Global fry-up.

'Fiercest in this area' is what is universally agreed. Must be weird to live in Havana Moon's world - like denying you've got feet, or need to shit.
Where did I say I wanted "expert opinions only"?

Give me a break, dude. You wrote:

You always pawn yourself off as some sort of "expert" on climate, but you post the same links and have no thoughts of your own,...

I mean, fucking read it! You assert he's no expert and criticize linking to science. LOL
Give me a break, dude. You wrote:

You always pawn yourself off as some sort of "expert" on climate, but you post the same links and have no thoughts of your own,...

I mean, fucking read it! You assert he's no expert and criticize linking to science. LOL

I have lost count of the times some arsehole like Thingy have said there is a difference between weather and climate. I have previous little respect for him these days, to be honest.
Give me a break, dude. You wrote:

You always pawn yourself off as some sort of "expert" on climate, but you post the same links and have no thoughts of your own,...

I mean, fucking read it! You assert he's no expert and criticize linking to science. LOL

Because that's ALL he does.

Your characterization was without merit.
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Surely, global warming and severe rain-storms/floods aren't connected ....................are they ?

You're bleating on about natural climate changes as if everything is a result of humans adding 1 extra molecule of CO2 for every 10,000 molecules of air. How much climate change is not the result of CO2? Can you answer that?
You're bleating on about natural climate changes as if everything is a result of humans adding 1 extra molecule of CO2 for every 10,000 molecules of air. How much climate change is not the result of CO2? Can you answer that?

Moontwat is a Marxist who wants to use climate change as an excuse to bring in full blooded socialism. Saul Alinsky would be very proud.
The British slang in this thread is getting entirely out of control.

Havana Moon: Pimpin' ain't easy.
Iolo: Dafuq?

Steady on, old boy- you'll damage transatlantic detente with the special-relationship cousins.
"A landmark report from the United Nations' scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought..." — New York Times

"The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say" — Washington Post

"Climate Report Warns Of Extreme Weather, Displacement Of Millions Without Action" — NPR

The UN just sounded the alarm: we will face devastating climate impacts as soon as 2040. Election day is 26 days away — this may be our last our chance to elect leaders that will turn things around.

You can help reach hundreds of thousands of voters in the states that could reclaim an environmental majority in Congress. Triple your impact: Donate today.

According to noted climatologist Donald J. Trump all this global warming is apparently a Chinese hoax.

One thing is for dead certain: Climate deniers would rather see harm come to their grandchildren and to the environment, than admit they were wrong to anonymous internet posters they will never meet.

And they will, many will see it kick in during their own lifetimes. And the fossil fuel industry knew by the 1980s.
Jebus is unloading beau coup smite on the Trmpanzee religious right yokels for their climate change denying
and Fox graven image first commandment violations. Wasn't it bad enough that you were committing adultery
with your trailer park neighbor's wife and dishonoring your parents? Now go and sin no more.
"A landmark report from the United Nations' scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought..." — New York Times

"The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say" — Washington Post

"Climate Report Warns Of Extreme Weather, Displacement Of Millions Without Action" — NPR

The UN just sounded the alarm: we will face devastating climate impacts as soon as 2040. Election day is 26 days away — this may be our last our chance to elect leaders that will turn things around.

You can help reach hundreds of thousands of voters in the states that could reclaim an environmental majority in Congress. Triple your impact: Donate today.


The corporate state political system may still be in public denial, but the Pentagon knows and the police have been militarized in preparation. Trial runs with private detention centers are being conducted with "illegals".