Glenn Beck asks America's first Muslim Congressmen to prove he's not the Enemy

Where does the Qu'ran specifically state that Muslims must live under an Islamic government? Most Muslims don't believe that's true: it sounds as if you're claiming to know more about Islam than the majority of Muslims.

But, as I said before, this is beside the point.

Whether the constitution is "necessarily at odds" with the teachings of the bible is immaterial. Some interpretations of the bible will inevitably be at odds with the constitution . . . or any other system of secular laws. When these conflicts arise, to which is your primary loyalty? Which takes precedence? If it's not the constitution then you can't honestly serve as an elected official in our government.
Most Muslims believe that they are required to follow the government they are under AND to live under Muslim law in regards to the Mosque. They believe that the Koran teaches, and actually orders, a separation of Church and State.
Christianity does not espouse the creation of a theocracy, as do islam and judaism.

That reality aside, however, why can you only criticize christianity, when it's the most reformed and secularized of them all, and nearly banned in it's own societies of origin, by atheist zealots like yourself?

Because christianity is the predominant mental illness in the society they live in, obviously.

Christianity doesn't espouse theocracy? Which interpretation?
This is like an argument between chicken pox and measles over which is an illness.

Both mental illnesses, by they Christian or Muslim, infiltrate government with such insidious beliefs as the afterlife, that cheapens existence
Christianity does not espouse the creation of a theocracy, as do islam and judaism.

That reality aside, however, why can you only criticize christianity, when it's the most reformed and secularized of them all, and nearly banned in it's own societies of origin, by atheist zealots like yourself?

Because christianity is the predominant mental illness in the society they live in, obviously.

Christianity doesn't espouse theocracy? Which interpretation?
Which one does?
Which one does?

It can be argued that the majority of the Catholic religion's history has been one of theocracy, with the pope dictating to client kings and bishops.
Ohh I was thinking about a functional king not a titled one :D
Of course the pheasants have been revolting a bit lately, but off with their heads.
If Bush were run by the Vatican, we wouldn't be at war in Iraq or in Afghanistan....

Give it up.
The stance of the Vatican has barely changed, what has changed is the relationship of states to the Vatican, as Cathohilicism has declined, the client kings have rebelled and no longer obey the Pope directly.
give what up ? that Bush operated as if he was king ? I will not!
na, na, nana. wanna make me ?
Give the idea that he has influence over that particular leader up. You gave Bush as an example of the influence that the Pope has over current governments, I have shown that the influence is non-existent in this case.

Can you give me another or will you be honest and admit that the influence of the Pope is such that most catholics in other nations totally disregard many of his pronouncements, let alone leaders following lockstep with them?
The stance of the Vatican has barely changed, what has changed is the relationship of states to the Vatican, as Cathohilicism has declined, the client kings have rebelled and no longer obey the Pope directly.
And you can point to the pronouncement that all governments must follow the Pope's decrees? You can point to the "theocratic" order in the religion? You are spinning again.
Give the idea that he has influence over that particular leader up. You gave Bush as an example of the influence that the Pope has over current governments, I have shown that the influence is non-existent in this case.

Can you give me another or will you be honest and admit that the influence of the Pope is such that most catholics in other nations totally disregard many of his pronouncements, let alone leaders following lockstep with them?

absolutely as a mattrer of fact the pill is now ok and so are rubbers for Catholics.
And you can point to the pronouncement that all governments must follow the Pope's decrees? You can point to the "theocratic" order in the religion? You are spinning again.

The Pope decrees to 'the faithful' now, since the notion of kings fell and the nation-state took its place.

It is unlikely that a pope would ever decree to all governments, giving that many aren't Catholic.

Is a theocracy that has been usurped by reason, opposing religious beliefs and the nation-state still not a theocracy.

Ohh I was thinking about a functional king not a titled one :D
Of course the pheasants have been revolting a bit lately, but off with their heads.

I truly believe you are confusing Dick with GW...Dick likes to hunt
"Pheasants" albeit his friends get in the way!;)
absolutely as a mattrer of fact the pill is now ok and so are rubbers for Catholics.

:shock: Damn...since I have been a non-practicing Catholic for many years now...I can use "rubbers"...maybe I will start practicing my faith was hell sloshing through puddles on rainy days without them...:p
And you can point to the pronouncement that all governments must follow the Pope's decrees? You can point to the "theocratic" order in the religion? You are spinning again.

The Pope decrees to 'the faithful' now, since the notion of kings fell and the nation-state took its place.

It is unlikely that a pope would ever decree to all governments, giving that many aren't Catholic.

Is a theocracy that has been usurped by reason, opposing religious beliefs and the nation-state still not a theocracy.
It is not. Especially when they realize that they have no power, even over "catholic" governments like Poland, and thus speak to the "faithful" rather than order governments around. The Vatican is the only Christian "Theocracy" around today, and I'll bet even the faithful there wear a condom or two.
He should know better than to get in Shooters way, how dare he stand in Cheney's line of fire ! Serves him right, but then he did apologize to Cheney.