Why aren't they plotting against Russia or China?
You don't remember the terrorists who took all those kids hostage in the Russian School?
You don't realize that the terrorists that would get this welfare were being trained to attack in China?
I'm not saying we shouldn't do a bit of introspection here. But we should at least be realistic about things like who is getting attacked by Radical Muslim Extremists.
Let's look at the people here who enter schools and kill students and teachers. Here's a web site
How many are/were radical Muslims? I didn't notice any but I just skimmed the list. My point being we have more to fear from the guy next door than the radical Muslim.
What advantage does the radical Muslim have over the gun toting teenager who lives down the street, yet, we invade countries searching for them. It just doesn't make sense.
If McVeigh had been associated with Muslims there would have been a never-ending mention of his name.
Ask someone who Cho Seung-Hui is. He killed 33 people at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Virginia on Monday April 15, 2007. If it had been shown he was a radical Muslim everyone and their uncle would know his name.
My point is there are people who are a lot more crazy than a radical Muslim and we have to put things into perspective. The death toll from 911 was a fluke. The buildings were not supposed to collapse. The radical Muslims never believed their planes would demolish the buildings. In fact, when the people tried to exit the buildings after the planes hit they were told to go back to their offices so as not to block the street when the fire department arrived.
Imagine if the people had been allowed to leave the building. There was a 30 minute window of opportunity to evacuate the buildings. A lot of people could have survived but they were told not to leave! We don't hear too much about that, do we?
The terrorists never orchestrated (by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering) the death of over 3000 people but it is portrayed in such a way as they were successful in planning such a diabolical plot.
Flying the planes into the buildings resulted in the death of 3000 people but other circumstances greatly contributed to the total. They did not devise a plan that would kill 3000 people.
Stated another way they don't do more than the average high school educated individual could do. Or some outlaw gang. We've elevated them to be some super group and they aren't.
At best, they're small groups of thugs. Investigations/documentaries have shown there is no "central command" and that's why invading countries is pointless because all we'll be successful in doing is getting a small group while other groups carry on. Meanwhile, the citizens in those countries suffer tremendous hardship, if they live. From lack of basic services to outright anarchy their way of life is destroyed. Who can't understand their outrage?
As for Russia and China what countries have they invaded looking for terrorists? They know it's pointless and so did the past administration but it made a hell of a good argument at the time, didn't it?