Glenn Beck asks America's first Muslim Congressmen to prove he's not the Enemy

:shock: Damn...since I have been a non-practicing Catholic for many years now...I can use "rubbers"...maybe I will start practicing my faith was hell sloshing through puddles on rainy days without them...:p

Must be some darn deep puddles if your rubbers becomes an issue.
It is not. Especially when they realize that they have no power, even over "catholic" governments like Poland, and thus speak to the "faithful" rather than order governments around. The Vatican is the only Christian "Theocracy" around today, and I'll bet even the faithful there wear a condom or two.

What about the Republican party ? they appear to be a Christian theocracy, if they can't even run for president without making a stand on ID and such....
What about the Republican party ? they appear to be a Christian theocracy, if they can't even run for president without making a stand on ID and such....
What about them? They make a play for their support but almost never pass anything about it. And even then they work within the secular government to get laws passed that either do, or do not, continue as "constitutional".

The only theocracies that I know of currently are in the ME, and in muslim nations. The church isn't running things here, it is emotive spin to attempt to make people believe that it is. It wasn't even back when there were trials about evolution going on... Oh wait, that was like a year ago... *sigh*.
What about them? They lost, ergo, not a theocracy. Silly attempt by bureaucrats with little understanding of science does not a theocracy make.

right Damo, not yet anyway. They will keep trying and with the help of the rest of the follow along republicans they might one day make it.