Global fry-up.

I'm hearing over seventy dead and a thousand missing. Will the incineration of over a thousand Americans cause people to despise climate-deniers ?

If not- we're all fucked.

What do you call somebody that would use a tragedy like that, which was totally preventable, to further their climate alarmist agenda? Total bastard springs to mind!
Snow chaos: 6,000 flights grounded or delayed as Thanksgiving storm rages on (VIDEOS)


Weather records were broken in multiple locations. Rockford, Illinois, received almost a foot of snowfall in what was the biggest one-day November snowstorm to ever hit the area. In Kansas City, Missouri, 5.3 inches of snow fell, breaking a 1923 record.


MORE weather records broken ?

Yeah-- but if it's COLDER then there can't be any global warming- right ?

HAW, HAW, HAW, HAW...................HAW.
MORE weather records broken ?

Yeah-- but if it's COLDER then there can't be any global warming- right ?

HAW, HAW, HAW, HAW...................HAW.

Wasn't so long ago we were being told that snow would be confined to the history books and winter would be warmer and wetter. Now since that hasn't transpired, the same charlatans that said that are now telling us that global warming causes colder winters. You really cannot make that up!!
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Wasn't so long ago we were being told that snow would be confined to the history books and winter would be warmer and wetter. Now since that hasn't transpired, the same charlatans that said that are now telling us that global warming causes colder winters. You really cannot make that up!!

Don't fret, maggot- it isn't happening. You and your debunked sources of frenetic deniers are right......and overwhelming numbers of the most respected climate authorities are wrong.

We understand that, scab. Now what flavor sedative would you like in the morning ? Haw, haw.........haw.
Don't fret, maggot- it isn't happening. You and your debunked sources of frenetic deniers are right......and overwhelming numbers of the most respected climate authorities are wrong.

We understand that, scab. Now what flavor sedative would you like in the morning ? Haw, haw.........haw.

It's plainly obvious to me, and just about anybody scientifically literate, that you know fuck all about science. Ok, let's see what exactly you do know, can you name some of these most respected climate authorities? I am guessing you can't, amirite?
It's plainly obvious to me, and just about anybody scientifically literate, that you know fuck all about science. Ok, let's see what exactly you do know, can you name some of these most respected climate authorities? I am guessing you can't, amirite?

Let's see now- Jerry Brown- Governor of California, Lennox Island's Mi’kmaq people, any Koawanyama aboriginal, Peter Schmidt of Alawoona station, any Banks Island resident, Melchior Mataki who chairs the Solomon Islands’ National Disaster Council- the list is waaaaay too long for your chronically-limited deniers ' intelligence ', maggot.

You just keep on a-posting your spurious cut-and-pastes and stay out of the way of serious climatologists- particularly those whose lives have been adversely affected by climate assholes such as yourself.
Let's see now- Jerry Brown- Governor of California, Lennox Island's Mi’kmaq people, any Koawanyama aboriginal, Peter Schmidt of Alawoona station, any Banks Island resident, Melchior Mataki who chairs the Solomon Islands’ National Disaster Council- the list is waaaaay too long for your chronically-limited deniers ' intelligence ', maggot.

You just keep on a-posting your spurious cut-and-pastes and stay out of the way of serious climatologists- particularly those whose lives have been adversely affected by climate assholes such as yourself.

So which among them are climate scientists, or even scientists come to that? Seeing as you're mentioning Australia, did you know that Sydney Harbour sea level has risen less than a millimetre since 1886?

Oh and any mention of Gerry Brown immediately confirms that your anointed title of Moonbat is well deserved.
So which among them are climate scientists, or even scientists come to that? Seeing as you're mentioning Australia, did you know that Sydney Harbour sea level has risen less than a millimetre since 1886?

Oh and any mention of Gerry Brown immediately confirms that your anointed title of Moonbat is well deserved.

Whereas you rely on the level of 'Daily Mall' expertise, maggot- the real experts are those whose environments the likes of you have already fucked over.
Is it a bit smoky in here today ?

Climate change: CO2 emissions rising for first time in four years


Global efforts to tackle climate change are way off track says the UN, as it details the first rise in CO2 emissions in four years.

The emissions gap report says that economic growth is responsible for a rise in 2017 while national efforts to cut carbon have faltered.

To meet the goals of the Paris climate pact, the study says it's crucial that global emissions peak by 2020.

But the analysis says that this is now not likely even by 2030.
Whereas you rely on the level of 'Daily Mall' expertise, maggot- the real experts are those whose environments the likes of you have already fucked over.

I would lay far more store in the veracity of the Daily Mail compared to the RT, your favourite organ.
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