Global fry-up.

Ah- you've been plagiarizing some parasitic glossy editorial, maggot. And there's me thinking you had an original thought.

Thanks for showing that you don't understand the concept of plagiarism. How about you attempt to refuse the observations made in the article?
Hurricane ' Michael ' the fiercest ever to strike Florida-
It isn't. It's the windiest to strike the Florida panhandle./B]
disastrous cyclonic storm ' Titli ' raging in Asia
Not unusual either.
it could become a full-time job pointing out these undeniable hallmarks of man-made global catastrophe to the dullards and environmental-denying parasites of JPP-
Neither the number or intensity of hurricanes has not increased. See the historical data at the National Hurricane Center.
so fuck it. They're all going to suffer anyway, some sooner than others but they're all going down. Us too, unfortunately- so stick it to 'em.
I would say it is YOU that doesn't care about these people. To YOU they are nothing but pawns to push your religion.
You're bleating on about natural climate changes as if everything is a result of humans adding 1 extra molecule of CO2 for every 10,000 molecules of air. How much climate change is not the result of CO2? Can you answer that?

It goes further than that. How do you even define 'climate change'? What quantity is changing? From when to when? The word 'climate' itself is usually defined something similar to 'weather over a long time'. How do even define a global weather??

CO2 has no capability at all to warm the Earth using surface IR. No gas or vapor does. The entire 'greenhouse gas' argument is based on ignoring, denying, or even attempting to change the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
"A landmark report from the United Nations' scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought..." — New York Times

"The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say" — Washington Post

"Climate Report Warns Of Extreme Weather, Displacement Of Millions Without Action" — NPR

The UN just sounded the alarm: we will face devastating climate impacts as soon as 2040. Election day is 26 days away — this may be our last our chance to elect leaders that will turn things around.

You can help reach hundreds of thousands of voters in the states that could reclaim an environmental majority in Congress. Triple your impact: Donate today.


Science is not a 'panel', not even one from the UN. Predicting doom and gloom is all the Church of Global Warming does. It manufactures 'data' to prove it's religion (even though data can't prove anything). The Church of Green doesn't need a majority in Congress. State Religions are illegal in the federal government.
And they will, many will see it kick in during their own lifetimes. And the fossil fuel industry knew by the 1980s.

We don't burn fossils for fuel.Fossils don't burn. There is no industry making fossil fuels.

Children are harmed by the socialism you are preaching. So is the environment.
The latest off the scale alarmist report from the IPCC wants $2.4 trillion, yes trillion, to be spent each year till 2050. This is just truly beyond insanity, so where is that going to come from? The latest bullshit about hurricane Michael is received with rapturous joy by climate alarmists, will the sheeple ever wake up to how they are being played?
It bubbled up and crossed Cuba I think, but then it was all straight up Gulf water in the mid 80's F. temp.
It got tighter and bigger before it hit land because it was a warm water Gulf Hurricane
Thanks for showing that you don't understand the concept of plagiarism. How about you attempt to refuse the observations made in the article?

Make your own observations , you cowardly scab- and quit offering the opinions of your corporate parasite string-pullers.



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This isn't a ' disaster photo ' competition , you fucking Brit idiot. It's world-wide condemnation of climatic disruption - the causes of which maggots such as yourself cheer-lead for profit.
This isn't a ' disaster photo ' competition , you fucking Brit idiot. It's world-wide condemnation of climatic disruption - the causes of which maggots such as yourself cheer-lead for profit.

You started it sonny, that hurricanes have always caused devastation is not news, except maybe to hacktivists like you. You can spout your emotional crap all day, nothing new there, but it doesn't change the facts. Go find a safe space to hug some kittens and play your banjo. Margarita will be round later to thank you. There are no new facts in the latest IPCC statement for policymakers, it is purely political propanganda for the most part, using the usual scare the horses tactics beloved by the Left.
The irrefutable evidence of climatic disruption slaps you upside the head every week, maggot. Trucking out articles by your profiteering nay-sayers cannot obscure what EVERYBODY can see is happening around them- from sea-level rises through to huge, unseasonal storms and everything in-between. You are bellowing triumphalist horseshit from your corner with a three-legged stool and your towel-man has fucked off. You should follow him.
The irrefutable evidence of climatic disruption slaps you upside the head every week, maggot. Trucking out articles by your profiteering nay-sayers cannot obscure what EVERYBODY can see is happening around them- from sea-level rises through to huge, unseasonal storms and everything in-between. You are bellowing triumphalist horseshit from your corner with a three-legged stool and your towel-man has fucked off. You should follow him.

Emotional bullshit unsupported by any real evidence, asides from the anecdotal and hopelessly erroneous ptexictiobs from climate models. So how much will you be contributing to the $2.2 trillion per year? Fuck all would be my estimation!

Even your precious UN, in the form of the IPCC, says there is little evidence for the influence of man on hurricanes and cyclones. Don't you always take what they say as gospel?

Scientists, activists, and journalists, Sutter included, blared the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) warning of a planetary disaster unless fossil fuels are immediately replaced with green energy.

However, claims that hurricanes are no longer “natural” disasters do not line up with the IPCC’s latest report.

The IPCC’s report echoed what the international body found in its 2013 report, called AR5 — there’s little to no evidence global warming is making hurricanes more extreme or intense.

“Numerous studies towards and beyond AR5 have reported a decreasing trend in the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy,” the IPCC’s latest report found.

While other studies have found increasing trends in some basins and claimed to link them to global warming, the IPCC noted that “uch contradictions” and the lack of long-term data in many areas “implies that there is only low confidence regarding changes in global tropical cyclone numbers under global warming over the last four decades.”

The IPCC noted there’s “consequently low confidence in the larger number of studies reporting increasing trends in the global number of very intense cyclones.”

Indeed, the IPCC’s findings echo those of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that it’s “premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming – have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity.”
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Moron. Temperature increase means warmer seas. Warmer seas means more energy for hurricanes. Irresponsible human activity raises temperate. The evidence abounds. You're just another moron in denial.
Nigeria floods ruin crops for 100,000 farmers

The disaster, which happened three weeks ago, may cause a shortage of rice, the country's staple food.


Just a bunch of peasants, eh maggot. Happens every year, right ?

Emotional bullshit unsupported by any real evidence,

You're just an old capitalist criminal living off pensions squeezed from working folks' pay-packets.
Moron. Temperature increase means warmer seas. Warmer seas means more energy for hurricanes. Irresponsible human activity raises temperate. The evidence abounds. You're just another moron in denial.

More emotional bollox, dodn't you think that the IPCC and NOAA might know more than a ranting snowflake like you?