Gitmo Detainees to Get Welfare Checks!

Who supplies weapon to Al Qaida?

What excuse the Neocon uses to have US troops staying in Iraq? Insurgence and riot. Although some people said Iraq war is like Vietnam war, it is not. There were two big countries: Soviet Union and China behind the Vietnam. It was their support of weapons and economic aids which helped North Vietnam to win the war. There was none such support for Iraq. Iran and Syria, are much weaker and smaller than Soviet Union and China then. They themselves know they are the next target of the Neocon. They dare not to offend US by supporting the Iraq insurgence. To stay in Iraq, Neocon try to make a mess in Iraq - they need a civil war of Iraq. "

Then who support the insurgence and militias and Al Qaida the weapon they need? To my analysis, there is only one suspect: US. which has motives and ability.
The following news proved it's no others than US supplied weapon to the Iraqi insurgence and militias and Al Qaida, though media use the word "missing".

Quote, "ABC News: 190,000 AK-47s Sent to Iraq Are Missing

A young boy aims an AK-47 assault rifle during clashes between ... The Pentagon cannot account for 190,000 AK-47 rifles and pistols given to Iraqi ...

Do you have the conception how many is 190,000? It can arm a force bigger than the whole US occupation troop in Iraq. (170,000 after surge) Whom do you think are the receipants of these "missing" weapons?
Al Qaida and Mujahedeen

Bin Laden was an asset of CIA and was used to fight against Soviet Union in 80s. At that time Bin Laden's group was called as Majahideen. Qaida was used as a data base in communiction.

In early 90, when Soviet Union collapsed, US intelligence turned its resource on to Mid-east countries which are rich in oil resource, they revive the retired asset - Bin Laden. Bin Laden returned to Islamic world trying to provoke a conflict so that US could justify an interference and invasion.

On 2001, when US inside group had their puppet Bush to be the president, the war was ready. 911 was done to justify the war. To prevent people to link the "terror attack" with Islamic fannatic (Mujahedeen) and CIA, US intelligence then starts to use "Al Qaida" as "terrorist" group to justify the "war on terror". Since then, they blame every terror attack on "Al qaida". Al Qaida could be viewed as a group of special opratives commanded by US intelligence. Their mission is to activate false flag terror attack on civilians to justify US military action.

What Al Qaida did - bombing WTC, killing US civilians on 911, and bombing innocent civilians in Iraq, all targetted at ordinary people. It tarnished Islam as savage, inhuman, cruel. Who benefited? Who expanded the police power by Patriot Act? Who got fat budget? If you can answer these questions, then you know what is Al Qaida - a tool of US intelligence.
Many of the people rounded up and imprisoned by the Bush administration were only guilty of being Muslm.Now they have to pay for the Bush war crimes for the rest of their lives.These people should be immediately and given every assistance that our government can give them in repayment for being falsely detained.
I think you're just insulting to our Correctional officers here in the U.S. We have how many super max prisons? And how many have had escaped prisoners? Oh and also you can't say you're for "liberty and justice for all" if you're denying people liberty and justice. That makes you a hypocrite and pathetic one at that. You should take a look at some of the prisoners in our prison's now if you want scary people. Hell just turn on MSNBC Saturday evening.
Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida

By Peter Chamberlin 13 Jan 2008

The myth of "al Qaida" is built on an expansive foundation of many half-truths and hidden facts. It is a CIA creation... In order to explain away the billions of dollars worth of weapons and training that went into the operation, they chose a rich jihadi, a Saudi millionaire named Osama bin Laden, who had been a faithful recruiter and business agent of the Mujahedeen. He was painted as the sole financier of the entire enormous operation that was centered in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bin Laden may not even have known that he was playing a part in a deceitful CIA global drama until after the fact.
Article continues--
Al Qaida is created by Pentagon and US Intelligence as a false flag target with which they squeeze money and power from people.

04.08.19. "Al Qaeda does not exist and never has

The basic truth is that Al Qaeda does not exist and never has. Al Qaeda is a manufactured enemy who was created by the Bush Administration in order to have an excuse to wage a war for the control of the world's oil resources.

Did an American even hear the words "Al Qaeda" before 9-11? Or were we told that its alleged leader Osama Bin Laden has family who themselves have personal business relationships with George W. Bush's family and that both families had financially profited conside
As a matter of fact, Al Qaida was known only after 911 attack. Many didn't hear it before then. Even for Syria president Assadt.

Quote, "A norwegian professor believes al-Qaida is a Pentagon-fiction:

Al Qaida exists where US intelligence dominate. Al Qaida in US when Bush need excuse to activate Mid-east war. That is 911 attack. Al Qaida is everywhere in Iraq now to bomb innocent civilians when US occupies Iraq. Strange to say, under the Saddam regime, there is no Al Qaida. Al Qaida seems only exist where the regime being controlled by US. So we see no Al qaida in Syria and Iran. No wonder Assad doubt it:

Syrias president questions the existence of al-Qaida:

May 26, 2003
«Syria Denies Existence of Al Qaeda»

«KUWAIT CITY (Talon News) -- Syrian President Bashar Assad revealed in a newspaper interview on Sunday that he does not believe there is a terrorist group called al Qaeda, the organization widely believed to be the perpetrators of the hijackings on September 11, 2001 as well as the recent attacks in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.»

«"Is there really an entity called al Qaeda? It was in Afghanistan, but is it there anymore?" Assad asked.»

«Assad speculated about the existence of al Qaeda and its notorious leader Usama bin Laden in a Kuwaiti newspaper called Al-Anba. »

«Nevertheless, questioning the existence of the al Qaeda terrorist network is very popular in Arab countries. Many people in these countries believe that the United States has hyperbolized the danger of al Qaeda as a means for portraying Muslims as violent and dangerous.»
Fictional Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to US intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the US government, allowed to de-compartmentalise from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best, rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the US Government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the US Government itself.

-- Tom Heneghan, 2004 Presidential Candidate, American Patriot and Federal Whistleblower.