Global fry-up.

Nothing to be alarmed about. maggot has proof that were were hottest years previously.

Haw, haw..........haw.

Well yes I have, the UAH satellite records clearly shows that 1998, another record El Nino year like 2016, was pretty much the same as 1998. In fact we are only talking a few hundreds of a degree, which is well outside the margin of error anyway. Euan Mearns has done an excellent analysis on surface versus satellite temperature measurement.

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maggot has convinced himself that were hotter years than the hottest years. He also believes that YOU are stupid enough to agree.

When the death tolls start to rise alarmingly people will begin to hunt down deniers like maggot.
maggot has convinced himself that were hotter years than the hottest years. He also believes that YOU are stupid enough to agree.

When the death tolls start to rise alarmingly people will begin to hunt down deniers like maggot.

You're an hysterical little fellow, full of piss and wind.
It ain't denier-piss, maggot. Does your collar tighten as you see yourself as an impending target ?

Do you really think that climate- affected folk are going to let you continue to roll in the profits of your filth and smoke ?
Thousands of UK students skip school for climate change

Nationwide protests take place in multiple UK cities, with schoolchildren demanding urgent action on climate change.

'We are scared'
According to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world has 12 years left to bring global warming under control before the damage is irreversible.

You've got every reason to be scared, boys and girls. The maggot-people don't believe in tomorrow- because they won't be in it.
UK basks in warmest February day on record


The UK is experiencing its warmest February day on record, with the Met Office reporting a temperature of 20.3C (68.54F) at Trawsgoed, Ceredigion.

It is the first time a temperature of over 20C has been recorded in winter.

It breaks the UK's record for February, when the temperature reached 19.7C

"Yes "- says maggot- " but there have been record winter temperatures before "

Haw, haw, haw, haw..............haw.

I dare say that there will be a bounty on maggot and his Moron Deniers as things get worse. I'll chip in plenty.
UK breaks winter temperature record again


The UK has broken the record for its warmest winter day again, as the Met Office confirmed a temperature of 20.8C (69.4F) in west Wales.

It means that parts of Britain have been hotter than holiday destinations such as Ibiza.

C'mon, Supermaggot- cool it down with your special powers denier-piss.
February temperature jump was incredible, says climate expert

Meteorologists look at extent to which unseasonably warm weather is due to carbon emissions

This week’s record winter heat in the UK was so far above normal trends that scientists have been forced to reconsider their statistical models, with one expert calling the temperature jump “incredible”.

UK temperature records have tumbled in the past 10 days. Last Thursday, Scotland experienced its highest winter warmth of 18.3C in Aboyne, in Aberdeenshire. On Tuesday, Wales set a new UK high for the season for 20.8 in Porthmadog. This was beaten on Wednesday, when Kew registered 21.2C.

Even taking into account the underlying 1C of global heating from carbon emissions this was a surprise to some scientists. Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, a climate researcher at Royal Netherlands Meteorolgical Institute who has conducted a preliminary study of the trend data from Reading and central England, said the probability of this week’s temperatures was close to zero.

“This is an incredible jump in record temperatures. If you asked me a few months ago, I would have said it is ridiculous,” he said. “It’s at least a one-in 200-year event, but it could be more because my statistical tools break down because this was so far outside what we are used to in February.”

maggot- when was last UK February temperature of 21.2 degrees ? Look it up in your Big Book of maggot Denials
The problem is those high temperatures are weather as opposed to climate. Yes, the unprecedented temperatures show that the weather extremes that climate scientists predicted are coming true. However, 2018 was the 4th highest of all time. The top 10 have all come in the last 17 years.

Yes- an isolated incident of extreme heat at one location is ' weather '. Extreme conditions at many locations indicate something else.
Australia experiences hottest summer on record

Australia bushfires: Homes destroyed in Victoria
Hundreds of firefighters are battling fires in Victoria, Australia.

Multiple lightning strikes on Friday started the largest fire in Bunyip State Park, east of Melbourne.

The country's meteorology bureau said plumes of smoke have risen up to 15km into the atmosphere.

I guess a 15 km -high smoke plume would wipe out a lifetime's careful environmental management in my town. The Iraq war probably fucked up the climate for half the country.

And you thought it was happening someplace else.
At least 23 dead in Alabama after tornadoes ravage the Southeast causing ‘catastrophic’ damages

At least 23 people were killed, including children, in America’s deadliest tornado outbreak in six years after twisters tore through Alabama, Georgia and Florida, Lee County Sheriff Jay Jones said. The two tornadoes that touched down in Lee County on Sunday wrought a trail of “catastrophic” damage, leaving an untold number of people without homes and in shelters and countless others mourning their loved ones.

Leigh Krehling, a public information officer for Opelika, Ala., the county seat, told The Washington Post on Sunday that while the county had experienced tornadoes before, she didn’t believe they’d ever seen anything like this.

“Our folks are suffering here in the county,” she said

' Never seen anything like this '. OK- not a scientific evaluation of these tornado events as most of these other records are- but a first-hand evaluation by somebody who survived this one.
Native Americans- they're the indigenous folk almost totally ethnically-cleansed by European invaders- had their own take on tornadoes- and I'd bet that the spiritual aspect of these storms certainly came to the minds of those hunkering down in this one. It's funny how such things become important in folk's ' last moments ' isn't it.

How did pre-colonization, Midwest, Native Americans deal with tornados?

There is the account of Iseeo, a Kiowa informant to the anthropologist James Mooney. The Kiowa called tornadoes Mánkayía. Mánkayía was a great medicine horse, or a horse-like spirit.

Here is an excerpt from Iseeo's account. Iseeo was a member of a war party returning from a raid against the Utes, when they encountered a tornado near the Washita River in Oklahoma.

Suddenly, the leader of the party shouted for the men to dismount and prepare for a hard rain. Soon, too, with the approaching cloud, lseeo recalled hearing a -roar that sounded like buffalo in the rutting season. Sloping down from the cloud a sleeve appeared, its center red; from this lightning shot out. The tremendous funnel tore through the timber bordering the Washita. heaving trees into the air.

Some of the young men wanted to run away, but the older, more experienced Kiowas knew what must be done. They called for everyone to try hard and brace themselves. The elders drew their pipes from saddlebags and lit them. They raised their pipes to the storm spirit, entreating it to smoke, and to go around them. The cloud heard their prayers, lseeo explained, and passed by.

This group, at least, tried to make peace with Mánkayía so that they could escape unharmed.

While some Native people embrace the standard scientific model of tornadoes, and many understand them from Christian points of view, there are also people who entertain or embrace ancestral points of view in which some people have power to do things in the world and that a tornado is a phenomenon eligible for human manipulation."

Those who do "engage with such ancestral perspectives," Jason says, "often regret their diminishment in the contemporary era."

He adds: "In reporting this to you, I do not wish to engage in the exoticization of Native cultures or Native peoples. My point is simply to reaffirm the fact that Americans have a diversity of perspectives on the world and that Native perspectives are still too-rarely acknowledged to even exist, let alone to be understood meaningfully and seriously."

"Those who do "engage with such ancestral perspectives," Jason says, "often regret their diminishment in the contemporary era."

Aye to that.
Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal

Extreme temperatures destroy kelp, seagrass and corals – with alarming impacts for humanity

The number of heatwaves affecting the planet’s oceans has increased sharply, scientists have revealed, killing swathes of sea-life like “wildfires that take out huge areas of forest”.

The damage caused in these hotspots is also harmful for humanity, which relies on the oceans for oxygen, food, storm protection and the removal of climate-warming carbon dioxide the atmosphere, they say.

Global warming is gradually increasing the average temperature of the oceans, but the new research is the first systematic global analysis of ocean heatwaves, when temperatures reach extremes for five days or more.

Eat up- because there isn't any evidence to the contrary.
"Patrick Moore, the co-founder of the environmentalist group Greenpeace, ripped into New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the weekend as a “pompous little twit,” saying the Green New Deal plan she’s advocating is “completely crazy.”

In a series of tweets, Moore argued Ocasio-Cortez, who has called for drastically reducing fossil fuel production, doesn’t realize what would happen across the world if the radical plan were implemented.


“If fossil fuels were banned every tree in the world would be cut down for fuel for cooking and heating," Moore said in a tweet Saturday directed at Ocasio-Cortez. “You would bring about mass death.”
Waning winters

In the Netherlands, an iconic skating race — and a way of life — faces extinction from climate change


Skating race today- human race tomorrow.