Girl Ruining Lives Continued, Cleaning up the Mess, Dealing with my Friend

Its the women who get to keep the thing clean for years until the kid can be taught to do it properly. With the snip its easy to clean and no infection is going to happen. It does look prettier too.
Hey I did not say there was not a reason, just that it was a female endorsed issue.
and to get it into religious practices really insures it will stay around.
Hey I did not say there was not a reason, just that it was a female endorsed issue.
and to get it into religious practices really insures it will stay around.

It got into the religious realm because of the sanitary issue.

Ive heard of guys getting infected and things like cases of the foreskin not growing properly and not being large enough allow the erected penis to become uncovered. Its sad to think of someone getting a woody and have it be painful. That could damage a guy self imagine for sure.
Yep desh, a lot of the religious things are just common sense stuff. Like Kosher foods, the priests were the only ones smart enought to decide what was safe to eat. Many other aspects were just part of a productive society. Do not steal, kill, steal wives, etc...

But it all became a religion....