Give me three pages with no insults or trolling

I have very fond memories of smoked oysters. They were one of my fathers favorite snacks. As kids my sisters and I fell in love with them and if our father gave us a tin us kids would fight over them. Sometime during the 80’s we started playing a grab bag game at Christmas. For shits and giggles I wrapped a tin of smoked oysters as a gag gift. Everyone kept swiping it and was the most prized gift in the grab bag. That then became a family tradition that whoever got the tin of smoked oysters at the Christmas grab bag was the winner.
What a fun tradition.
You’ve always been nice to me Desh. :)

remember how sweet I was at first

I was JUST SURE people just needed the facts and would change their minds

Unfortunately that was not the reality

grind literally told me everyone here hated me and I should just leave.

I left thinking it was just this site

I found the same treatment at every sight

right wing people telling me how much I was hated instead of answering to the facts I gave them

sexual threats

attempts to scare me physically, scare me into leaving because they could not counter the facts I provided

that is when I started telling them to come and get me and see how quick THEY got dead

and yes I will fucking kill you dead if you show up in my real life uninvited

I will see it as a threat to my life

so when you threaten me here I say to you come and get me and see how quick YOU got dead

I will never stop giving you facts

Unfortunately that was not the reality

grind literally told me everyone here hated me and I should just leave.

I left thinking it was just this site

Utter horseshit and pure unadulterated balderdash.

I have always liked you and considered you a keen and prescient poster. I am one thousand percent positive I am not the only one.

Your record of good judgement and foresight on the Iraq War, on Bush-o-nomics, deregulation, voter disenfranshisement, and the Bush economic meltdown speak for themselves.

Keep up the good work!
Utter horseshit and pure unadulterated balderdash.

I have always liked you and considered you a keen and prescient poster. I am one thousand percent positive I am not the only one.

Your record of good judgement and foresight on the Iraq War, on Bush-o-nomics, deregulation, voter disenfranshisement, and the Bush economic meltdown speak for themselves.

Keep up the good work!


this was before people realized just how correct me and uscitizen were.

they had even many on the left calling us both crazy

I KNEW not everyone hated me at the time

I realized at the time grind was just a sociopath willing to lie

thank you
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Now you know why I gave up being nice

remember how sweet I was at first

I was JUST SURE people just needed the facts and would change their minds

Unfortunately that was not the reality

grind literally told me everyone here hated me and I should just leave.

I left thinking it was just this site

I found the same treatment at every sight

right wing people telling me how much I was hated instead of answering to the facts I gave them

sexual threats

attempts to scare me physically, scare me into leaving because they could not counter the facts I provided

that is when I started telling them to come and get me and see how quick THEY got dead

and yes I will fucking kill you dead if you show up in my real life uninvited

I will see it as a threat to my life

so when you threaten me here I say to you come and get me and see how quick YOU got dead

I will never stop giving you facts

Utter horseshit and pure unadulterated balderdash.

I have always liked you and considered you a keen and prescient poster. I am one thousand percent positive I am not the only one.

Your record of good judgement and foresight on the Iraq War, on Bush-o-nomics, deregulation, voter disenfranshisement, and the Bush economic meltdown speak for themselves.

Keep up the good work!

The Great Sardine Taste-off – best canned sardines –

After trying 30 types of canned sardines here are my thoughts:

- Sardines caught near Portugal or Spain are the best with a meaty tuna flavor
- Italian grocery stores carry the best brands of Portuguese sardines
- Olive oil is the best medium for sardines
- Really skip those flavored with tomato sauce or mustard
- Read that ingredient list there is no reason for anything but fish, oil/water or salt

Here are the next 7 canned sardines, in order of preference:


1. Matiz Gallego sardines in olive oil - Spain -
2. Idamar Portuguese Sardines in olive oil - Portugal -
3. Gonsalves Sardines in olive oil – Portugal -
4. Da Morgada Sardines in Pure Olive Oil - Portugal -
5. BELA-Olhão lightly smoked sardines in cayenne pepper-flavored extra virgin olive oil. - Portugal -
6. Crown Prince One Layer Sardines in soy bean oil no Salt - Scotland -
7. Brand: BUMBLE BEE Sardines in Water – Poland -

Olive Oil IS the best medium for sardines...

...and a thick slice of Vidalia Onion is the best covering.