Gitmo Detainees to Get Welfare Checks!

Duhhh! We have held these people without due process for how long?
If we cannot convict them we owe them a lot more thna welfare checks. We pretty much wrecked their lives.
Duhhh! We have held these people without due process for how long?
If we cannot convict them we owe them a lot more thna welfare checks. We pretty much wrecked their lives.

Dude... "Due Process" is a right granted to American citizens through the Constitution. It simply doesn't have jurisdiction in Pakistani terror camps. In fact, the foundational principles and basis for "due process" is much of what the radical Islamics about. American freedoms and liberties are conducive to Sharia. Dude.

These people were in Pakistan, fugitives from China, training with terrorists to become terrorists themselves, because they obviously believe in what the terrorists believe in, otherwise, they wouldn't have been in Pakistan, training in terrorist camps with terrorists! Now you can let your little liberal heart bleed for Ching Chow, I don't care... we the American taxpayers, do NOT owe him a welfare check! Get fucking real!

If ANYTHING, our efforts extended their pathetic, third world, terrorist-training-ass-kissing lives for 8 more years! They owe US for THAT! If we are going to let these people out, we should deport their asses back to China, where they came from. What happens to them then, I really don't give a shit! THEY ARE TERRORISTS! DUMBASS!
Dude... "Due Process" is a right granted to American citizens through the Constitution. It simply doesn't have jurisdiction in Pakistani terror camps. In fact, the foundational principles and basis for "due process" is much of what the radical Islamics about. American freedoms and liberties are conducive to Sharia. Dude.
and if we were talking about people held in Pakistani prison camps, I'd agree with you. We are not, however, dealing with Pakistani prison camp detainees.

These people were in Pakistan, fugitives from China, training with terrorists to become terrorists themselves, because they obviously believe in what the terrorists believe in, otherwise, they wouldn't have been in Pakistan, training in terrorist camps with terrorists! Now you can let your little liberal heart bleed for Ching Chow, I don't care... we the American taxpayers, do NOT owe him a welfare check! Get fucking real!
and if they were chinese seperatists, why shouldn't we do anything in our power to get them the hell back over there and use that training?
and if we were talking about people held in Pakistani prison camps, I'd agree with you. We are not, however, dealing with Pakistani prison camp detainees.

Nobody said anything about Prison Camps! These Chinese separatists were in a terror training camp we raided in Pakistan. (You know, that place Obama is currently bombing the hell out of!) They were there training as terrorists! Not prisoners being held against their will. We captured them, designated them as 'enemy combatants' because there is no Geneva Convention protocol for handling them as P.O.W.'s, and sent them to Gitmo.

and if they were chinese seperatists, why shouldn't we do anything in our power to get them the hell back over there and use that training?

Well the article I posted is about Chinese separatists who are apparently now eligible for government assistance to start their new lives in America. I don't really understand if that was a question, or what... but I agree, we should do everything in our power to see they are shipped to China, in accordance with the law. That beats the hell out of paying their welfare checks, or dealing with the consequences of releasing their terrorist asses into the general population.
Nobody said anything about Prison Camps! These Chinese separatists were in a terror training camp we raided in Pakistan. (You know, that place Obama is currently bombing the hell out of!) They were there training as terrorists! Not prisoners being held against their will. We captured them, designated them as 'enemy combatants' because there is no Geneva Convention protocol for handling them as P.O.W.'s, and sent them to Gitmo.
I understand that they are not in, or were in, a Pakistan prison camp, but they are being held at Gitmo. A facility, military base, under the authority of the United States Government, of which the constitution has strict power over. The argument that they are not on American soil does not wash with me.
Dude... "Due Process" is a right granted to American citizens through the Constitution. It simply doesn't have jurisdiction in Pakistani terror camps. In fact, the foundational principles and basis for "due process" is much of what the radical Islamics about. American freedoms and liberties are conducive to Sharia. Dude.

These people were in Pakistan, fugitives from China, training with terrorists to become terrorists themselves, because they obviously believe in what the terrorists believe in, otherwise, they wouldn't have been in Pakistan, training in terrorist camps with terrorists! Now you can let your little liberal heart bleed for Ching Chow, I don't care... we the American taxpayers, do NOT owe him a welfare check! Get fucking real!

If ANYTHING, our efforts extended their pathetic, third world, terrorist-training-ass-kissing lives for 8 more years! They owe US for THAT! If we are going to let these people out, we should deport their asses back to China, where they came from. What happens to them then, I really don't give a shit! THEY ARE TERRORISTS! DUMBASS!

Not until proven in a court of law Double DUMBASS!
Dude... "Due Process" is a right granted to American citizens through the Constitution. It simply doesn't have jurisdiction in Pakistani terror camps. In fact, the foundational principles and basis for "due process" is much of what the radical Islamics about. American freedoms and liberties are conducive to Sharia. Dude.

These people were in Pakistan, fugitives from China, training with terrorists to become terrorists themselves, because they obviously believe in what the terrorists believe in, otherwise, they wouldn't have been in Pakistan, training in terrorist camps with terrorists! Now you can let your little liberal heart bleed for Ching Chow, I don't care... we the American taxpayers, do NOT owe him a welfare check! Get fucking real!

If ANYTHING, our efforts extended their pathetic, third world, terrorist-training-ass-kissing lives for 8 more years! They owe US for THAT! If we are going to let these people out, we should deport their asses back to China, where they came from. What happens to them then, I really don't give a shit! THEY ARE TERRORISTS! DUMBASS!

This is why conservatism is pure evil. Dixie is not a human being, he is a pathogen.
I understand that they are not in, or were in, a Pakistan prison camp, but they are being held at Gitmo. A facility, military base, under the authority of the United States Government, of which the constitution has strict power over. The argument that they are not on American soil does not wash with me.

The Americans who work at Gitmo have Constitutional protections. Non-American citizens who were captured in Pakistan, do not have Constitutional rights. Sorry! We are in a WAR... people we encounter in wars, do NOT have Constitutional rights, we do NOT have to read them MARANDA before we shoot them! You have a gross misunderstanding of what is and isn't covered by the Constitution.

And again... they were NOT IN A PRISON CAMP.... That is a place where you would keep captured POW's... If that were the case, I could understand being considerate of their well being, I could understand doing all we could to help them, and I would be a little disturbed that we shipped them off to a detention center in Cuba, if they were POW's! They were NOT POW's! They were Muslim Chinese separatists who were apprehended at a TERROR TRAINING CAMP.... (little different than a POW camp!)
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The Americans who work at Gitmo have Constitutional protections. Non-American citizens who were captured in Pakistan, do not have Constitutional rights. Sorry! We are in a WAR... people we encounter in wars, do NOT have Constitutional rights, we do NOT have to read them MARANDA before we shoot them! You have a gross misunderstanding of what is and isn't covered by the Constitution.
You have NO understanding of what the constitution is. The constitution does NOT give rights, it prescribes powers to a government. That is all. It was written based on the assumption that all people had rights and that the assigned powers to the government were given to that government to function. ALL people have rights when under the jurisdiction of the US government. End of story.

And again... they were NOT IN A PRISON CAMP.... That is a place where you would keep captured POW's... If that were the case, I could understand being considerate of their well being, I could understand doing all we could to help them, and I would be a little disturbed that we shipped them off to a detention center in Cuba, if they were POW's! They were NOT POW's! They were Muslim Chinese separatists who were apprehended at a TERROR TRAINING CAMP.... (little different than a POW camp!)
It is totally assinine to attempt to differentiate enemy combatants from enemy soldiers. They are one and the same. Be it soldiers of Iraq/Afghanistan or terrorists, they are all enemies. Personally, they should have all been shot on the battlefield, this is war afterall, but they weren't so we should have to deal with them as POWs.
Dennis Blair Press Conference 3/27/09

"We can't put them out on the street," he said.


Well this is just lovely! Our 401k's are tanking, we have no retirement left, our Social Security is gone, and we're headed toward $2 trillion deficits, but we're now going to issue welfare checks to former Gitmo detainees! ...So they can start their new lives in the US!


Well, they are under-graduates from Guantanamo College. So they got some compensation. Those honorable students would have got much more than you can imagine. They have Money and weapon to lead a false flag movement to justify Pentagon requesting bigger budget.

Quantanamo detainees (1/27/09)

Quote, "The Defense Department has said as many as 61 former Guantanamo detainees -- about 11 percent of 520 detainees transferred from the detention center and released -- are believed to have returned to the fight." -

1. These people were released under Bush regime. So Pentagon had purpose on it. Do you think the people like Rumsfeld and Bush would free extremists to fight against them? They are famous for torture, illegal detaining. More likely these are false flag "terrorist" trained by Pentagon's Guantanamo college. They will work for the interest of US intelligence.

2. How do you know they were not brain washed, or recruited by US military or intelligence? The dirty bomb suspect, Padilla, was once designed to be the witness to prove Iraq related to dirty bomb plot, was recruited in prison. (The plan was soured after my revelation)

3. When people are aware of that 911 was a false flag attack, this becomes a typical model that government manipulate the "terrorists" to squeeze money and power from people. European country has reason to refuse those Gitmo prisoners. They are likely false flag "terrorist" working for Pentagon and US intelligence. They will play the role like Bin Laden.
This news may prove what I have said that Al Qaida exists where US intelligence dominates. They are protected and supported by Pentagon and Feds and work as a false flag to the US interest. That's why they are from Bin Laden (CIA trained Majahidden) Saudi, Pakistan (US allies) and US Guantanamo. And none was from Iraq (Saddam's regime) Iran or Syria.

61 released Guantanamo detainees return to fight, it only proves Guantanamo becomes a big train center of the false flag terrorists.

Al Qaida (or most other terrrorist group) exists where US intelligence dominates. Al Qaida in US when Bush needs excuse to activate Mid-east war. That was 911 attack. Al Qaida is everywhere in Iraq to bomb innocent civilians when US occupies Iraq. Strange to say, under the Saddam regime, there was no Al Qaida. Al Qaida seems only exist where the regime being controlled by US. So we see no Al qaida in Syria and Iran. But they appear to attack ordinary people when the government either is controlled by US intelligence or supported by US intelligence. That's why you see Al Qaida attacks in US, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq (after it is occupied by US). Because where they are protected by the intelligence, worked as a whip to beat people. When government want money and power, they beat the people with this whip (Al Qaida terror attack) People feel hurt then give up their civil rights and money to the government. DOJ got the Patriot Act. Pentagon got fat budget and Mid-east war.
Who supplied "Al Qaida"?

Any resistence needs resource, from money to ammunition to human resource. Vietcon had the support from two big powers - Soviet and China.

Where did the support of Al Qaida come from? Not from Saddam's Iraq, Syria, Iran. If there was, US already beat the drum to invade. Al Qaida only prosperous in Iraq after it is occupied by US army. Because they are supported by pentagon and intelligence. Bin Laden's resistence is known as Mujahiddem before 911. Everybody knows it was trained and supported by CIA. Al Qaida was only a data base in communication for Mujahiddem before 911. After 911, to prevent people to link CIA from Mujahiddem, they created Al Qaida and since blame everything on it.

But where did Al Qaida get the money from? No nation dare to offend US - a super power. So the support must be from either from Alladin's magic Lantern or US secret budget.

Quote, The head of Pakistan’s ISI, General Mahmud Ahmed, had ordered to wire $100,000 to the leader of 911 attack, Mohammed Atta through the hand of Omar Sheikh. This has been confirmed by the director of the FBI’s financial crimes unit, Dennis Lormel.

Quote, " Musharraf names 9/11 suspect as possible British asset

Fails to mention links to 9/11, ISI, CIA
By Devlin Buckley
© Copyright 2006,
Who supplies human resource to Al Qaida?

None of the so said "19 hijackers" were from evil axis. They were all from US allies. Because only a friendly country will help US to frame a case, to cover up a forgery story and create misinformation.

Quote, "Hijackers in the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free ...
Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.,_2001_attacks

Yet Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Is that ridiculous?
You have NO understanding of what the constitution is. The constitution does NOT give rights, it prescribes powers to a government. That is all. It was written based on the assumption that all people had rights and that the assigned powers to the government were given to that government to function. ALL people have rights when under the jurisdiction of the US government. End of story.

Nothing in my quote said a damn thing about the Constitution giving rights. Our rights are endowed by our Creator, according to the DoI, so that point is correct, and I would have never indicated otherwise. You apparently misread something I posted. All people who reside in the US as citizens protected by the Constitution, have their Creator-endowed rights guaranteed by the Constitution. End of Story! It does not, and has not ever, applied to people who are not under the jurisdiction of US law.

It is totally assinine to attempt to differentiate enemy combatants from enemy soldiers. They are one and the same. Be it soldiers of Iraq/Afghanistan or terrorists, they are all enemies. Personally, they should have all been shot on the battlefield, this is war afterall, but they weren't so we should have to deal with them as POWs.

POW's have an established protocol for handling under the Geneva Convention, this centers around the diplomatic channels of the US and state department of whatever nation represents the POW. Since alQaeda terrorists are not an official country, with an official state department, the POW protocols established by the GC, are impossible to follow. The term "enemy combatant" was designated, because it fit most appropriately, and the Obama Justice Dept. has argued in favor of the Bush Justice Departments position on that. At this point, the only people who object to the term, are koolaid-soaked idiots who just never understood the facts to begin with.
Msg 7. If our intelligence leads us to a terrorist training camp, and we apprehend the terrorists training there, and some of them happen to be Chinese Muslim separatists.... are we supposed to leave them there and let them continue training?

Yes, exactly!

Are we going to hunt down people who get together in private homes discussing terrorist tactics? Arrest disgruntled private citizens who spend their time cursing the government over a beer?

Those terrorists are thousands of miles away. They can’t do a damn thing.

911 was not some mastermind plot devised by a race of super beings. Any high school graduate with a bit of flight training could have pulled it off just as Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber) killed over 150 people and injured hundreds more with nothing but a truck containing readily available goods and the knowledge of a high school student.

Are we going to arrest everyone who rents a similar truck or buys the products for fertilizer or who lives in a cabin by themselves?

How many of those terrorist camp trainees would have the opportunity to get here and do anything? Or, more to the point, how many were plotting specifically against the US?

It makes about as much sense as going door to door seeking out possible B&E perpetrators rather than securing ones own home.

Now, since we didn't kill them and we showed them compassion of US government protective custody for 8 years, 3-squares a day, warm place to sleep, far from the reaches of their enemies.

And don’t forget all the water play they could handle. :)

Nooo, not the sex kind. The board kind. :D


Okay, so let me get this straight... If our intelligence leads us to a terrorist training camp, and we apprehend the terrorists training there, and some of them happen to be Chinese Muslim separatists.... are we supposed to leave them there and let them continue training? Are we supposed to send them back to China then? What exactly was supposed to be done in this instance... I'm unclear on that.

We chose to take them to Gitmo, instead of ...oh, I don't know... killing them with a big MOAB bomb... or turning them back over to face reprisal from the Chinese government. Now, since we didn't kill them and we showed them compassion of US government protective custody for 8 years, 3-squares a day, warm place to sleep, far from the reaches of their enemies... now we must give them government assistance while they embark on their new American lives?

It's a real wonder someone hasn't completely eliminated liberals by now.
Yes, exactly!

Seems an odd way to fight terrorism.

Are we going to hunt down people who get together in private homes discussing terrorist tactics? Arrest disgruntled private citizens who spend their time cursing the government over a beer?

Nope, but participating in militaristic training camps with alQaeda, learning how to hijack planes and efficiently kill infidels and jews... ya, I think we need to hunt down those people. I think that's just a degree or two more extreme than discussing terror tactics or cursing government over a beer.

Those terrorists are thousands of miles away. They can’t do a damn thing.

Uhm... they have planes now, terrorists are fairly partial to them. Also, we have US citizens all over the world, most of our people enjoy the freedom and liberty to travel abroad. We also have commercial interests, as well as diplomatic interests with our allies.

I know you puss-whipped liberals just would rather bury your head in your fuzzy pillow and forget all the bad guys... or pretend they are far far away, and can't hurt you... but really, this is about more than your immediate personal safety. But thanks so much, for revealing exactly how most liberals view the war on terror!

911 was not some mastermind plot devised by a race of super beings. Any high school graduate with a bit of flight training could have pulled it off just as Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber) killed over 150 people and injured hundreds more with nothing but a truck containing readily available goods and the knowledge of a high school student.

Well, it was indeed a "mastermind plot" concocted by alQaeda. It stands as the single worst attack on American soil, and resulted in more civilian casualties than any previous enemy assault. The fact that it was relatively easy to pull off, and there weren't many precursor warning signs, only stresses how utterly stupid it is for the Obama Administration to just release Chinese Muslim separatists into the general population!

Are we going to arrest everyone who rents a similar truck or buys the products for fertilizer or who lives in a cabin by themselves?

This has never been suggested, and it is absurd. What IS your point?

How many of those terrorist camp trainees would have the opportunity to get here and do anything? Or, more to the point, how many were plotting specifically against the US?

My understanding of alQaeda is, everything they do is specifically against the US. But, it sounds as if you want to make this the criteria for action. Only if some group is a direct threat to the US, and we know this for certain, can we take action! That is what you are saying. As long as alQaeda wants to terrorize the rest of the world, you're okay with that. As long as they want to spread their message of radicalism and hate, recruiting thousands each day, teaching their children to strap bombs to themselves and kill as many innocent people as possible, you say... let it ride... who cares?

Thanks again for revealing how selfish and self serving the liberal position is.

It makes about as much sense as going door to door seeking out possible B&E perpetrators rather than securing ones own home.

It makes sense, if you are infested with rats, to kill rats.

And don’t forget all the water play they could handle. :)

Nooo, not the sex kind. The board kind. :D

I personally think our military should shoot first and ask questions later. As for the slimebuckets that were waterboarded, it probably did them good, no telling when they last had a bath. In any event, being strapped to a waterboard is probably preferable to having your corpse strung up on a bridge or drug through the town by mobs of radical extremists.

It's the liberal way of thinking.... Poor little misunderstood extremists... they are just protesting injustice, like the liberals! We shouldn't interfere with what they are doing, because you fucking agree with their "right" to do it! The amazing thing is, if they are successful at their objectives, the liberals in America are the first ones they will kill. You see, these people don't believe in "gay rights" or "woman's rights" or "right to choice" or "gay marriage" or any of the other stupid shit liberals adopt as a cause. In fact, much of what they are so pissed off about, is the decadent immoral liberal lifestyle, foist upon us all by the liberals. You morons are backing the wrong side! Those of us on the right, us Bush War Hawks, who you keep bashing and trashing... we're fighting alQaeda extremists so that you may live in a free society, where you can choose to live the lifestyle you prefer. Most liberals simply miss that point, and I suppose, when alQaeda completely takes over the world and implements Sharia law, it might wake you the fuck up... until then, you live in some liberal fantasy world where you don't understand the first thing about our enemy, and had rather spend your time defending and protecting them.