Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
Anyway, on topic, the people responsible for 911 had nothing to do with the people in Pakistan.
Nope, and they had nothing to do with the people of Iraq, or the people of Afghanistan. They are a terrorist group, they have cells all over the world. The leadership of the particular group responsible for 9/11, are hold up in caves located in northern Pakistan. Many in the surrounding villages, are indeed sympathetic to their cause, and no one in Pakistan is crazy hot on America or American culture.
Let me tell you something, you stupid fucktard... if we do not stand up and defeat radical Islamic fascism, we will lose entire GENERATIONS of Americans in the coming years. Again, as Damo so eloquently pointed out, ignoring the problem and pretending it would all go away if we just stayed out of it, clearly didn't work.
Stayed out of it? What the hell are you talking about? We've been "in it" since the end of the Second World War! Interfering, influencing, covert deals......what planet do you live on? That's why I previously asked how old you were.
We've gone from lurking in the shadows and making deals with tyrants (our type of tyrants, of course, like Saddam) to openly interfering in countries. The people in those countries have finally realized their dispute is not with their neighbor. It is with a foreign power.
You have failed to name ANY example of the United States establishing laws or appointing leaders to ANY country in the world. To my knowledge, the ONLY countries we've had a damn thing to say anything about, are Puerto Rico and Guam. Yes, just like every country, we have "backed" certain people, we have "supported" certain factions. As the #1 Superpower, and leader of the free world, we can't help but have influence.
You have bought in to the "complaint" made by the radical Islamics! This is the means in which they brainwash poor uneducated Muslim people, into supporting their insanity, and here you are, spouting it as reasonable justification for why we shouldn't fight them! The part you seem to keep missing is, we didn't declare war on them, it was the other way around. There is no justification for their war, or what they did on 9/11.
Just as, ignoring Hitler and pretending that we could negotiate with him and coexist with Nazism... did NOT work! In retrospect, had we taken a bold and unpopular stand against Hitler in 1937, we may have saved hundreds of thousands who had to die fighting the Germans to liberate Europe. The fact that we used your exact same approach then, and it resulted in enormous casualties, is evidence that ignoring the problem, pretending it's not a big deal, is not the best way to go, if we are concerned with preserving future lives.
Awww, gee. Here we go again with the Hitler comparison. Look, the Islamic Extremists/Fundamentalists/whatever were already in Afghanistan and Iraq just like they're in Iran and Syria and few other places. They aren't moving in on us. We are moving in on them. They are not trying to change a democracy to an Islamic form of government. It it the western powers who are trying to change an Islamic form of government to a democracy. Now do you get it?
I get a lot of stuff. I get that radical Islamics speak often of their ultimate objectives, of establishing an Islamic Caliphate from Europe to Indonesia, which will be ruled by the Mullahs. I get that they believe it is their mandate from Allah to eliminate the Jews and pave the way for the return of the 12th Imam, and the Apocalypse. I get that they have adopted suicidal terror tactics as a righteous means to implement their plan. I get that we can either choose to stop it now or later, but we have to face it either way. I get that we can't appease it, we can't negotiate with it, and we can't change or conform our ways to satisfy it. I get that we can never change a religiously-based ideology with guns and bombs, and the only sufficient counter-ideology we can use to change it, is democracy. I get that democracies are preferable to dictatorial tyrants or theocratic extremists, because democracies do not war with one another.
Principals, huh? Let's examine those principals a little more closely. Regarding marijuana laws do you believe in the current oppression where a person is jailed, loses their job and, thus, their home throwing their family into poverty or do you think those laws should be changed?
You should stick to the topic, when you jump ship, it is usually a good indication you were sinking badly. You have a warped perspective of things, where you assume your assumptions of what is 'oppressive' are supported and valid. I believe states should decide their own laws regarding pot, abortion, death penalty, etc. I believe it should be done democratically, at the ballot box, and everyone should have to live with the result.
So, you believe in woman's equality. Great! The next time a woman is arrested for prostitution can we expect to see Dixie at the court house protesting? Well, actually more than protesting. If they jail the woman can we count on you to grab a gun and try to free her or do you believe the government has ownership and control of her body?
Again, you have a warped perspective, where you assume your viewpoint is valid. Having principles doesn't mean you will jump up and grab a gun and go fight government, that is profound retarded stupidity, and recipe for the nut house. As I said previously, I believe the states should decide these issues democratically.
Is your high talking, noble, chivalrous words just bullshit like that of most people who talk about freeing other countries/people while they impose oppressive laws at home? When it comes to freeing women the government has no right to tell them to cover their face but every right to demand they cover their breasts? Foreign governments have no right to insist women be accompanied by a male when leaving their house but we have people here who insist the government force a woman to bear a child she does not want.
I wonder where you stand on woman's rights. Going topless? Prostitution? Abortion?
What about gays in the military? Or a person sitting on a park bench enjoying a doobie?
Tell us about your love of freedom and noble ideals. I'd love to hear about them.
Well, I told you already, I am a big "states rights" person, I believe the states should be allowed to determine if all of these things are legal in their society. Furthermore, I think this should be done at the ballot box, and everyone should have to live with the results.
The thing that gets me about Liberals, is how you think. All of your ideas and beliefs, are based on this mindset, that you know best, and the only right way is your way. We should all just learn to live by your standards and guidelines, and the whole world would be perfect! The sooner the rest of us realize that, the better off we'll all be! It's why you often misjudge the intentions of Conservatives, you assume we are the same as you.
My ideas and mindset, are based on the belief that I don't personally know what is best for my community, that should be debated. I know what I believe, but I am not King or Dictator, so it doesn't matter what I personally believe. What is important, is what my fellow neighbors believe, how they want to live, what kind of society they want for themselves and their children.