Glenn Beck asks America's first Muslim Congressmen to prove he's not the Enemy


Will work for Scooby snacks
Great moments in bigotry - NeoCon TV host's Interview with congressmen-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN), america's first elected muslim:

GLENN BECK: OK. No offense, and I know Muslims. I like Muslims. I've been to mosques. I really don't believe that Islam is a religion of evil. I -- you know, I think it's being hijacked, quite frankly.

With that being said, you are a Democrat. You are saying, "Let's cut and run." And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.

ELLISON: Well, let me tell you, the people of the Fifth Congressional District know that I have a deep love and affection for my country. There's no one who is more patriotic than I am. And so, you know, I don't need to -- need to prove my patriotic stripes.
He's being direct and admitting a flaw. "I feel like this, but I know it isn't like this." is what he stated.
He's being direct and admitting a flaw. "I feel like this, but I know it isn't like this." is what he stated.

Damocles, what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not a pedophile."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being a pedophile, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.


See how inappropriate that is?;)
Damocles, what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not a pedophile."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being a pedophile, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.


See how inappropriate that is?;)
Once again, in that statement he would be admitting a flaw in his own character, stating, "I feel this way, even though I know it isn't true."

I wouldn't be all that insulted by it.
in that statement he would be admitting a flaw in his own character, stating, "I feel this way, even though I know it isn't true."

Yeah, good on him for admitting he has a deep-seated bigotry that he can at least recognize is wrong.

Props for his honesty.
Glen Beck is a totally retarded asshole. Not a whole lot unlike the "native american" from boulder. Ward doesn't speak for the left anymore than Beck speaks for the right. They are merely inflammatory idiots; that they get any credit whatsoever is a reflection on the polarized nature of politics today, rather than their opinions themselves.
Yeah, good on him for admitting he has a deep-seated bigotry that he can at least recognize is wrong.

Props for his honesty.

Yes, it's much better than deep-seated bigots like you, who can't at least recognize it's wrong.
Once again, in that statement he would be admitting a flaw in his own character, stating, "I feel this way, even though I know it isn't true."

I wouldn't be all that insulted by it.

BULLSHIT Damo. He's saying "and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." He's a bigot and he's saying, since I'm a bigot, I have to assume that "a lot of Americans are".

It must get difficult constantly defending the throwbacks in your own party, most of whom are nothing but racists.
Glen Beck is a totally retarded asshole. Not a whole lot unlike the "native american" from boulder. Ward doesn't speak for the left anymore than Beck speaks for the right. They are merely inflammatory idiots; that they get any credit whatsoever is a reflection on the polarized nature of politics today, rather than their opinions themselves.

Until the right starts to defend and explain him.

"He didn't really mean that."

And they always do. Just like they got on television to defend the Ford commercial, claiming, to a man, that they could not see any racism in it and scoffing at those who did.

Then, they'll complain and whine that African Americans are a block vote for the other party.

They surely do take the cake.
BULLSHIT Damo. He's saying "and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." He's a bigot and he's saying, since I'm a bigot, I have to assume that "a lot of Americans are".

It must get difficult constantly defending the throwbacks in your own party, most of whom are nothing but racists.
Once again, he stated, "I know it isn't true..."

Stating that many others might feel that way doesn't change that he is stating. "I have this flaw, I know it isn't right..."

It's like somebody fearing that all Priests are pedophiles.

It isn't like I'm saying that Glen Beck is a hero or something. He is clearly flawed. At least he was honest about it.
I think you give him too much credit Damo. It seems to me that the only reason he said "i know it's not true" is so people like you would have a way to defend him. If he knows its not true he wouldn't ask the question.
I think you give him too much credit Damo. It seems to me that the only reason he said "i know it's not true" is so people like you would have a way to defend him. If he knows its not true he wouldn't ask the question.
Okay. I don't think it is much of a defense. The dude basically said, "I'm a bigot, I know it is wrong..."

I'm not trying to defend him, just pointing out what he said.
OK. No offense, and I know Republicans. I like Republicans. I've been to Republican rallies. I really don't believe that Republican is a political party of evil. I -- you know, I think it's being hijacked by Neo-Cons and the religous Right, quite frankly.

With that being said, you are a Christian Republican. You are saying, "Let's Win this War." And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our political enemies."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being a political enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.
OK. No offense, and I know Republicans. I like Republicans. I've been to Republican rallies. I really don't believe that Republican is a political party of evil. I -- you know, I think it's being hijacked by Neo-Cons and the religous Right, quite frankly.

With that being said, you are a Christian Republican. You are saying, "Let's Win this War." And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our political enemies."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being a political enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.
Right... "I feel this way, I know it is wrong..."

Basically it is an admission by the guy, "I am a bigot, I know I'm wrong..."

I can't see how I am "defending" it. That's ridiculous. I'm just saying there is some honesty in such a statement.
I don't think he really thinks he is wrong or that he really cares. I just think he tried to soften his words a little bit.
I don't think he really thinks he is wrong or that he really cares. I just think he tried to soften his words a little bit.
I don't know enough about him to really be able to guess. I've seen his show twice. Previous to that I had no idea who he was...