Global fry-up.

Moron. Temperature increase means warmer seas. Warmer seas means more energy for hurricanes. Irresponsible human activity raises temperate. The evidence abounds. You're just another moron in denial.
Just a bunch of peasants, eh maggot. Happens every year, right ?


You're just an old capitalist criminal living off pensions squeezed from working folks' pay-packets.

Do you know the difference between weather and climate? Ask Thingy, he's an expert!
You're fucked, you old capitalist fraud. You spout this denial bollox because you're anonymous. Get up at any public meeting and the climate victims will tear you apart.
You're fucked, you old capitalist fraud. You spout this denial bollox because you're anonymous. Get up at any public meeting and the climate victims will tear you apart.

More emotion laden bullshit, I doubt you've ever attended a science lesson in your life.
Moron. Temperature increase means warmer seas. Warmer seas means more energy for hurricanes. Irresponsible human activity raises temperate. The evidence abounds. You're just another moron in denial.
Storm Callum: Flood defences fail and homes without power


Storm Callum is the third named storm this year after Storm Ali and Storm Bronagh last month

Getting closer, maggot.
It comes as no surprise that you're a pimp for nuclear, maggot- even after your SMR technology has been rubbished as an environmental aid.
You like political action, you've already proven that. You can remove yourself from this discussion now.

" Discussion " ? Is that what you call moronic theoretical objections to the realities of threatened civilisations, ruined economies, millions on the march, hundreds of thousands of deaths and planetary extinction by corporate design ?