You still don't get it, do you? Those fascist theocratic thugs were trying to tell the American people what was happening. America was invading countries, overtly or covertly, and instilling governments.
The Shah of Iran. Saddam. Just to name two from a long, long list. America was bringing their values to them and they didn't want American values but they had no choice because their government was propped up by the US.
So, put yourself in their place. They have a political and religious system and a foreign power, the US, interferes with it. So, what are they going to do? Keep fighting their own governments who are little more than US puppets or go to the source?
Hold up a sec... You are actually going to make the argument, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, did so because 55 years ago, we propped up a Shah in Iran, who was overthrown and exiled in 1975, and died in 1979? That's like blaming Tim McVeigh's action on US aggression toward Hitler! You know that, right?
Let me clue you in on what the Mullahs and Clerics are speaking out against in radical Islam... It is the 'infiltration' of American ideals, such as "gay rights", "women's rights", "racial equality", "freedom of speech and religion" and non-stop sex and violence in our entertainment culture. These things have, mostly through the internet, infiltrated the lifestyle of the Muslim world, and they don't like their daughters dressing and acting like Madonna and Britney Spears. They don't like American women shaking their asses and tits all over the place, they don't like vulgar and pornographic rap music. They will no longer tolerate their society being bombarded by these American ideals. We represent vile and filth in their eye, we are the Infidels, and their God mandates they eradicate us from the planet, or die trying.
That's exactly the problem and that's the misguided belief and attitude Obama is trying to change. Why do you think the "coalition of the willing" consisted of countries people never heard of before and the countries that one would normally think would have joined didn't?
The coalition of the willing contained every country which participated in the liberation of Kuwait, with the exception of France and Germany. It was later found that Russia, along with France and Germany, had been "bribed" by Saddam to oppose intervention in Iraq. Numerous dossiers have revealed that all these countries had an express interest in not going along with the US, not to mention the fact that most of Europe is grappling with a rising Muslim population.
Obama is not fucking trying to change a damn thing! You have been fed the propaganda, and like a willing dupe, you swallowed it all down. Obama is implementing, essentially the same Bush/Cheney agenda, with regard to Iraq and the War on Terror. As he does so, he is incrementally explaining to your stupid asses, why we have no other choice, a case made by most of us on the right, seven years ago!
Well, I'll tell you why. It's precisely because of that attitude. You want to be the boss? Fine. No one will interfere but no one is going to help either.
It's like that old saying, "My way or the highway". So the countries took the highway and now the US is left to deal with those problems alone. That's why Obama is trying to get other countries involved but the other countries don't want to get involved unless the US takes it place among the other countries.
Tell yourself what you want to, Obama is not trying to do anything, except appease anti-war idiots, while continuing to fight terrorism in the same manner as the previous administration.
Oh, please. The only person dreaming is the one who thinks the terrorists have all but been rounded up. There are terrorists in dozens of countries and until the US gets out of those countries and minds it's own business the terrorist recruitment will continue.
I've not ever said all the terrorists were rounded up. As for alQaeda, they are a shell of the organization they were before 9/11, that's all I said. You continue to want to put words in mouth that I never said, which is typical for pinhead liberals.
You really feed into the propaganda, don't you? Most of the countries that the terrorists are in are Muslim countries. They want them to remain that way. It is the west whose creeping takeover is the problem. It is us trying to change them, not the other way around.
WHERE THE FUCK HAVE WE "TAKEN OVER?" I don't see the US flag flying over ANY foreign capital! We trade, we have business interests, just like the rest of the world has business interests, in places who don't seem to mind American money, investment, and capitalism. We are not going around the world taking over other countries and running them our way, that is simply NOT the case, and you are living in a fucking fantasy, if that is what you believe to be the case.
He has little choice. Do you think he can say, "Oops, sorry for the mistake. We're leaving now." I'm afraid it's not quite that simple to correct the colossal mistake made by the former administration.
WTF? He has "little choice" but Bush could do whatever he wanted and didn't? I don't fucking get how that works!! Obama is the PRESIDENT, he can do any goddamn thing he wants to do! Don't cop out and blame the last administration for what Obama ISN'T doing now!
How do you propose he say sorry to the people who have witnessed tens of thousands of their friends and neighbors and fellow citizens killed and blown apart? It's going to take a generation to correct the atrocities committed by the Bush administration. Let's hope people remember that every time they vote.
I don't propose he say "sorry" for me or any other American! I am not sorry we liberated 50 million people and gave them freedom for the first time in world history... IF you are ashamed of that, YOU go tell alQaeda you're sorry!
Listen up, Dixie. No one, not even the US, is going to defeat a religion. It's not going to happen and more the west tries to stamp it out the more they will stamp back. Got it?
Either accept their countries and way of life or stay the hell away from them.
Again, no one has EVER suggested defeating a religion! Is THAT what you think we are trying to do here? If so, you are not only an idiot and fool, you are fucking insane too! This is not about the Muslim religion... never has been! It's about a perversion of the Muslim religion, into a radical extremist movement which has swept the middle east and parts of Europe. It is religious crazies we are after, not regular, law-abiding peaceful Muslim people!
I can argue with you about how best to defeat the radical ideology, but you indicate you simply don't want to fight and defeat it, you want to allow it to continue to grow. What I would like to know is, at what point will you change your mind and believe we should fight? When 1-2 million people die in an American city from a nuke set off by terrorists? Would that change your mind? What about 10 million people?
I'm sure you will say... Aww... they ain't got no nuke... blah blah... well, there are at least two radical Muslim countries over there, who indeed have nukes. You want to bet some money that terrorists aren't trying to get their hands on one? If they succeed, they WILL use it, they won't hesitate.
But..... You and Obama have it all under control, I'm sure!