Global fry-up.

Canberra , maggot ? Is Canberra threatened by sea-level rises ? Haw, haw.........haw.

The global average rate of sea-level change, as measured by the world's best long-term coastal tide gauges, is just under +1.5 mm/yr (about 6 inches per century), and it is not accelerating.
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You're a clown maggot- no sense and no authority.

11 Islands That Will Vanish When Sea Levels Rise

14 islands threatened by climate change

Rising sea levels could make thousands of islands from the Maldives to Hawaii 'uninhabitable within decades'

Damage to infrastructure and contamination of fresh water will mean people can no longer live in low-lying coral atolls
C'mon SuperMaggot- point out all the calculation mistakes made by your very own meteorological office.

A good rule of thumb; anything that is climate related emanating from the BBC or Guardian is mostly alarmist bullshit. I used to have email conversations with the BBC's erstwhile climate guru Richard Black, he was an alarmist but at least had a technical background. The new lot like Roger Harrabin and Matt McGrath are just journeymen pumping out the latest BBC propaganda. you
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12 killed in Sicily as death toll in Italy floods mounts

Devastating storms have destroyed 100,000 hectares of pine forest as number of people killed in flooding crosses 30.

High alert
Six Italian regions remain on high alert after violent winds and strong rain killed at least 20 other people this week.

Luca Zaia, the governor of Veneto who flew over the region with Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, said the storms have destroyed 100,000 hectares of pine forest.

"It's like after an earthquake," he said. "Thousands of hectares of forest were razed to the ground, as if by a giant electric saw."

I've seen wide tracts of 3-feet diameter trees snapped six inches from the ground by wind force. 100,000 hectares destroyed is much more than scary.

You're a climate moron, maggot. Fuck off and kick a refugee.
California wildfires rage, north and south, killing at least nine and putting tens of thousands at risk

The fires have thus far proved to be unstoppable, operating at flash-flood velocity. The big wildfire here in Southern California, known as the Woolsey Fire, quadrupled in size Friday, covering more than 22 square miles, with no containment. It easily jumped eight-lane Highway 101 and rambled over the Santa Monica Mountains to posh Malibu, where it torched homes and cars. The wildfire then finally ran into its only match so far: the Pacific Ocean.

Paradise was anything but, with block after block of destruction, downed power lines, charred cars in the middle of roads, utility poles still smoldering and spot fires around the town, though there wasn’t much vegetation left to burn. Random buildings still stand in the town of 27,000, but for every edifice that survived, dozens that did not.

The California fire season normally begins in late spring and lasts through summer. But hot, dry weather has persisted this year well into autumn, and the winter rains have yet to arrive. The Santa Ana winds, which blow out of the Sierra Nevadas and toward the western coastline, are building into howling gales that dry the vegetation and the soil, creating potentially explosive fire conditions.


Why are the winds so hot and strong ? Why is the ground so dry ? Let's ask SuperMaggot. He's putting on his cape right now.
Extract from ' The Nation' ;

The Fire This Time

California’s Camp Fire is a reckoning, an alarm shrieking that our leaders won’t save us from climate change—but perhaps we can.


No one is boasting, but new records are broken every year. Sixteen of the largest fires in California history have occurred over the last 19 years, two of them since last December. Scientists tend to be cautious about linking individual disasters to human-induced changes to the climate, but this year, with wildfires breaking out north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden—and in Norway, Finland, and Russia—few are hesitant to make the link. The evidence is piling up. One 2016 study found that, since 1984, anthropogenic climate change has doubled the area over which forest fires roam and burn in the West. Another study, published last year, found that “human influences” had quintupled the risk of extreme aridity in the West, increasing the probability of catastrophic wildfires. And still another predicted that the acreage burned by wildfires in Southern California alone could jump by more 60 percent by mid-century. As bad as things are, they will get worse.

I'm hearing over seventy dead and a thousand missing. Will the incineration of over a thousand Americans cause people to despise climate-deniers ?

If not- we're all fucked.
Climate-heating greenhouse gases at record levels, says UN

Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are far above pre-industrial levels

The main greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change have all reached record levels, the UN’s meteorology experts have reported.

Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are now far above pre-industrial levels, with no sign of a reversal of the upward trend, a World Meteorological Organization report says.

“The last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was 3-5m years ago, when the temperature was 2-3C warmer and sea level was 10-20 metres higher than now,” said the WMO secretary general, Petteri Taalas.

“The science is clear. Without rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gases, climate change will have increasingly destructive and irreversible impacts on life on Earth. The window of opportunity for action is almost closed.”

It's OK- the window is still open. Keep on smokin' .
Cliff Mass is somebody who knows what he is talking about, unlike an ocean going bullshitter like you.

Clifford "Cliff" Mass is a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington. His research focuses on numerical weather modeling and prediction, the role of topography in the evolution of weather systems, and on the weather of the Pacific Northwest. He is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society and the President of the Puget Sound chapter.

His book The Weather of the Pacific Northwest is one of the best-selling titles from the University of Washington Press. He maintains a popular weather blog, hosts a weekly public radio show, and gives frequent public lectures on topics ranging from Washington State weather history to the impact of climate change on global and regional weather patterns.