Global fry-up.

Mongolia: A toxic warning to the world

All over the world cities are grappling with apocalyptic air pollution but the small capital of Mongolia is suffering from some of the worst in the world.

And the problem is intrinsically linked to climate change.

The country has already warmed by 2.2 degrees, forcing thousands of people to abandon the countryside and the traditional herding lifestyle every year for the smog-choked city where 90% of children are breathing toxic air every day.

Population Reporter Stephanie Hegarty finds out why.
Don ! Where ya bin hiding ? The place hasn't been quite the same without your brain-dead, pseudo-patriotic racist horseshit. Welcome back !

The moron team is almost back to full strength .
Just look how red hot that map is!!!! I rest my case

Not one thing that's ever been predicted by climate alarmists or hysterical news media has ever come true. Here is a vivid example of just that, up yours McSquawker!

California 'Permanent Drought' Update

The LA Times, which has an open policy of censoring people who tell the truth about climate, reports on the record snow in California.


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For almost three weeks, heavy rain and flash floods have battered most of Iran's 31 provinces.

Flooding Displaces Tens of Thousands in Iran. And More Rain is Forecast.


Heavy rain began in mid-March in the northeastern province of Golestan, which received 70 percent of its average annual rainfall in one day. The flooding has steadily spread across the nation, inundating communities in at least 26 of Iran’s 31 provinces.

“Iran is under water,” said Sayed Hashem, regional director of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. “The scale of this crisis means that more help is needed.”
As White House questions climate change, U.S. military is planning for it

In February, the White House devised a plan to challenge the scientific consensus that the burning of fossil fuels is a main driver of climate change and poses increasingly serious economic and health threats to the United States and the world.

The effort has been championed by William Happer, an NSC senior director. An emeritus professor of physics at Princeton University, Happer once headed an advocacy group that touted carbon dioxide as an asset rather than a pollutant.

I figured it was time that this thread had some light humor.
'Decades of denial': major report finds New Zealand's environment is in serious trouble

Nation known for its natural beauty is under pressure with extinctions, polluted rivers and blighted lakes

A report on the state of New Zealand’s environment has painted a bleak picture of catastrophic biodiversity loss, polluted waterways and the destructive rise of the dairy industry and urban sprawl.

Environment Aotearoa is the first major environmental report in four years, and was compiled using data from Statistics New Zealand and the environment ministry.

It presents a sobering summary of a country that is starkly different from the pristine landscape promoted in the “Pure New Zealand” marketing campaign that lures millions of tourists every year.

It found New Zealand is now considered one of the most invaded countries in the world, with 75 animal and plant species having gone extinct since human settlement. The once-vibrant bird life has fared particularly badly, with 90% of seabirds and 80% of shorebirds threatened with or at risk of extinction.

‘Their birthright is being lost’: New Zealanders fret over polluted rivers
Read more
Almost two-thirds of New Zealand’s rare ecosystems are under threat of collapse, and over the last 15 years the extinction risk worsened for 86 species, compared with the conservation status of just 26 species improving in the past 10 years.

New Zealand ? That's a long way away, ain't it ?
Climate change: Sir David Attenborough warns of 'catastrophe'

Sir David Attenborough has issued his strongest statement yet on the threat posed to the world by climate change.

Sir David says we face "irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies".

But there is still hope, he says, if dramatic action to limit the effects is taken over the next decade.

There will be irreversible damage to the world's maggots- of that you can be assured.
One of Alaska’s warmest springs on record is causing a dangerous thaw


UTQIAGVIK, Alaska — Bryan Thomas doesn’t want any more “wishy-washy conversations about climate change.”

For four years, he has served as station chief of the Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory, America’s northernmost scientific outpost in its fastest-warming state. Each morning, after digging through snow to his office’s front door, Thomas checks the preliminary number on the observatory’s carbon dioxide monitor. On a recent Thursday it was almost 420 parts per million — nearly twice as high as the global preindustrial average.

It’s just one number, he said. But there’s no question in his mind about what it means.

Alaska is in the midst of one of the warmest springs the state has ever experienced — a transformation that has disrupted livelihoods and cost lives. The average temperature for March recorded at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) observatory in Utqiagvik (which was known as Barrow before 2016, when the city voted to go by its traditional Inupiaq name) was 18.6 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.]

maggot will save us.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.
That's what I love about our amazing Earth; it's so fucking resilient.

Now go water your goats, you fucking menace.
This is the usual sophistry that sadly we have come to expect from the BBC. This year is one of latest dates for Easter so it is just bullshit trying to say it's the hottest Easter on record.

OK, this nonsense might be alright for the Guinness Book of Records, but the BBC know full well it is meaningless, as this Easter is one of the latest on record, with many Easters occurring in March. At no stage is this pointed out in any of the reports, which are written deliberately to foster belief in global warming.

To put this Easter into perspective, the highest temperature recorded over the weekend was 77.9F at Gosport on Saturday. It was also the hottest day of the month. However this was way below the temperature set at Camden on Easter Saturday in 1949 of 85F, which is also the highest April temperature on record in the UK. Not only that, but the weather in April 1893 was every bit as remarkable as in 1949
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Not one prediction by climate alarmists has ever come true, not one!

View attachment 9574 the

Not one prediction by climate alarmists has ever come true, not one!

View attachment 9574 the

There's never been a prediction of extinction before, maggot.

Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg has said that climate change is an "existential crisis" and has urged politicians to "listen to the scientists".

Her future, her world. You're last year's leaf, a-blowin in the wind.
There isn't much to discuss. The warming trend won't be reversed. Climate change is inevitable. If mass extinctions are on the way no matter how severe it gets, earth will survive and life will return. If humans go extinct and surface temperature reaches 140F worldwide, life will survive, with or without humans. Same with a global nuclear war. 99% of all life dies but in 10,000 years the world is back to normal.
We conservatives support man made global warming because leftists say their voters will be hardest hit. Dead democrat and Trans Righty voters living in blue states is not a bad thing
UN chief forecasts 'total disaster' if global warming not stopped

World must change in 'transformative' ways to prevent climate change prompting 'total disaster', Antonio Guterres says.


The United Nations secretary-general said the world must dramatically change the way it fuels factories, vehicles and homes to limit future warming to a level scientists call nearly impossible.

The alternative "would mean a catastrophic situation for the whole world", Antonio Guterres told The Associated Press news agency in an exclusive interview.

Guterres said he was about to tour Pacific islands to see how climate change was devastating them as part of his renewed push to fight it.

Get the message. Act.
Climate change: England flood planners 'must prepare for worst'


England’s flood planners must prepare for the worst on climate change, the Environment Agency has warned.

Its chairwoman, Emma Howard Boyd, said on current trends, global temperature could rise between 2C and 4C by 2100 and £1bn a year would need to be spent on flood management.

She said some communities may even need to move because of the risk of floods.

The government said it would be seeking evidence for its own flood policy in the autumn.

Rising seas will swamp homes, report says
Flooding boss urges debate on abandoning at-risk homes
Hundreds of key sites in England at risk of floods

Good news for the Maggot Water-Wing Company. Are you surveying any good real estate around the doomed habitations, maggot ? Money to be made there, old boy. Haw, haw..........haw.