs to start to get it straight.
Well, I trust you've learned one of the most important lessons in life. If you want a secret kept, keep it to yourself.
Well, I trust you've learned one of the most important lessons in life. If you want a secret kept, keep it to yourself.

thanks ladyt.... btw does the T in your name stand for "too amazing?" ;)

As I've said a few times prior, she found out, didn't say anything.

Annnyway, I won, and that's all that matters. Go me.
I just can't do people that way.

BTW my community cookout was a grand success. One of my employees, a oiyound good worker with a new family and just got a home but can'ty afford to put anything in it won the big widescreen TV. The rest of the gifts were well recieved as well. the iPhone, some MP3 players and a paid week off work.

about 250 people showed up during the course of the day, nuch food was eaten, good times were had.
lots of people signed on to help the Iraq vets families.
One guy gave a good used engine to a vets wife that her car has sort of blown up. 2 more are going to put it in. Got commitments to mow yards and do various farm work.
One lady is going to baby sit one vets 3 kids while the wife goes to school (community college - nursing)

I think the vet support group grew by leaps and bounds in my little bit of the world.

I think I actually helped my corner of the world a bit .
A well spent 7K.

Oh and some ladies brought some home cooked deserts and such to die for :cheer:
I had to test them to be sure they were save for the crowd ;)

Sounds like it will become an annual event with maybe adding an antique tractor show next year.

Ohh and I got a new grandson this evening :D
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Damn what a great day that sounded like US.

Congrats on the grandson and all your efforts to support your community and your serving soldiers.

Life is so much better when people help each other instead of............say ........lie to thier friends out of fear.

Oh and some ladies brought some home cooked deserts and such to die for :cheer:
I had to test them to be sure they were save for the crowd ;)

Sounds like it will become an annual event with maybe adding an antique tractor show next year.

Ohh and I got a new grandson this evening :D

Play on playa! :clink:
Henry :D
Yeah not a bad name but unexpected, but what do I have to say about it.

They could have named him Throckmorton after me ?
jk ;)